If the Oregano Oil is too strong, dilute it more. I used one drop at first in 1 Cup of water that's 8 ounces, that's a drop people, not a dropper full. Now I am using 2 drops in 1 Cup of water, that is 8 ounces.
I use it, so far, after a meal, but wait at least an hour. I am going to try it tonight before bed. I still won't be hungry because I do a ketogenic diet, so I will try it and come back.
I have Post Nasal Drip that was gagging me, my foods have helped some, but the Oil comes recommended to eliminate that awful mucus that is caused by my sinuses, and sometimes Silent Reflux.
I also forgot to add that those recommending Wild Oregano Oil are doing so because it has 86% (this was in topical essential oil) Carvacol which is the main ingredient that helps fight the issues mentioned, not food grade. Mine is not Wild, but it is what I could afford to buy. It is 60% Carvacol and 2% Thymol for flavoring and preservative. The rest is Organic Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The rest is mixed tocopherals (from non GMO Sunflower).
I'm just putting this here because many of us can't afford the very best, only to try it out and have it not work for us, or we just don't like using it.
I figure if I use a bit more, I should get a closer effect to the more expensive, who knows, I just wanted to remind folks of this because someone out there might be in the same financial boat as I am ;)
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Alkalizing Formulas
What is the doctor's name or email address, please. Thank you.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
For chronic cases (which I no longer have) I highly recommend Grapefruit Seed Extract (aka 'GSE'). The root cause of sinus infections and PND is mold and fungus. A recent study of chronic sinusitis and fungus done by the mayo clinic found that a whopping 97% of people tested had an average of 2.7 types of fungus growing in their sinus cavities. And they were successfully treated for chronic sinus infections using antifungal medications treatments. But what was found to be the most effective antifungal agent, by far, was the natural remedy of grapefruit seed extract (GSE)! ... Same goes for most respiratory infections.
I got home from the hospital from pneumonia and was not OK. Started immediately, I got empty capsules and filled them up 15-20 drops of extract fit in each cap (30 drops, twice daily). Amazing remedy! I've read ppl opening nasal spray bottles of saline solution and adding a 3 drops of GSE and spraying that into their sinuses every 3-4 times daily. Our medicine cabinet won't be without this. Research it for yourself. And lastly, buy the GSE that's been around forever (red label & cap), not the newer ones that I hear are not as potent.
Calcium Ascorbate Supplement
take 4 pills when I feel it, the constant clearing of my throat and sore throat. Credit to Dr. Berg on YouTube for this remedy. Thank God it's a lifesaver for me. Also, my chiropractor showed me to press hard on my sinus bone area where your glasses lenses would be. That causes nasal drainage, that is instantly, but only temporary. I did so much research on this PND and the calcium ascorbate with bioflavonoids is the best thing ever. Also when I have PND, milk products and sugar make it worse!
Good luck bc PND sucks.
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
Ted's Remedies, Healthy Water, Healthy Body: Home Cures from Water! (earthclinic.com)
Cayenne Pepper
Capsicum is alcohol soluble, so it gets absorbed if mixed with just a tiny amount,
I use 1-2 tbs with it, and it is a potent pain reliever too, but not without the alcohol.
Just make sure whatever you use, is 80 proof or better.
Use in supplement form to avoid any burning feeling, you also can adjust as needed.
You can use alcohol to clean your hands if handling hot peppers to get rid of the heat.
Oregano Oil
Cayenne Pepper
I saw that someone mentioned Cayenne in a cocktail on EC. I tried it and it brought IMMEDIATE relief. It was like a miracle. Now, I take a Cayenne Pepper capsule about three times a day and it has wiped out about 90% of the phlegm build up behind my nose.
Previously, I was waking up several times throughout the night to clear my throat, now I don't wake up at all. Just be sure to eat when you take the capsule, otherwise, it will do a number on your stomach.
Avoid Lactose
Avoid Lactose
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Alkalizing Formulas
Neti Pot
After having been diagnosed with sinusitis, I've found a similar satisfaction and relief in having performed nasal rinses (with the type of neti pot that is able to be squeezed, and thus, used to control the force of sterilized saline) every other day.
I discovered I suffer from food allergies, namely to wheat and dairy. I ditched standard allergy medication and opted for a natural approach. Though I've changed my entire diet to a gluten-free, dairy-free, fully-hydrated, organic lifestyle, I still find the need to use the neti pot to clear my sinuses. Even with the use of herbs and apple cider vinegar (with the mother), it's as though they cannot drain on their own. Maybe it's just my body's composition, but if this information can help someone like myself, I want to give back what the Earth Clinic community has offered to me.
Work hard for yourself and others! Enjoy your life- we only have one chance to get it right (unless you believe in reincarnation). :) Have fun, treat yourself right, stay active in mind and body, and remain positive.
Neti Pot
Also now I use drinking water heated up to really warm. As I have been told about the floride in the sink water. You can use really pure salt, ( just salt, not with anticaking ingridients and iodine! ) or fine grain sea salt.
Other things I have found helpful.
Lemon or Lime honey tea ( boil water and add ingredients)
Troat drops ( not like halls) They are like different the ingredient is pectin read lable) ( look at back ing( its like moisturizing) ( (Since the clearing of throat causes irritation), not menthol.
Oregano tea, oregano pills
Past the love forward -Sunny
Saline Nasal Spray
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Alkalizing Formulas
I don't post much and usually just read and learn. Until you get this under control the damage from all the antibiotics and other meds have lowered your immune system and many nasty things will thrive unless you cut out all the sugar and carbs. This is not a life time diet but important in the first stage of healing and can be added back slowly after some recovery. There are many types of candida/yeast type diets/protocols. Bill , Ted and others have many excellent posts on this very site. I just needed more guidance and confirmation of the disease because of other doctors wrong dianois and my family and friends not believing that my illness was yeast related. I'm glad I found a wonderful holistic/md in my area that is educated on this issue. Please read a book or some website info on just how badly yeast/mycosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycosis) can slowly ruin your health. I hate the idea of anyone experience the nightmare I and many others are suffering because of over use of antibiotics due to life saving surgeries or just now knowing any better at the time.
It's true if the illness does not kill you the medicines will kill you. But it's a long drawn out slow kill that causes much more suffering than the original illness.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Alkalizing Formulas
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Alkalizing Formulas
Oregano Oil
This is what I have been doing over the past 5 days. I changed my nutrition to follow a Candida diet plan. I started alkalizing formula (Lemon-Bicarbonate-Blackstrap molasses 2xday) Daily I sweated in hot tub 40 min. with epsom salt and ginger rubbed on my skin. Upon getting out of the hot tub, I put on sweats-hoody and sweat another 40min. (I tested my urine/saliva pH everyday; on day one my pH 6.25 today its 6.75) Yesterday, I started using the ACV. (2 TBSP sprinkle cayenne pepper in 8oz. Of water) I need to get well before school starts on August 7th. I also have dentist appointment to extract tooth on Thurs. 7-25-13. I need to get well.
I guess you are wondering why did I START these remedies... Background; I was sick 6 weeks with bronchitis. During the 3 different doc. visits, the doc. gave me 3 rounds of antibiotics, 2 steroid shots and codeine cough medicine. I never got completely well! On the 4th doc. visit, I was given meds. for vaginal yeast infection and acid reflux meds. I said, baloney!!! So I'm on a mission to heal myself by following these remedies. I am better after 5 days of doing all these remedies but I still have a constant sinus drip back throat, I cough crazy when the sinuses goes crazy, I had a sore throat but that's gone when I started ACV. I missed 5 days of working out to focus on getting well. I usually mountain bike a total of 100 miles per week and lift weight 2 days a week. Somebody please help me.
I will continues doing these remedies but I need to see more improvements. Please tell me if theres something else I need to do. CoachBRS.