Nail Issues

Posted by Tania (Nottingham, Nottinghamshire) on 10/26/2012

Hi, I have had very soft nails since I can remember. Thet would bend both ways without a problem - people thought it was so weird. Any way, I started taking biotin tablets and it really help - they are normal and quite hard actually. My mum had problems with her nails also, because they kept splitting thiknesswise and biotin tablets helpt, although she still has the same problem, but wouldn't take them as regularly as I did (one every day).

I tried stopping them after a few months too, but the problem returned, so I stated taking them again.

Another friend started taking them for hair loss and really helped her too.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/28/2012

When I get a nasty toenail like that, I take a normal bath - add whatever you like to it - every day and cover it with antibiotic ointment every night (I guess you could use coconut oil instead) til its better. I see noticeable relief after 1 day and noticeable improvement after 3 days. Keep it covered in the daytime if you are wearing open toed shoes during the day. That and alkalize your system with baking soda and lemon water once or twice a day. Infections can only survive in an acidic host.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/28/2012

For nail fungus, use lemon juice and coconut oil. Use one in the AM the other in the PM.

Nail Biting
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012

What worked for me is taking better care of my nails, and my cuticles especially. And also I began to be more motivated to have them look nice for interviews and social outings. When I would be tempted I would think 'do I really want the group to see my damaged nail if I do this now?' at least wait'. When a dangling bit of cuticle or skin would tempt me, I would use my nippers (not regular nail clippers) to trim it down so I wouldn't be distracted anymore. I even keep a pair of nippers in my car so something won't bother me the whole time I'm out. Between that and keeping the ridges buffed and tips filed and using cuticle oil (olive, almond or commercial cuticle oil) regularly really inspired me to keep them in better shape. It isn't an overnight fix but will trend better with time and improve.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012

plaster = british slang for a band aid or sticky bandage.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012

If that were me with the infected nails, I would use bacitracin ointment to treat them from the outside, and a baking soda/lemon candida pH cleanse from the inside. Most pharmacies carry bacitracin ointment near the first aid supplies, a pharmacist will be able to tell you where it is, or which product has it in it. I use it whenever I get a hangnail to stop nasties in their tracks.

Posted by Sondra (St. Louis, Missouri, Usa) on 04/05/2012

Thanks for all your responses. I do take Biotin but not the B-50 or B-100. I'll be trying it all. I haven't taken ACV in a while, will have to get some. Will also get the VCO. Taking natural product does a body good. I will also start back to detoxing to get myself back to cleaning out the stuff that keeps this on going. It seems like this has happened since I haven't detoxed in almost two years. Thanks again Debbie, Oregon and Sue M.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 04/04/2012

I had a fungal infection on two big toes and cleared it up with just drinking ACV twice a day in water (2 tblespns).

Posted by Oregon (Bend, Oregon) on 04/04/2012

Sondra, Try taking 5000 mcg of Biotin. Make sure to take a B-50 or B-100 with it. I took it for a nerve issue and found out a month later that my nail fungus was gone. The nails get harder and make it difficult for the fungus to grow. Hope this helps.

Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 04/04/2012

I'm such a firm believer in organic VCO. Please read all the posts that is listed at EC under virgin coconut oil. All I know is that I have taken 2 tbs a day (internally) for well over a year and I can't remember the last time I was sick. Anytime I have a skin issue or infection, I put on the VCO and within a day or two, it is starting to heal.

You might consider that the re-occurance of your fungus is internal. Start out small. Too much could really make you sick. I wish you well.

Posted by Sondra (St. Louis, Missouri) on 04/03/2012

As a child I originally got a nail fungus from a splinter climbing up a garage door in the early 1960s. By 1976 I had three fingers infected. More became fungal as the years went by. They would clear up while on medicine but come back when medication was stopped. I had gotten up to six fungal nails by the time I had given up trying to get them cured before 2000. Between 2002 and 2004 I tried again and one new medication worked on six of the seven nails(I was up to seven nails by then). It was the last one that didn't get better.

I've been reading this site for two days because I have two nails that are fungal again, one last year, the other a few months ago besides the nail that never got better. Last year the previous oral medication didn't work anymore. On 3.28.12 I started using Piggy Paste. I will try the remedies I have read about here for fungal nails but my question is about the most recent fungal nail because it has developed a new problem. In the past month it really looks ugly. It has pus like a blister under the skin on the side of the nail bed at the cuticle and is sore.

I found this website "" with pictures and one is exactly what my thumb nail looks like. It says it's a Nail Infection, Bacterial(Paronychia). The pus will harden or go away but the skins peels off in a few days then it starts over again. If anyone has a remedy for this I'd really appreciate it. Just the fungus is bad enough but this really deforms the nail and makes it peel from the nail bed. Ted from Bangkok, Thailand usually has a lot of remedies, maybe he'll see this. I'm looking for help from all that may know one. Thank you.

Pterygium Inversum Unguis
Posted by Margaret (Chicago, Il) on 03/23/2012

I used a drop of bergamot oil (which is supposed to be anti-fungal) under the toenail once every day for about a month and it went away.

Bruised, Purple Toenails
Posted by Conni (Hegewisch, Il) on 03/20/2012

That's exactly what the Doctor in ER did to me but he used a large Paper Clip and shoved it right through my fingernail! While it was painful at that moment I was relieved of the pain and pressure.

Bruised, Purple Toenails
Posted by Alana (Maui, Hi) on 03/14/2012

Like a blood blister under your nail? If it's what Im thinking of, its filled with blood under there making it sore. This is what my husband does when he crushes his finger in something and gets one of those; he heats up a needle red hot, and pushes slightly on the nail, very slightly. The needle should slip right through, into the blood pocket so it wont hurt anything. The pressure is relieved, and no further damage is done. He once did this to his aunt's foot after she hurt it, and the blood squirt like 5 feet into the air! Talk about pressure!

Pterygium Inversum Unguis
Posted by Alana J (Maui, Hi) on 03/14/2012

I have thick skin under a couple of my toenails. From what I've read so far, it's called pterygium inversum unguis, if you google it there will be a picture to give you an example. It looks very odd to me, although nobody has noticed it, I am self concious about it. I don't think it's a fungus, and it has been this way since I can remember. The thick skin under my nails is sensitive, I believe it has alot of nerve endings, so I can't just go cutting away at this stuff. I was wondering if anyone has a remedy to rid myself of this thick skin! It's only on 3 nails, I believe. Both of my big toes, and one other toe. I just put coconut oil on it tonight in hope maybe it will soften up and recede, but even the thought of touching the skin makes me squeemish. Any ideas, please share! Thanks!!

Posted by Rosemary (White Rock, Bc, Canada) on 03/02/2012

I had soft, splitting, cracking, peeling and later ridged nails for years. Two months ago I started with Boron in the form of BORAX, 1/8th of a tsp in a liter of water a day for the problem with my bones in my feet. Well my foot problems are gone and my nails are beautiful and strong. I also take a number of food supplements like ACV, BS, ground flax seed, molasses, Brewers yeast, Lecithin and extra calcium/magnesium plus other vitamins but nothing has worked like Borax... I should say I am now taking it only 4 days a week as recommended on this site. I hope this helps you the way it did me.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Aubergine (Washington, Dc) on 01/18/2012

Trinh, in my case I don't think the ridges are caused by iron deficiency - I have always taken multivitamins with iron, and my iron levels have always been fine whenever I've had bloodwork done. Anyway, to follow up on my 12/27/11 post, for the last 3 weeks I have been soaking my fingernails in straight ACV for 20-30 minutes a night (had to skip a few nights here and there) and I'm definitely noticing an impact on the fungus. The nails are starting to grow a little higher up the nail bed (they had only been attached about halfway up; I had been clipping off the detached parts). I can also see a color difference between the new growth near the cuticle (light pink-ish) and the older growth (slightly darker). The new growth still has ridges, but I'll keep soaking to keep the fungus away.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/27/2011 2063 posts

I have read that marked ridges and cracks on fingernails is a sign of Iron deficiency.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Aubergine (Washington, Dc) on 12/26/2011

I've had ridges on my nails for as long as I can remember, and as they grow out they split along the ridges. My former dermatologist had no idea why. My current dermatologist said they were just brittle and I should take fish oil. They aren't actually brittle - they're soft and flexible - but I got the fish oil anyway since it has other benefits. It has been about 18 months since I started taking fish oil and my nails aren't any better. More recently (about 3 months ago) I started drinking organic unfiltered ACV, usually 3-4 Tablespoons over the couse of a day. Still no nail improvement. In fact they're worse because a couple of them seem to have developed fungus - the nails are pulling away from the nail bed. I started applying ACV directly to the afflicted nails at bedtime. This seemed to help at first - I had cut off the separated part of the nails and they grew back in a bit - but after a few weeks the nails started separating again (even though I was still doing the nighttime ACV regimen). I'm now soaking my nails in ACV instead of just applying with a cotton swab (typing this with the other hand) - will keep soaking nightly and see if the condition improves.

Split Nails
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 12/11/2011

Reply to Patricia: I have also had a split nail which bothered me for years and had to keep my nail very short to stop it catching. A couple of years ago I started taking selenium on a regular basis as I read somewhere it was really good for weak nails. In a few months the split had healed and there is now only a slightly depressed line where the gap used to be. Lately I have started on homeopathic silica and massaging coconut oil into my nails and they are stronger and smoother than they have ever been. Hope this helps.

Purple Emu Oil
Posted by Carolyn (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 11/26/2011

I apply Purple Emu Oil to my nails at bed time. It moisturizes them, making them stronger and less brittle.

Dark Patches: Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lucy (Brimfield, Ma Usa) on 11/18/2011

Do you use a base coat before the polish? I've found that these make a HUGE difference in not only keeping the nails from being stained after wearing the polish, but it also helps to keep the polish on and looking good without chipping or flaking off as much.

Swollen Toenail Beds
Posted by Don (Denver, Colorado) on 11/16/2011

I'd like to prevent one or two of mine from coming off if possible as I have a similar problem to yours. Did you ever get any feedback as to how to get the swelling down and keep the nail?

Posted by Undercurrent (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 11/15/2011

Hello, I have an infected 'hangnail' on one of my toes (I peeled the skin around the cuticles). It's definitley not an ingrown nail, it's just the skin on the side where I peeled is showing signs of a staph infection (slight one).

I am interested in using a tea tree oil soak but have no idea how I should make it. I understand overly diluted tea tree oil can create resistance. I am planning on just soaking my toe - so a small bowl. My idea is to get a cup or two of warm water and put 5-6 drops of tea tree oil in it and soak my toe for 10 minutes. Is there a certain concentration or precise amount of water to tea tree oil I should be doing? Sorry for the questions!

Thank you!


Nail Issues
Posted by Beryl (Adelaide, Australia) on 09/09/2011

I have very bad swelling of my thumb nails plus they are marked like a fungus. Also down the side of some of may nails is black. I have aggravated them in the past and this is the result.

Please advise.

Nail Psoriasis
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/08/2011

Cindy, has your sister ever tried Colloidal Silver (internally)?

The meds might only be helping her because she is on them but they won't "cure" her only the symptoms.

She also needs to look at mineral deficiencies (colloidal minerals), vitamins, digestive issues etc. Colloidal silver is wonderful for many many disease states (will kill bacteria, fungus etc. Etc. ). Chlorophyl, spirulina, chlorella will cleanse the blood. Only a suggestion.

Nail Psoriasis
Posted by Cindy (Houston, Tx) on 09/07/2011

My sister has psoriatic arthritis and one of the symtoms is her finger nails and toe nails literally rot off - she went to a specialist and was prescribed methotrexate and humira - I wish I knew something natural but nothing ever worked for her but these meds - she hasn't had any more outbreaks since.

Nail Psoriasis
Posted by Tm1900 (Suwanee, Ga) on 09/06/2011

Great site, thanks to all who contribute. I have had nail psoriasis for years now (no skin psoriasis) and tried several doctor recommended tratments without success. Ocasionally, the symptoms do improve temporarily to only come back with a vengeance later on. It does seem like stressful times are exacerbating the problem. Are there any remedies that you would recommend for nail (toe and finger) psoriasis?
Thank you!

Split Nails
Posted by Iowama (Pella, Ia) on 09/05/2011

Hi Patricia, I know just what you're talking about, as my thumb nail splits in that way. I have developed habits that have helped all my nails stay nice. I found a common unscented lotion that uses coloidal oatmeal and promises 24 hour moisture. It is a blessing. I now keep a container near the sinks, in my bag, and in my car console. I use an emory board to smooth away snags as soon as I can get to them. At times. I've had to keep a dry bandage on my nail for a few days to grow it long enough so that I could clip away the split part and file it. A box of latex gloves sits beneath my sink for dish washing and heavy cleaning. While gardening, I use deer skin gloves, as cloth ones never protect my nails. Another post mentions dipping the nails into coconut oil andI too have found it very helpful. All moisturizers must be massaged into both the nail and cuticle areas. Even lip balm helps in a pinch. Flying is the worst! Drink water and carry lotion and an emory file. One day I must have a conversation with a flight attendant about this. Good luck!

Split Nails
Posted by Patricia (Denver, Co) on 08/18/2011

The nail on my right index finger has been split in two on the white part only, for years. The width of the split sometimes changes, but it never grows together. Needless to say, it catches on everything and is very bothersome and sometimes destructive. All the other nails are strong and well shaped. Can anyone say what causes this and/or how I can fix it?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Melanie (Ankeny, Iowa) on 07/21/2011

I've been taking 1 T. EVCO each morning in my cofffee for about two months. One thing I've noticed, and I haven't heard anyone else talk about it, is that my nails are growing in strong! I used to have long, beautiful fingernails in high school and college. Nothing would cause them to break. After having two kids, my nails have been thin and brittle, and would snap off like potato chips. I couldn't grow my nails out to save my life for the last 12 years. Now suddenly, they are growing again. The only change in my life is my EVCO. Amazing!

Pau D' Arco, DMSO
Posted by Lara (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 06/20/2011

Hello everyone. Several years ago, I had an ugly green stain under my thumb nail, which I knew was a fungus. It was very unsightly and I was very motivated to find a natural solution.

Somehow, I heard about Pau D' Arco. I found a bottle of liquid tincture-- I do not remember the brand-- at Whole Foods (in the US) and did the following:

-- I made a "tea" with it by heating up a small cup of water and added a dropper full of the tincture. The taste was a bit bitter but I not bad at all. I made this tea twice a day.

-- I also made a stronger version, much less water and added another dropper full and soaked my nail 1-2/day

--Sounds funny but I also gave the nail "sun baths" as follows: Whenever I was driving under sunshine, I placed my thumb on the dashboard. The sun is a power bleaching agent.

-- I cleaned up my diet: no sugar, flour, etc

I noticed the effects of my treatment within a week: I could see the spot was getting smaller and it disappeared very quickly.... it was gone in under a month.

Hope this helps you.

Swollen Toenail Beds
Posted by Bonnie (Tooele, Ut) on 06/19/2011

I ran 8 miles downhill and now my toe nailbeds are swollen, what should I do?

Pau D' Arco, DMSO
Posted by Kathie (Houston, Select State/province) on 05/28/2011

In David Wolf's book, EATING FOR BEAUTY, He says to use one-half dropper-full of pau d'arco alcohol tincture on and under the nail and on the first and second knuckle after it has been cleaned. Then "paint" the area with a few drops of DMSO, this helps the pau d'arco to better penetrate. He says that DMSO can burn when used too much. It should take 3 to six weeks to see results.

In the past I have filed the top of my nail to make it very thin and then applied tea tree oil and Thyme essential oil with good results. Filing the nail thin allowed for better absorbtion (much what Wolf recommends but with DMSO).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lindy (Mineola, Texas, Usa) on 05/15/2011

Please try this: Soak your feet at least 5 times per week. Dry them well. Buy some Vick's Vapo Rub. (NO GENERICS PLEASE. ) Dip Q~Tips in the Vick's and lubricate EVERY affected toenail. (NO DOUBLE ~ DIPPING. ) Use a cuticle pusher or pointed nail file and GENTLY push some of the VIck's under the affected nails. When all affected toes on both feet have been lubricated, cover each foot with a sock or bootie and wear them overnight. Wash Vick's off the next morning. Repeat this 5 nights per week until nails are looking good and then decrease or discontinue using your own trial and error judgement. This really works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/08/2011

Cadillacrob, I fixed a nail fungus problem that I had had for over 6 years. I drank the apple cider vinegar - 2 tblspns twice a day. It completely healed the problem but it took three months. You could see the new nail coming in without the fungus. It is better to drink the apple cider because the problem will still be inside you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cadillacrob (San Antonio, Texas, Usa) on 04/08/2011


Posted by Val (Colac, Victoria,australia) on 02/16/2011

I have been having honey on crumpets, english muffins & toast of a morning[not all 3 daily ] for the last few months and have found that my weak brittle nails have become quite strong and haven't been breaking. Is there proof that honey will strenghten nails? This is the only food difference that I have added to my diet.

Has anybody else had this success?

Smoker's Yellow Stains
Posted by Ellie (Evansville, Wi) on 01/25/2011

have you tried Food grade hydrogen peroxide?? Add 1 &1/2 oz of 35 % to 1-gallon water and soak.. Always dilute H2O2.. Same for soaking feet for athlete'a feet prevention and cure.. Beauty shops use this always use only food grade.

Smoker's Yellow Stains
Posted by P. (Sa, South America) on 01/25/2011

Yes, there is. Quit smoking! Kidding aside, my heart has a special place for smokers. To quit this addiction has been the hardest thing I ever had to do, and I have achieved some pretty amazing things in my lifetime... I personally tried all methods and prescribed medication out there.

What worked for me was the patch in conjunction with liver detoxing. If you detox right you will get to that state when you first started to smoke where you had to force yourself to do it since it was so nasty (no one was born enjoying cigarette smoke). Juicing along with coffee enemas comes to mind (sort of like Gerson therapy). Also, I ran into this and haven't tried it, but maybe it could help you:

Smoker's Yellow Stains
Posted by Nina (Marengo, Oh) on 01/24/2011

is there any folk remedies to remove yellow stains on fingers from smoking??

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 01/06/2011 84 posts

These ridges are called Beau's lines. Googling this generally brings images of extreme cases but it can give you an insight into possible causes.

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