Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Asianmom (Austin, Tx) on 06/17/2011

Hello, my 16 years old son has really bad cystic acne. We spent so much money taking him to dermatologists and nothing except Acutane helped. Since he plays Tennis every day for 4 hours a day after school, after the first round of Acutane which worked wonderful on him, his cystic acne came back. His dermatologist would not want to put him on Acutane again because his exposure to the sun. So he is only taking an antibiotic right now and use Cetaphil as his cleanser. The antibiotic does not help. He is still breaking out like crazy. I tried the apple cider vinegar toner on him (twice a day) for a week now and I have not noticed any improvement. How long does it take to see the result? He would not want to take apple cider vinegar diluted with any thing. He tried one and spitted it out because he couldn't take the taste of it, even with fruit juice. Does anyone has any tip that can help him to combat his cyst acne problem? Thanks so much for all your help.
