Posted by J-dub (Ca) on 03/02/2016
The Ocean is by far the best remedy we have used! We were using coconut oil which was working but slowly, then we went in the ocean and WOW......HUGE improvements! It is my daughter who has ring worm on her leg. It is a pretty big one too because we ignored it for about 3 months thinking it was just a dry skin condition. When we go to the ocean, she is too little to go in but we stand there and let the waves wet her leg as they come on shore. It doesn't take much, maybe her leg getting wet 10 times as she stands on the shore and the results are amazing! Luckily we live about 10 minutes from the beach. We don't have time to go every day but we have been going about every 3 days and putting coconut oil on it in between visits, but the ocean is definitely helping greatly. I cannot emphasize how much it helps. It's magic.
Swimming in the Ocean
Posted by Alex (Orange County) on 04/09/2015
I had a bout of ringworm on my leg a few years ago and after using straight tea tree oil, it seemed to get angry and infected. Coincidentally, I had a trip booked to Cancun and when I arrived, my lower leg was very swollen from the infection, including a good size sore that was also oozing pus. I used calamine lotion to deal with the itching in the meantime. Call it instinct, but I felt that spending as much time in the ocean would help heal and eliminate the problem. Not only was it enjoyable to be wading in warm, clear, salty water, but like magic, my leg started to heal. After a few days, it was completely gone. After 3 years, I developed another bout and I'm treating it with peroxide, iodine, oregano oil, and ACV. I initially used Tea tree oil and it got angry and red, (infection). It's been slow going but the combination of the above seems to be working. I sure wish I was in Cancun now! I may try the local beach if I can find the time.