Achilles Tendonitis Remedies

Castor Oil
Posted by Wendy (Dublin, OH) on 03/26/2021

Years ago, I also was on Cipro for recurring UTIs (this was way before anyone realized the effect on muscles/tendons). As a result I tore my left hamstring just taking 1 step into my house! Since then, I've had to do regular leg exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles to support the hamstring since any out-of-the-ordinary movement can "pop" it again. I agree the castor oil works great on any strain!

Castor Oil
Posted by Pinetreelady (Dunedin, FL) on 03/25/2021

Editor's Choice Just want to put my 2 cents about the amazing healing benefits of castor oil.

Several years ago, I had a bad UTI which I couldn't get rid of so went to doc and was put on Cipro, which attacked my Achilles' tendons on both ankles.

The pain was excruciating. Docs gave me a muscle relaxant, which did nothing. As a last resort, I had my hubby rub castor oil on my ankles several times a day. Took pain away within one day...haven't had a problem since...

I might add that I since found out there was a class-action suit against the makers of Cipro as it was causing tendon ruptures in many people. Guess I was lucky and the Castor oil healed it on me. I use it for many things, including the packs, and take it orally occasionally, but only organic cold-pressed and hexane-free.

Castor Oil
Posted by Donna (Az) on 09/07/2020

Editor's Choice Just wanted to share an experience I had with castor oil. I was given Cipro for a UTI and had a severe attacked both Achilles tendons. ER did nothing to help and pain was excruciating. I had my hubby rub castor oil on my ankles several times a day and after a few days, I was better. Cipro (I found out later) can cause tears in Achilles and other tendons in body. DO NOT TAKE IT!

Castor Oil
Posted by Diane (Uniontown, Pa) on 05/31/2012

A few months ago, my husband had a tear in his achilles tendon. The podiatrist gave him some sort of splint to wear, even before the mri results came back, but it didn't really seem to help. One evening, I rubbed some castor oil on the bottom of his foot and up the back of his leg. The pain subsided about 75%, and he healed very quickly from that point on.
