Hi, To all the respondents above: Many pathogens are parasite related. Yes there are natural cures for all of them including cancer. Believe it or not, the first step is to get hold of a modern day genius on the internet (the FDA hates this) Dr. Hulda Clark. I have nothing to gain from telling you this. The fact remains that there are now superbugs and strains of dimorfisized bugs. (mycopasma strains) because of anti-biotics. In nature there is a war in the the soil between pathogens and natural anyobiotics and there weapons are dimorphic, as in our bodies. Most antibiotics are outdated and are not money spinners anymore. Large pharmaceuticalls are greedy and evil (there are many modern medicines that have saved millions) but the inventors have not really made money ie. capitalism.
Check your blood ph and take a good base powder. Teas and herbs will help but you have to take them over a long period and on a regular basis. Black walnut, garlic, wormwood and Pau'd arco will help restore your oxygen inside you body and fight candida and acidity. This is paramount because of western acid processed foods. The cheap remedies sometimes works best. Blood ph and oxygen are essential to life and setting up your body to fighting these pathogens. If your child has any of these pathogens PLEASE start by limiting sugar intake, if the body is acidic the sugar feeds the bad bugs.
Kind Regards, Sev