Non-Allergic Rhinitis
Natural Remedies

5 Natural Remedies to Ease Non-Allergic Rhinitis

on Feb 24, 2023| Modified on Jan 22, 2024
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Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marian (UK) on 02/24/2023

Hi! I have suffered with non allergic rhinitis (verified by a professor specialising in ENT) for 17yrs, since the birth of my son. The professor admitted they were uncertain why people suddenly started with this condition `out of the blue`? `they` think it could be linked to hormones, but are uncertain, and also how it can miraculously disappear? The hormone theory would link with pregnancy, but also, during this period I went through a time of immense stress and grief. I do believe that we hold onto pain within the body, that it could also be psychosomatic?

The professor could only offer me pharmaceutical relief (Flixonaise nasal drops) which worked during the first 12yrs, then, after a consultation with my Dr. who wasn't happy for me to stay on these drugs any longer as they're very strong, with steroids, I agreed and decided to stop using them as I was concerned about the detrimental effects they'd have on my health long term. I tried going drug free for 4yrs, trying various natural remedies, but my well being was deteriorating with the debilitating symptoms of acute rhinitis.

I went back to the Dr. who prescribed various nasal sprays, they all seem to irritate it more! I have settled with the Flixonaise nasal spray which for a few months seemed to help relieve the symptoms a little, but lately the symptoms are raging once again! There's no rhyme or reason as to the time of year or weather, it's 7 days a week, 12 months of the year! I always have sneezing fits first thing in the morning which can last for a couple of hours, excessive runny nose, streaming light sensitive eyes, irritation in my nose, this then happens periodically through the day and can wake me up in the early hours affecting my sleep. I usually feel drained and wretched with the sheer exhaustion of it. I do have polyps, but have been told and have read that whilst the cause of the irritation (rhinitis) remains, the polyps would just grow back.

They say that `mind body pain` isn't life threatening... but my word it's debilitating! ...or could it be the complex culprit of hormones?

I'd be eternally grateful if anyone has found any relief from rhinitis. I always vowed that if I found a `cure` I'd post on every site I could find to help others who are suffering with this symptom.



Multiple Remedies
Posted by Denise E (Crescent City, CA) on 02/26/2023

Hello Marian, I'll start by explaining my symptoms to see if they are similar to yours as I have found some relief after about 7 years of what I've called Post Nasal Drip but it seems so bad that it deserves a better name. I haven't been diagnosed by an ENT, just my MD who has little to offer in alternative methods. Mine was literally keeping me awake at night, including sore-throat and I could not cough it up or blow it out my nose, very thick mucus in throat. What's happened in the last 2 years is that the improvement is that it's way thinner, and although it is still there. I'll list what I am doing and other things that caused me to adapt to these:

1. Ketogenic diet (due to diagnosis of T2 Diabetes)

2. Water (never focused on water consumption, I think I was allowing myself to become dehydrated)

3. Regular walks (eventually started the gym)

4. Sinus Rinses (which helped when it was unbearable)

5. Pink Himalayan Salt nasal spray, home-made

I have quite a few issues so I am focused on more than one thing, depends on which is bothering me most but I suspect my Tinnitus (ears ringing) is related to the Sinus issue. It is not LPR which is mucus coming up from the stomach and they call it Silent Reflux sometimes.

I have tried not doing dairy, but to no avail so I use a bit of cheese, creamer, and yogurt. I do think the hydration with my water is doing me the most good to at least thin the mucus. But it continues to run down the back of my throat and I am pretty constantly having to swallow since like I said, it won't come out except in a little bit off and on through my nose. I go through a lot of kleenex. I'll let you know if I find more answers for mine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Norma (NYC) on 01/22/2024

Try LDN (low dose naltrexone) and consider completing NAET full course.

So many have no idea what NAET is or brush it off as some sort of witchcraft. Yet, it is impossible to overestimate its results. Nothing short of miraculous results. My 4yo nephew's tantrums and screams are gone, another one stopped snoring and no more ear infections, her nose stopped running, skin eczema is gone, etc. Adults have many chronic issues simply disappear.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dianne (Ontario Canada) on 02/24/2023

I searched, and found this site which mentions usually viral, although irritants can cause this. Treatment, humidification of air Bacteria ect., -nose, -and-throat-disorders/nose-and-paranasal-sinus-disorders/nonallergic-rhinitis


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Denise E (Crescent City, CA) on 02/26/2023

I'm sorry, I forgot some things, Marian, I do have an Air-purifier that may be helping, can't say for sure as I try/use a lot of things. Mine is also, I'm convinced, environmental. I also recently bought some of the Himalayan Salt lamps, once for each area I'm in the most. I have a frequent very dry cough, but salt gargle or just a few sips helps that. I too sneeze a bunch of times but only under a couple minutes. I do add 1/8 tsp of Himalayan Salt to my 16 oz water bottle (glass) and potassium 1/8 tsp. This is my form of home-made electrolyte to help keep me hydrated. I was given the same "fixes" by the doctor and used them maybe twice and said no way because they didn't work and I was nervous taking them. Sorry again about 2 replies but I am 70 now and also have memory issues. Here's where I'd insert a crazy face smiley if I had one, Denise

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Toni (Austin, TX) on 01/21/2024

Marian, You're writing about my life...except that I've had this on and off since I was about 22 and I'm 64 now. Come to think of it that was right after the birth of my first child. Maybe it is related to hormones My oldest daughter and younger sister have it too. I had years of relief using a prescription nose spray called Dymista. Worked for about 10 years and now it doesn't. Dr added Flonase. Does nothing. Humidifier in my bedroom at night seemed to be working for a week or so, and then didn't. Nasal rinses do nothing. Added quercitin supplement, nada. Trying to ground myself regularly since that helps with inflammation. I don't have any other helpful remedies to add. Just wanted you to know that you're not alone, and I'm out here searching for a cure too.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Denise E (Crescent City, CA) on 03/05/2023

Is the Nettle leaf something I would have to continue taking through the years since my PND is 24/7, and I believe it is allergies, or, it may be allergies and non-allergic rhinitus?

I was diagnosed with allergies in the 90s but only had this PND come on in the last 7 years and it is pretty bad because the mucus is ever present in my throat. It's completely clear when I'm able to blow some out my nose but mostly it just hangs in my throat, and I cannot cough it out at all.

I do the sinus irrigation that gives me some temp. relief, and make my own saline solution using Himalayan Pink Salt that I can use any time of the day. I also have a hard time swallowing at times, and also talking in the earlier part of the day. If it's bad I've tried the sinus irrigation and hot liquids with some relief.

I worry about this stuff causing throat issues eventually, and it's like my sinuses cannot stop producing too much mucus/phlegm. It's horrible.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dianne (Ontario Canada) on 02/26/2023

Marian, here is another site to check out. I hope you find a solution!÷&query=rhinitis+

Multiple Remedies
Posted by EB (England) on 07/26/2023

ACV with the mother goes a long way in thinning mucus and helping to expel it.
