Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

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Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Honey
Posted by Amber (North Carolina) on 05/28/2014

I suffered with cystic acne for 10 years before I found anything that worked. I tried everything short of oral medications and injections. Turns out what worked for me was in my kitchen cabinets the whole time.

The routine was based on my daily routine, it can be tweaked as needed. Everyone's skin responds differently to different things.

AM: Was face with equal parts apple cider vinegar and hot water. Liberally apply pure aloe.

PM: (Right before showering) Wash face with hot water and an organic oatmeal based facial soap, I use Grandma's Acne Bar. Mix equal parts honey and turmeric, I use a table spoon of each. Apply to face. Then I jump in the shower and let the steam do it's thing while I wash, washing my face last with hot water and a wash cloth. Pat face dry, rinse again with vinegar/water. Liberally apply aloe.

I always started both the am and pm treatments by laying a hot wet washcloth on my face for about 5 minutes. Don't know whether that makes a difference, though.

I seen a reduction in the size and soreness of bumps the first morning after I tried this, the redness persisted for a few weeks. I found that my skin was a little sensitive at the end of the first week just from the vinegar, only slightly though, nothing compared to the painful bumps. I pureed a cucumber and mixed it with a little green tea and left this on my face for about 20 minutes. Made a world of difference.

You may have to adjust the frequency of treatment depending on your skin's sensitivity to vinegar and the soap. Also, turmeric will stain clothes and skin. Supposedly the turmeric stain can be removed from your face with a mild toner but I never leave it on long enough to find out, usually just the 15 minutes or so that I'm in the shower. I would suggest starting the honey and turmeric on a weekend so the stain goes away if it happens. Everyone's skin will absorb the color at different speeds, so just be cautious at first.
