Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

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Posted by Kimberly (Rancho Cucamonga, California) on 12/28/2011

Hello, Yes a change in the body's ph balance will help cystic acne. I am a Licensed Esthetician. I must say that I am not a doctor and it is not in my scope to medically treat and so on... I learned about all of this through my son having a very severe and embarrassing skin ailment. We went to doctors and tried pills, creams, etc. The only thing that worked and it worked fast too was antioxidant alkaline water. We used the 2.5 ph water directly on his shin and he drank lots of the 9.5 water to cleanse and detoxify the acidic environment inside which was causing the exterior problem. It really works!
