Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

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Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin C
Posted by Christa (Huntsville, Tx) on 12/19/2011

Thank you to everyone who recommended the ACV or vitamin c to help with cystic acne. Here is my story. I've been suffering with bad cystic acne for the last 3-4 months and have spent much time trying to figure out what was causing it and how to fix it. I thought it was my Adderall causing it, but when I quit taking it, I was still breaking out, just at a slower rate. I finally based it down to hormonal changes caused by going off of birth control after having been on it for over 8 years, but adderall does seem to severly compound the problem, so for those with cystic acne that are taking that, it's something to think about. I graduated this December and didn't want to go to graduation with this horrible painful acne. I couldn't even get pictures done because of it. I found this site about a week before my graduation and started on a regimen of ACV and vitamin c to see if I could get the praiseworthy results so many have boasted on this site. I had little faith but it was worth a shot. Like many others have said, when you're desperate and you've tried everything else, you're willing to try just about anything that might have a chance of working. On the site, people seemed to recommend either the ACV or the vitamin c, so I decided to try the two together to see if I could get results fast! After just one night of using the ACV I woke up to better skin. The new huge cyst I had forming had been significantly reduced and the pain was gone, and my face as a whole looked better. My other scars, cysts and acne were reduced, less red, and my skin really did look brighter just as someone else on here had said. I was amazed. I have since continued on my regimen and now my face is almost completely clear. And it's only been a little over a week! Now that's what I call results!

I have been on face medication (spironolactone and bactrim) from my dermatologist for over 10 years for milder acne but it wouldn't phase this new cystic acne I've been dealing with. In fact, I could almost hear the acne laughing at it. No OTC face products worked on it either, which makes since because this type of acne is caused by something inside you, not by surface oils or hygiene related causes. I did talk to my doctor about the ACV and vitamin c working and she said it works because it is changing the pH of the body. This is because both the ACV and vitamin c are highly acidic. (In the vitamin c packet that I take, it is the high amt. of vitamin C, a. K. A. Ascorbic acid that makes it work). I thought I had discovered something natural I could use during pregnancy but my doc said no, even on the ACV. It's too potent. So much for that idea, but I can still use it until that time comes, and can still use it on my face when pregnant. She said you just can't drink it if pregnant.

I would recommend anybody with cystic acne to try this out. It has worked great for me. Also, a benefit to using both the ACV and vitamin c together is that the ACV is cheap which saves you from spending so much on the vitamin c, and the vitamin c tastes better, which saves you from having to drink so much of the ACV. To those of you having trouble downing the ACV, I feel you. I don't recommend diluting it with water as many others have. You guys must have mild mannered taste buds. I tried the water thing, and threw up. I have found that mixing it with Hawaiian Punch (most flavors work), or V8 Splash helps me get it down. They are strong flavored and have a sort of twang alredy which helps mask the ACVs twang. It is truely some gnarly stuff!

Here is my regimen:

Drink 1-2 tbs ACV morning and night

Drink 1 pkg or tablet of vitamin c in afternoon

Spot treat cysts with straight ACV holding on each one for at least 10 seconds

All over face with a 50/50 water dilution of ACV as a toner

You can also mix it up and do the vitamin c morning and night and drink the ACV in the afternoon. Just play with it. I would start out being aggressive with it and back off slowly until you get to a maintanence point.

Good luck and I hope this helps!!!
