5 Natural Remedies for PUPPP Rash in Pregnancy

Dandelion Root, Witch Hazel
Posted by Carla (Georgia) on 03/19/2023


I had a horribly itchy pregnancy rash on my stomach, arms, and face. It was almost unbearable; I had scratched myself raw. Dermatologist said it was either a pregnancy rash they could do nothing about until I delivered (at that time, I was only three months and knew I would go crazy if I had to spend six more months of that) or something very dangerous that could harm the fetus and they made an appointment for me to come back and have a biopsy in two weeks.

Not satisfied with that answer at all, I decided to research for myself. I found hundreds of women who had tried steroids, antibiotics, and skin creams to no avail. But 4 wonderful women shared that they had success with dandelion root extract internally and witch hazel topically.

I did my own research and found dandelion root was not dangerous for the baby so I took the largest dose recommended on bottle, check with your own herbalist but I think if you needed to take more than that you probably could because it's an edible root. And some people might just need more than others. I also use witch hazel on my skin. Well before the two weeks came around for my biopsy, my skin became completely clear and the edge was gone. A wonderful side effect is that witch hazel made my skin look great!

I hope this will be helpful to someone else with this. ❤️
