5 Natural Remedies for PUPPP Rash in Pregnancy

on Mar 19, 2023| Modified on Apr 13, 2023
Pine Tar Soap, Cherry Juice
Posted by Sally (Virginia ) on 04/13/2023

I carried twins to 41 weeks. As my skin stretched I got a really itchy rash. After consult with midwife and Dr. google, I was convinced it was Puppp (no rash around naval, not itchy anywhere else, rash appeared to be where skin stretched). Lots of searching led me to try:

- Grandpa's pine tar soap
- dark cherry juice

I'd wet and suds up my belly at the sink while the shower warmed up. After rinsing, I'd apply soap again and let it sit before rinsing again while in shower. This was nice at night before bed to help reduce nighttime itch (had been so bad I was in tears a night or two).

I diluted the cherry juice in water and drank throughout day, maybe two or three glasses.

At one point I ran out of juice but continued soap, it didn't seem as effective. I felt the COMBO OF BOTH helped a lot.

The rash would clear and then start again, but the soap seemed to calm it. Sometimes ultrasound gel would irritate it. The soap was drying, so eventually I started applying a natural belly oil to moisturize.

I hope this helps someone.

Dandelion Root, Witch Hazel
Posted by Carla (Georgia) on 03/19/2023


I had a horribly itchy pregnancy rash on my stomach, arms, and face. It was almost unbearable; I had scratched myself raw. Dermatologist said it was either a pregnancy rash they could do nothing about until I delivered (at that time, I was only three months and knew I would go crazy if I had to spend six more months of that) or something very dangerous that could harm the fetus and they made an appointment for me to come back and have a biopsy in two weeks.

Not satisfied with that answer at all, I decided to research for myself. I found hundreds of women who had tried steroids, antibiotics, and skin creams to no avail. But 4 wonderful women shared that they had success with dandelion root extract internally and witch hazel topically.

I did my own research and found dandelion root was not dangerous for the baby so I took the largest dose recommended on bottle, check with your own herbalist but I think if you needed to take more than that you probably could because it's an edible root. And some people might just need more than others. I also use witch hazel on my skin. Well before the two weeks came around for my biopsy, my skin became completely clear and the edge was gone. A wonderful side effect is that witch hazel made my skin look great!

I hope this will be helpful to someone else with this. ❤️
