Pericardial Effusion
Natural Remedies

Evidence-Based Natural Remedies for Managing Pericardial Effusion

on Apr 09, 2023| Modified on Nov 04, 2023
Fluid Around Heart Remedies
Posted by Wayne (Tyngsborough, Ma ) on 04/08/2023

My Down Syndrome boy:

I have a boy, age 20, who has fluid around his heart. It has been drained once but came back. Any remedies?

He also has terrible skin cyst and pimples all in hot spots under his arms and butt and between legs.

Fluid Around Heart Remedies
Posted by Donna (Ottawa, Ontario Canada) on 11/03/2023

Hi Marina, When mine hit, I felt a lot of pressure around my heart, and it was quite scary with arm, shoulder and neck pain included. I kept breathing in my H2O2 through my compressor nebulizer, and it seemed to diminish somewhat but moved to my left flank, with the feeling of gurgling, as it drained down the left flank, only hurting my left kidney and what feels like my pancreas when I took a deep breath or coughed.. I was in Thailand at that time and had an MRI but it did show that I had pleural effusion, and mild pericardial effusion.. I have had about 4 attacks of the Pleural effusion and it is also very painful and makes breathing very difficult. But I bought a compressor nebulizer and prepared a mixture of food grade H2O2 3% down to 1.5% for my nebulizer.. and it took away most of the pain and so I was able to breathe once again.. I am back in Canada, I need help. My family wants me to go to the emergency to be seen by a doctor, and I may still go, but my experience with doctors has not been good, and now I am older and afraid they might bully me into a biopsy when the underlying condition could be cancer.. however, I also have lupus, sojgrens and other autoimmune diseases, that may be attacking these organs. I am scared.

If anyone has a remedy to get rid of the Pericardial effusion and the Pleural effusion, please let me know. I am also taking 3 tsp of ACV and a quarter tsp of baking soda a few times a day, which does seem to help and make me feel somewhat better. I am thinking of flying to Mexico to a wholistic clinic that has experience putting even stage 4 cancers into remission, but do not know a good clinic, if someone can help me that would be great.. thank you so much for this amazing site that has pulled me through many an illness in the wee hours of the morning.. including killing Covid in its tracks after suffering for over 3 weeks a few years ago.
