I mixed 2 1/2 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp of organic raw honey into 8 oz of spring water and added ice (made from spring water) to treat a full-blown migraine (headache from neck to forehead, blurry vision, light sensitivity, horrible nausea and sensitivity to sound). I also put on sunglasses to help with the light sensitivity and placed a frozen bottle of water at the base of my skull propped up behind me on a rolled up pillow (helps to stop the excess blood flow to the brain, which in turn reduces the pain as well).
I had tried Excederin Migraine with no luck. This migraine was on and off for a few days, a menstrual migraine (I get one before my period, one during my period and one or two after). After drinking about an once, I felt good enough to take off my sunglasses.
I ate a few saltines to help my stomach as the taste of the mixture didn't sit well with my already horrible nausea, that allowed me to drink more of it. I am now about half-way done with the 8oz and feel about 90% better. The saltines helps to majorly combat the nausea.
I want to add that in the past I tried just the organic Apple Cider Vinegar and water for migraines and it only helped after numerous cups and only provided like 50% relief. I believe that using organic raw unfiltered honey made all the difference as it contains beneficial minerals that have healing powers themselves. The oganic apple cider vinegar with the mother in it together with the organic raw unfiltered honey has been the winning combo for me as well as adding the ice to the base of the skull and using saltines for the nausea.
Hope this helps!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I too have used ACV with no pleasure to my tastebuds. Thanks Mom! However it has eliminated debilitating menstrual migraines.
I have one more thing to add to the list of things to try for healing and well being. Stop referring to ailments as "yours". So many people claim illness as their own... My headaches... My ulcer.. My PMS. Stop!
Apple Cider Vinegar
My boyfriend recently told me about Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with apple juice as a cure for sore throat, colds etc... I remember hearing about ACV in the 70's for weight loss but never knew how to take it. I did some research and found this site and decided to try it. I AM CONVINCED THAT ACV IS A MIRACLE CURE!! Remember the old adage "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well I thought it can't hurt so I started drinking 2 t. of ACV with 6 oz. apple juice twice a day, 5 days ago. I have increased energy, decreased appetite and for the first time in 10 years I did not get a menstrual migraine with my period this morning. I've been taking Maxalt at least twice a month for years for hormonal migraines and did not need it today. That in and of itself has made me a believer. My boyfriend has also reported increased energy and general overall well being. We will continue to drink ACV daily. Thank you for this great site!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I suffer from menstrual migraines for the last 7 months & I have allergies to many medications so all I can take is extra strength tylenol. I have tried many home remedies because I usually have a migraine for 1-2 entire days without taking medication. I had this migraine for 14 hours & within 10 minutes of drinking the mixture my headache was gone! Thank you so much!!