Poikiloderma of Civatte Remedies

| Modified on Jun 12, 2018
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Suzieq (Palm Bay, Fl) on 05/03/2010

Thank you Ted, for that information. After about one month of Poikiloderma of Civatte, it had spread from my neck creases to my chest, just about where a necklace would be. The itching got to be just too much. I stumbled on Ted's account of the kangeroos eating grass with a fungus in it. I did research online to find out what to eat in an alkaline diet. Actually I could see improvements within 24 hours and a big change in 48 hours. I am now on day 10 of the diet and I have no more symptoms. I did cut back one day during that time and I ate more acid food, but then the itching started to get worse, so I knew the diet was working. I am eating brown rice, hard boiled eggs, nuts, green apples, lots of fruits and vegetables, lemonade, some yogurt, only very small amounts of meat & shellfish once a day (because these are acid), no sugar at all. I am willing to stay on this diet indefinitely to protect my liver. Do you have an estimate of time when I can eat more acid foods such as raisin bran with milk for breakfast? (age 68, female)
