Neurofibromatosis (NF)
Natural Remedies

Neurofibromatosis Remedies

| Modified on Nov 08, 2021
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Susan (Liv, Ca) on 07/08/2013

Editor's Choice

I have long history NF2 with this my mom, her dad, my brother, and now my two boys. So I HAVE AMAZING News please read this.

All tumors are created from a over-acidic body. Raise the alkaline.

My two boys have been diagnosed with brain tumors and they my oldest has tumors on the outside as well. I heard about drinking Aloe Vera barbadensia using the whole leaf, honey, and whiskey. My friend's grandfather had prostate cancer and used this for three months and he was healed. So my kids have been drinking it and one shrunk already all gone and the others are shrinking. It is a true Miracle. I can't believe that this is working.

I look up the aloe and it is 8.6 PH which is what you want to have to fight off this demon. I want to help everyone and anyone from this. I bought a book Aloe isn't medicine and yet it cures! For 20 dollars it tells you how to prepare it and what kind of reactions you will have while these toxins come out of your body its so amazing. Their body broke out in boils for 24 hours then they went away. They never felt sick just tired. I believe it is the body repairing itself.

It has been shown by so many scientists that Aloe Vera barbadensia helps so many diseases including cancer and tumors. If you have a loved one and you want to help them do research help your self and save your own life. I seem my mom suffer my brother have surgery and gamma knite. This was not for my children. God Bless I hope you will do the research. Oh look up McDaniel H. Reg M.D. On youtube. He talks about this on his videos.

One more thing: No Milk, No Meat, No Caffeine and less sugar. More Greens.

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Teresa (Omaha, Nebraska) on 12/23/2013

Please help me and tell me what would be the best natural treatment to get rid of tumors on skin and in the body from Neurofibromatosis. I have a big one on my arm and about 10 little ones.

Posted by Teresa (Omaha, Nebraska) on 07/17/2013

I have Neurofibromatosis and from this I have brown spots all over my body and some neurofibromas on my body and from this disorder I also have tumors in my body. What would be the best herb or vitamin to take to shrink these tumors or make them disapear especially on my body?

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Sarahshope (Michigan) on 04/20/2013

My daughter has NF1 and has had her left eye removed due to an optic glioma. She also has a brain stem glioma. She has one plexi on her shoulder which is being watched.

Vitamin D is very good. She takes 2000 mg, a day, plus curcumin and alpha lipoic acid. On her last MRI, April 10, 2013 the optic glioma on her good eye was gone!!!

This is a rare happening, but it does happen. I find a lot of negativity here. Being pro active and knowledgable about your own condition and seeking answers yourself is the best way to handle your problems with NF. Do NOT count on the medical community for all the answers. Research and research.......

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Prachi (Mumbai) on 01/05/2016

Hi. Please tell me n what ratio the Aloe is to be mixed with Whisky. It has to be only whisky or there can be a substitute?

Nattokinase or Serrapeptase
Posted by Madearthmama (Northwest Indiana, US) on 02/17/2015

What about nattokinase or serrapeptase for dissolving the fibrin in neurofibromatosis? I heard those were good enzymes to dissolve the fibrin as well. Has anyone used those? I read and personally believe in the success of nattokinase in dissolving fibroids...what would the possibility be they could also dissolve the fibrin in these tumors also?

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Cathie (New Mexico) on 09/18/2013

I have a couple of children who have nf (heridetary). How can I help them now at this young age (5 & 6)? Is there any cure for them? Thank you for your time. Cathie

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Isabel (Texas) on 12/08/2018

Hi, I don't know if Aloe Vera juice will work in a tumor in the brain, but I DO KNOW it works in uterus tumors. A friend of mind got a tumor expelled out of the uterus by the use of Aloe Vera Juice. It has a lot of health benefits, so for sure it won't hurt to try. She used the fresh crystals, boiled with water (two cups of crystals diced finely in two cups of water) boiled until there's only half of liquid. She drank about a cup twice a day. Good Luck and Blessings.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Brittany (Lancaster Pa) on 04/19/2016

So I googled; Aloe Vera barbadensia using the whole leaf, honey, and whiskey. and I found this a website saying

300 grams fresh aloe arborescens
500 grams pure bee honey
4-5 tbsp rum/whiskey

10 days on/10 days off. I have not tried this but cannot wait to start, my back in covered in these bumps and I am so embarrassed to wear bikinis, tank tops, etc. The cafe a ola spots are one thing, but these little tumors cause embarrassment and certain ones even hurt to the touch, I pray these work and one day it will be cured.

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 12/23/2013

Here is a link for some ideas:

I'd look into enzyme therapy. Enzymes are supposed to dissolve tumors. One enzyme that has been used for last century for cancer for instance is pancreatin. The idea is that by taking them with food and empty stomach, this enables the more potent and preferred pancreatic enzyme that your body produces to do its work against tumors in your body and dissolve them. Just an idea.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Brittany (Lancaster) on 09/27/2016

1 Ingredients

A) 300 grams of fresh Aloe arborescens leaves, to be plucked in the dark[1]

B) 500 grams of pure bee honey[2]

C) 4 - 5 tablespoons of rum, whisky, grappa or similar alcohol (cañazo, aguardiente)

2 Preparation

1 Wash the Aloe leaf (or leaves) and remove the thorns/spines. Cut into pieces.
2 Put the Aloe pieces, the honey and whisky (or rum etc.) in a blender.
3 Whisk for 2 to 3 minutes.

You will obtain a greenish syrup. The amount of syrup obtained from the above quantities of the three elements constitutes one batch. Keep the syrup refrigerated and in the dark.

3 Use

Before drinking the syrup, shake the bottle to thoroughly mix the components.
Take one (or two) tablespoonfuls of this syrup three times a day: mornings, noon and night, 1/2 hour before meals (you may wish to start with one tablespoon in your first "round").
The above preparation can last ten days and longer.
Don't stop taking the syrup until your first batch is totally used up (even if you get what seem to be signs of improvement)..

Source: ***

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Shauna (Oregon) on 07/11/2020

The part of aloe Vera they're speaking of is just the inner part. The gooey gel part, the "flesh." The outer skin of the leaf is the part that is toxic. The inside is good.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Leonides (TX) on 11/08/2021

Can I know what type of book for Aloe vera barbansia for neurofibromatosis type 2?

EC: Hi, the post was referring to this book:

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Gregory (Quezon City, Philippine) on 06/02/2008

I have read an article on the web, the remedy in NF1 [Neurofibromatosis -- brain tumor ] , that Vit.E (400 IU) + Vit. C (500-1000mg) with rose hip and citrus bioflavonoid complex supplement; plus dieting by avoiding meat product, especially highly preservative food and sugar will slow down the tumor growth. I have try it over a year and a half. The result is satisfactory.

I wondering from Ted if there another way to reduce the tumor? Also if i can combine cesium chloride+Vit.B complex+ Vit.C+Vit.E and baking soda solution at a same time?Will there be side effect? Thanks...

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 03/09/2013

Hi Opo, Sun does not cause skin cancer, it is caused by what you put in your mouth like hydrogenated oils & only then the sun becomes a problem. The sun is your friend not your enemy, that is why it is worshiped, your whole life here on earth depends on the sun.

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Brenda (New Mexico, US) on 11/29/2014

Hello Sarahshope, I would love to talk to you about your daughters glioma. My daughter just got diagnosed with one at age 15... she has Neurofibromatosis type I, so far a mild case until this. I started the vit. D3 and the curcumin; what is alpha lipoid acid? I would love to contact you personally to discuss everything! I am researching like mad but get inundated with information. Also need advice on how to get teenager to take it seriously! Thanks so much.

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 10/28/2015

Vilas (Baramati Dist. Pune Maharashtra India)

Please do not worry. Here are some suggestions:

Frank incense essential oil, best quality, one to two drops under tongue once a day removes it.

Google "The Truth About Cancer" and go also on face book. Best info.

In Bangalore, Whitefield, is the Super Special Hospital which not only has the state of the art equipment but it is totally free. On Radio Sai you can find out more. I can assure you, you are lucky to live not too far for this treatment which is the best in the world with super doctors.

If you can find a Sri Sathya Sai Mandali where you live, you can find info there.

Good luck and relax. Namaste Om

Posted by Tia (Spooner, Wi) on 01/08/2010


I have noticed since taking Vitamin C, E, and B that my tumor growths have shrunk. I dont know if it is just me who notices or feels it but I feel it is. Does anyone else know anything else I could take?

Bee Propolis
Posted by Michael (Sabinal, Texas) on 07/31/2009

my name is michael martinez and i have neurofibromatosis and i was searching for anything that might help with what i have and i read that bee propolis might help with the tumors -

Bee Propolis
Posted by Goughey (Queensland, Australia) on 01/27/2010

My son as neurofibromatosis (NF1) and he has recently started taking bee propolis, we feel that since taking the product his immunity has been much better.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Laura (Argentina) on 05/19/2016

You can get bee propolis in an even higher concentration than commercial one with a beekeeper.

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 09/30/2011


A word of caution on evergreens.... Please be careful to make sure it is a pine tree, as some varieties of evergreens are not meant for human consumption.

Also - whenever I do yard work trimming up my evergreen trees and shrubs I get raised red bumps on my arms where the plant material has brushed up against them, so I am pretty sure I have allergies to them. (I consider it an allergy prick test at home) ;) so I personally wouldn't drink Pine needle tea because of allergy concerns.

Just a couple of thoughts. :-)

Nattokinase or Serrapeptase
Posted by Kim (Florida) on 07/30/2015

I also have in NF. Have you tried the nattokinase and serrapeptase? Do you see any shrinkage?

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Vilas ( Baramati Dist Pune Mahrashtra India) on 10/28/2015

My son 15 years old having nf2 tumor at brain (cerebellum) now surgery is not possible. Please help me how to reduce the size of tumor

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/28/2015

Vilas, can you try clay poultices?

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Muskan J. (New Delhi ) on 08/29/2017

Hi, I just got to know about this website and am reading literature around NF. I have NF since birth. It was only 2-3 Cafe aul lait spots at birth and gradually after 20 years some tumors started forming on the body. I am now 30 and its only recently that I am seeing that they are expanding rapidly. I am in accute depression and fear because of it, please suggest more about the treatment at Bangalore or anywhere else.

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Isuri (Srilanka) on 06/11/2014

Try for the newzealand bee propolis (liquid). It includes CAPE so it help to block the growth of tumors. For more information follow these links.

Posted by Joss (Texas) on 09/19/2016

Try Turmeric, fish oil and vitamin d3.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Mary (Nigeria) on 12/14/2015

How do I mix Aloe barbadensia and whiskey? Does anyone have the recipe?

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Lydia (Virginia) on 02/22/2016

I would love to know, because I can't drink anything containing alcohol.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Mary (Austria) on 05/01/2016


I wondered if you have started and if there is anything worth sharing.. Thanks!

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Carola (Uk) on 06/14/2016

Dear Susan

Hope you are fine..

I know your post is quite old but I want to give it a try.. Can you please tell me if I have to drink it with honey and whisky or it works only with the aloe vera?. Also if I have to drink it all can you please tell me the measurement daily? Thanks for your help. Carola

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Carola (Uk) on 06/17/2016

Hi, just wondering if you tried the drink yet and how much you are taking?

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Kim (St. Louis) on 01/08/2017


Did you start the taking the syrup? I have NF1 too and I have been praying for healing. This may be the answer to my prayers. Can you say if the tumors have begin to shrink or disappear? Thank you

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Jacksparrowww (Nigeria ) on 09/30/2016 1 posts

1. please what do you mean by saying "I look up the aloe and it is 8.6 PH" because I don't understand, does it mean the percentage of Aloe Vera or a type?

2.what type of bee propolis is required? should it be in powdery form or propolis capsule?

3. please how do I mix the aloe Vera and bee propolis? Am I to take out only the aloe Vera gel and mix it with bee proolis or should I just grind the aloe Vera the way it is

4.can I use bee propolis capsule or should it be in powdery form.

please I need urgent reply, because the tumors at my back is becoming an embarrassment, I can't go swimming in the public or pull off my shirt. thanks

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Christine (Texas) on 12/06/2016

I have NF and I am starting to get the external tumors. My son has one behind his eye. How often should we drink it and how much should we take in a day?

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Kunal (Mumbai, India) on 12/26/2016

Hello Sir, thank you for sharing your experience. My daughter is suffering with nurofibromas. May I please request you to provide detailed information about what exactly you gave it to your son to cure this. I mean did you give them aloe vera barbadensia juice? Was it home made or readymade. If readymade then which brand. It will be great help

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Lynn (Carrollton, Ga.) on 01/07/2017

My daughter has NF2 and I'm trying to avoid a third brain surgery. Could you take some time out of your day and answer some questions? How's your boys doing? How often did they drink the mixture? How much did you mix? Are they still drinking the mixture? Thank you in advance!

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Bellmom (Georgia) on 05/13/2021

Hi Lynn, how is your daughter doing? I've just begun searching natural remedies for NF1. Would love to know the progress and treatment options that you chose.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Kim (St. Louis) on 01/08/2017

Brittany, I found this blog on January 8 and immediately left home to purchase the ingredients. I am preparing the liquid tonight and will take my first dose.

Brittany, if you, or anyone else whose bumps are gone, can share, I would be so grateful. I look forward to seeing a miracle take place in my body. Thank you

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Alice (California) on 04/25/2017

If treating a child, what would you substitute for the whiskey?

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Becky (St. Louis) on 04/30/2017

Did it help you any? Would love to hear results if this helped reduce any tumors?

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Callie (Mesa, Az) on 10/02/2017

hello I would love to know if this worked for you. I have NF1 and have not found any solutions. all the doctors I have seen want to put me on anti cancer drugs and pain killers. I would love to find a more natural way to help.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Christina (West Virginia) on 08/07/2018

Will this help with nf1?

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Kathryn (Troy, Michigan) on 12/06/2018

Hello, my name is Kathryn and I am 23 years old. I am suffering from NF-2 and was diagnosed with two brain tumors. last year I had an 18 hr surgery to have one removed. My hearing on the side and facial motor skills were lost as collateral to the invasive surgery.The tumor was 6.5 cm, HUGE.

I am NOW facing the fact that the remaining tumor has started to grow again. I am desperate to do anything to stop it. If no cure is found I will go deaf and lose more motor function even possibly eyesight.

I am so intrigued with this possible Aloe Vera Barbadensia as an effective option! If anyone could post with more information about this I would be forever grateful.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Maria (Finland) on 06/09/2020


How about tumors due /from neurofibromatosis? like ependymomas? Does aloe work for those tumors from neurofibromatose disease?

And how about side-effects of aloe?!! It was said in web md-site that aloe latex can cause serious side effects like kidney failure or heart problems. Is there a safe form of aloe existing? what product is safe?

Interesting that a prostate cancer was cured?!!

I have now a yet unknown large(?) tumor in my right ovary. It might be from neurofibromatosis, like ependymoma, according to my radiologist, ultrasound and MRI has been done to me. There is also a risk for sarcoma, cancer. I wont have removal of my uterus and both ovaries or vagina or bladder etc., no matter what my gynegologist or other doctors will advice. I only possibly allow to remove only one ovary where the tumor is. Should I try aloe drinks and not going to the surgery (of one ovary) at all?!!

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/09/2020

Book, what your doctor may not tell you series by obgyn Dr. John Lee, has sites on internet free to read about progesterone and I think I read somewhere that Ted may have mentioned tumors and cysts can be caused by low potassium and mineral imbalances. I would go read before any medical surgery. I use natural emerita progesterone cream most days . Dr. Jonathan Wright Tahoma clinic, taught about Iodine ( I use lugohls in vagina daily after shower< 3-4 drops) balance hormones in uterus, and take oral selenium to balance that out. Hope you can avoid intervention from the knife. Phytic acid in grains nuts legumes and low stomach acids both affect mineral absorption in the gut and so does leaky gut . Not sure what I am telling you but I go as led.

Aloe Vera Barbadensia
Posted by Maria (Grandview mo) on 08/16/2021

What is the exact dose you used for the drink? I have a 9 year old with nf1.

Neurofibromatosis Tumor Remedies
Posted by Teresa Larsen (Omaha, Nebraska Usa) on 05/15/2013

I was wondering what is the best remedy to user for Neurofibromatosis? There are so many different remedies to use and I don't know what to do.

General Feedback
Posted by Teresa (Omaha, Ne, United States) on 03/19/2013

I have Neurofibromatosis and from this I have brown spots all over my body and I am getting small tumors on my body. I have read all the information on your website about this and there is so much to remember What I want to know what would be the best thing to take to get rid of there tumors inside and outside of my body. Please help me. I have been looking for an answer. Teresa

General Feedback
Posted by Yvonne (Spring, Tx, Usa) on 06/09/2010

I am 51 years old and have had the odd freckling in my arm pits, back, shoulders, and torso since very early in my life. My parents took me to a USAF pedi dermatologist and later to a pediatrician. All I remember was being told I have cafe'ole' spots. No other doctor has ever expressed any concern until I went to a dermatologist recently about an unrelated matter. He has suggested that I have NF1. Other than the speckling on the surface of the skin I have no other markers or history, signs or symptoms. Should I be concerned?

General Feedback
Posted by Ncope (Harlingen, Tx) on 08/24/2010

To Yvonne from TX. If you are 51 years old and do not have any signs except the speckling on the surface of the skin, I don't think you need to worry. Most people start developing tumors by the time they reach puberty and it progresses from there. If you had a bad case, by 51 you would likely be covered in tumors. My mom has it really bad and I don't remember her other than being covered in tumors.

General Feedback
Posted by Kyle P. (Philly) on 01/06/2013

I also have NF1, im a 20 year old male. My condition has gotten worse since I was younger... Maybe cause I picked up a few nasty habbits like drinking and smoking. I work on my feet everyday and it takes a toll on my body. My flexibility is bad and I'm in pain a lot 24/7 meds don't always help.

General Feedback
Posted by Kitty (Gold Coast Australia) on 02/13/2015

Hi Yvonne,

I was only diagnosed by accident when my mother went for a medical to go oversees, when I was 17yrs old I had the cal spots and freckles under my arms. I had a couple of neurofibromas around 20 yrs old. But nothing much else.

I was unwell last year, Glandular fever, and also became absolutely addicted to sugar, I have over come that and in the last few months have started on a whole food diet. However I am now 53 yrs old and noticed that in the last year I have suddenly broken out in small neurofibromas every where. I mean 100s of them. So I truly believe this is in correlation to my poor diet! When I was waking up and eating chocolate for breakfast!

I also found they were so itchy I would scratch my skin raw, however since changing my diet, I have found that this has settled right down but the spots remain. If I had realised what I know now I would have been a lot more determined to give up the sugar! And eat a whole food diet.

I have have started on the bee propolis Bio 100 and have made my own propolis cream from the tincture in the last few days and I am praying that since they are only small I will be able to shrink them. I haven't found any recent posts about the success of the propolis Bio 100 or cream, so if anyone has any positive testimonies please let me know.

General Feedback
Posted by Marion (South Africa) on 05/10/2016

I only had the skin marks until I was in my 40's - from my late 40's I started getting a few small tumours - these quietly just kept on increasing (At the time I still had them removed, but they grew back and eventually I had so many that I have given up on having any removed) - I now have hundreds and am 66 - mine are not painful except the ones on my head, to the touch, I am living a full and happy life and because I love life and laugh a lot, I still have many, many friends and the entire 'thing' does not hamper my lifestyle - but it is damn ugly. The doctor actually told me that with this condition these days they tell you not to have kids or grandchildren- I have them all and so far, so good - there are no signs of them having it, one is 18, another 12 and the other 9 - no skin marks either - maybe they and I am just lucky. I have it all over - it seems to run in areas and they appear so gradually that it just creeps up on you!!!

The doctor's do not agree, but I seem to get a lot growing and the old ones seem larger

when I am tense and when I am relaxed the tumours seem to relax too??? They sort-of are smaller, even according to my friends, when I have relaxed for a few days????

General Feedback
Posted by Cherie (Marquette) on 08/08/2016

This is true when I am stressed or I walk alot they seems to get bigger ..Then when I settled down they seem to be smaller...

Posted by Zachary (Denver, Co, Usa) on 10/02/2010

Ive read that coloidial silver helps.

Posted by Jen (Northern California, Ca) on 12/24/2012

I have NF too. A Dr. told me that "Red Meeker" is known to shrink tumors. I can't find it at any stores though. I'm going to try to get it online. Thanks for the A, C, & E vitamin info. I had no idea.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Sarah (Greenville, Il) on 10/26/2011

Where do you get bee propolis?

Bee Propolis
Posted by Tonya (Greenville, Nc) on 08/30/2012

My daughter also has NF1... I want to help her so bad, she is 9 years old. I wish there was a cure for this!

Bee Propolis
Posted by Penny (Pennsylvania) on 10/17/2016

What is the dosage amount of bee propolis? I want to give this to my daughter but I do not know the dosage amount I should be giving her. Also does anyone know the dosage amount of curcumin to give to a child?

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Ynnis (Fayetteville, Nc) on 09/29/2011

If you really want a good dose of Vitamin C, there is nothing better than to pick the younger shoots of pine tree needles, and brew them with your favorite tea or alone. Take as many as you like. Those needles have more Viatmin C than any other source of Vitamin C. The tea will taste lemony... And good!!! Instead of sugar, add honey and cinnamon. You cannot drink anything more healthier than that!!!

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Opo_tahu (Somerset, Ky) on 03/08/2013

We that have NF is also prone to have a vitamin D deficiency as well... I read this and had my levels checked and was low on D, All my B levels..

Kinda odd here we have a lower D level but yet the sun can cause these tumors to pop out??? Hmmmm

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Nathalie (France , Bordeaux) on 12/29/2015


May be I have also NF but NF 2, could you please tell me concerning Alpha Lipoic Acid if you took natural (R ALA) or synthetic one (S ALA) and wich daily dose 600 mg, less or more and on wich duration ?

Many thanks in advance.

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by Alisa (Loveland, Co) on 04/27/2016

Hello, I have a 5 yr old daughter with NF1 and two optic nerve gliomas. I want to start her on curcumin (she's already on Vit D and Acetyl-L-Carnitine) but I can't seem to find dosage info anywhere. For those of you with kids taking it, what dosage do you give based on body weight?

Supplements and Dietary Considerations
Posted by San (Omaha) on 11/29/2016

Can you tell me were can I find and what exact kind of vit d?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Patricia (Montreal, Canada) on 08/24/2007

I am 22 and have membranous glomerulonephritis. I have had it for 6 years. I have been on TONS of different medication and nothing has worked. Recently I decided to go off all of my medication, since it wasn't working anyways I figured whats the point of me being on it then. I see a naturpath and homoepath and am very into natural health. My protien levels in my urine are the problem, I am now at around 3 mg protein a day in my urine. Over the past few years I have gotten better and better with other symptoms (water retention) and the oil pulling which I started about a month ago has really helped my energy. I am now able to work part time. A couple of years ago and I was taking 2 naps a day. It is just the darn protein! I had severe stress in my life before I got this, for sure this was the cause. Do you have any advice to get my protein in my urine down? Thanks! I love your website!"

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Patricia: My own experience of high protein in urine is due to infection usually of bacterial origin, and indicates bacterial colonies or that the body is having an infection. Therefore zinc gluconate 50 mg/week, magnesium citrate 250 mg 5 days out of a week would increase the body's defenses against these bacteria, thus reducing the high protein in the kidneys.

Also whenever urine pH is acid, which means the pH of urine is below 6.5 (usually infections exists whenever urine pH is about 5.5, which is quite low). In which case raising the body's alkalinity would increase the immunity and reduce bacteria colonies. In which case a Apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoon plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, taken twice a day, once in the morning and once before sleeping should help. Lime (lemon) of 8 teaspoon (or 2 tablespoons) plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day could also help too. But this is often done on alternate days.

Adding 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in one liter of drinking water will raise the salinity of the urine somewhat so that the antibiotic effect of some salt, would reduce the bacteria thus reducing the protein buildup in the urine.

My own experience with "cloudy urine" usually from weaknesses can also lead to protein buildup in which case it helped me a lot to take vitamin B complex for a couple of days. The urine will often clear up and reduces the protein buildup from my own experience."

8/24/2007: Ted adds: "One more thing, the membranous glomerulonephritis may be related to heavy metal toxicity which is why oil pulling works, although a proper oil pulling should be done between brushing of teeth, I believe taking some granulated lecithin would also reduce excess fatty liver and reducing the liver's congestion while the addition of one drop of close oil in one liter of water does help too but its mechanism is more in killing the bacterium in the liver is usually how the clove oil works in reducing the excess urinary proteins too."

EC: *** Ted's Remedies Reader Feedback here. ***
