Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Coloradopnutbutrcup (Aurora, Colorado, Usa) on 06/04/2013

Hi everyone, I found this site approx 4 weeks ago and I'd just learned from a co-worker the various benefits of ACV. The key however was buying a brand that had the "mother" in it as it's unfiltered. I had the chicken pox at age 20 and cystic acne took up residence on my face on and off for the last 20 years. It's hormonal plain and simple. After tons of otc products and optioning against accutane and spiralactone, finally at age 40, I can honestly say I found my cure and ACV works. After reading this site and copying the recipe routine posted by 05/12/2009: Sandra D from Greenwood, IN I began the ACV treatment on my cystic acne and began to see immediate results and now 4 weeks later I'm testifying (with tears in eyes) that it worked. The ACV balances internal PH, aids in digestion and gave my skin a healthy glow. Without let up, I drink 2 tbspns of ACV in 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning and either after lunch or before bed. I don't add honey as I don't mind the bitter taste. I wash my face in the morning with either CeraVe or Dove, and use a cotton swab with the ACV as a toner. Personally, I don't think the smell goes away much but after I put on my Mederma (for scars) and Palmer's Cocoa Butter Fade cream, then Aveeno moisturizer (LOL) I don't smell anything. I'm a flight attendant and facing customers with cystic acne plays on your self esteem big time. Well get this, 4 days ago I didn't wear any make up except lip gloss and got compliments from co-workers familiar with my skin ailments. Thank you all for sharing and thank you for this site. I've also started making a baking soda & water paste to exfoliate my face 2 - 3 times a week which absords oil, and make a mask of mango pulp, fresh lemon juice and water and leave on for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. My skin in smooth, 90% blemish free 95% acne free. I'm elated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deltagirl (Portsmouth, Usa) on 02/12/2012

have been struggling with Cystic Acne for a couple of years now-and nothing has been working. It has been horrible. A few weeks ago I had three start to form on my chin - I felt the painful tenderness that precludes cystic acne. At the same time I was starting to catch a cold, so began to take my regular "shot" routine of organic Apple Cider Vinegar to ward off the bug. I noticed about an hour or so later that the pain in my chin had subsided, so decided to google for any link with ACV and cystic acne and found this site.

Have started drinking ACV regularly since finding this site and so far it appears to be working! (fingers crossed! ). I am totally ecstatic and hope that it continues! I bought the store's supply of ACV! Lol.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Meli (Las Cruces, Nm) on 05/04/2011

I am so thrilled I came across this site. For cystic acne, I've used everything from antiobiotics, prescribed creams, even Accutane, which worked for a while but was hell to go through the treatment. I found this a few days ago & started using the ACV as a toner twice a day, and my skin immediately started showing improvement. I'm going to try adding ACV to a homemade body wash and face scrub too!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cassi2 (Houston, TX) on 05/26/2009

i have had adult cystic acne for years and have tried everything the doctors have thrown at me. Well I don't know if it was all the ACV or what. I have a drawer ful of prescription and over the counter topicals and also antibiotics that i've tried over the years along with birth control pills. of course none worked completely and all had their drawbacks or side effects. about a week ago i had the biggest, baddest, most painful cyst i've ever had on my chin. i usually get one at a time but not this time - another popped up just under my lip line and another on my jaw line. i was so embarassed and in so much pain. my face was swollen all over the place. so i gave up all my prescription stuff and decided to go all natural.
i started with the all natural organic ACV cocktail three times daily for three days with 2 teaspoons ACV mixed with local dark honey to sweeten to taste and about 8-10 ounces of water and a couple ice cubes. i also took straight acv and soaked a cotton ball in it and held it to each cyst for about 30 seconds to a minute. i did this for three days, twice a day. then i used a ACV toner of 50/50 pure water and ACV and wiped it on my face twice a day for three days. i also cut some fresh aloe vera and would wipe it all over my face at night after all the cleansing. i used my regular cleansers - either pevonia or origins. its taken a week but only the biggest chin cyst is still there a bit but all the redness is totally gone. my face did get a bit dry but i put it into shock mode i am sure - that's why i only did the shocking part for three days and then moved to a maintenance. the skin around the cysts dried up and flaked off and i did have a scab where i was stupid and HAD to pick because i was in so much pain. but there are no scars and no more redness at all. my face looks great already. i am now on a maintenance of the cocktail twice a day, and toner only in the evenings with the aloe as my night time moisturizer. i am using aveeno for a daily moisturizer/sun block which is supposed to help with redness and calm your skin.

i am also taking a good B complex vitamin as that is good for stress and also i take tumeric capsules as they are good for acne and cleansing from the inside also. i haven't changed my diet but that was my next step if this didn't work.

i do hope this helps someone else out there - i really was too uncomfortable and embarassed to even go out and had to pile on the makeup.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra D (Greenwood, IN) on 05/12/2009

Editor's Choice

I am a 43 yr old woman. About ten years ago I started suffering from terrible cystic acne. I am taking testosterone blocker and minocycline. Nothing worked. I also use Duac gel which is an antibiotic and peroxide. Still nothing worked. Tryed thousands of combinations of medications and home remedies. Yesterday I read this blog on apple cider vinegar....thought what the heck. I will try it. I took 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and dabbed some on the exsisting cysts. Then that evening did the same thing only using the cider as a toner.

Today my acne is almost completely clear. Why, I do not know. But be assurred this is no joke. My dermatologist is going to freak out. I am very active in the gym etc. Now I can go in and strut my stuff with confidence.

My regime is:


Wash face with Oil free cleanser
Use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab (smell will go away in a second)
Drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz glass of water
In afternoon, repeat drinking 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a glass of water)


Wash face with Oil free cleanser
use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab
Drink 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water

So for $3.49 I cured my acne or at laest kept it at bay I was spending

$99.00 month minocycline
$68 month aldactone
$70 month duac gel
$20-60 month on every over the counter thing I could find and thought would help

Happy in the Sun

Sandra D Grnwd, In

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Seattle, USA) on 04/10/2009

When I was a teenager, I had terrible cystic acne. No medications helped me, but eventually I "outgrew" it. Now that I am perimenopausal (age 51) I seem to be getting it again. In desperation, I tried birth control pills. It helped with the acne, but the side effects were miserable. I quit the Pill a month ago. Last week I could feel the beginnings of a deep pimple on my chin (it wasn't terribly visible yet, but I could certainly feel it). I applied ACV with a cotton swab for two days mornings and evenings. It's gone! Before, there'd been nothing to do but wait for a deep lesion to surface and evetually go away (a long, painful and unattractive process!) Never has anything worked as well or as quickly as the humble ACV!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Lady's Island, SC) on 09/04/2007

I have been suffering from cystic breakouts and chronic constipation most of my adult life. These issues seem to only have intensified with age. Mind you, I eat an organic, almost-vegetarian diet and am always sure to get my minimum fiber intake. Before ACV, I was lucky if I had a bowel movement every other day and always felt "backed up" and suffered from terrible gas! My face would suddenly erupt in cystic acne lesions that took weeks to heal. After spending literally thousands of dollars on products in an attempt to rid myself of both conditions, I am now able to throw out more than half of the things in my medicine cabinet. I take 2 tbs. ACV morning and night, straight-- I don't even mind the taste. I also apply it topically to my face every morn-- seems to brighten my complexion and tone my pores. If you have sensitive skin, you might want to consider dilluting it, as it is pretty strong. My skin has never been better and I am completely "regular" now-I only wish I had tried this sooner and imagine the years of suffering I could have saved myself. If something ails you, try it-- it certainly can't hurt!
