Mosquito Bite Remedies

Lisa's Mosquito Repellent Formula
Posted by Lisa (Monroe, Mi) on 08/09/2013

INDOOR MOSQUITO RELIEF! They say necessity is the mother of invention (well, Plato did, anyway). So, I mixed up an indoor mosquito repellent. The mosquitoes are so bad this year, we have been getting eaten alive, in our beds at night. You know those reed diffusers, for scenting a room? Time to put those babies to work! Michael, the girls and I have been using these for two nights- no more mosquito bites.

I used the information I found on here, and used citronella, lavender and lemon essential oils to make a mosquito-repelling reed diffuser. I put one next to each bed at night, and two by the king size bed. We had been getting multiple bites at night- now, no more!

Mosquito Repelling Reed Diffusers
For two diffusers:

1/2 cup water
1 1/2 oz vodka (about)
25 drops citronella essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil

Mix well; the water should turn a little cloudy (to indicate the oils have blended with the water). If the oils are still floating, add a splash more vodka. While the mixture is still agitated/mixed well, pour into two small vases. Add the reeds, let them soak for about 10 minutes. Then, flip the reeds over. I flip them before I go to bed, too (makes the scent stronger). I put one by the girls' beds, and one on either side of our king size bed.

I found little ceramic vases (must be fully glazed inside) for a dollar at my local craft store; they also had the bundles of reeds for a dollar. A small glass vase would work, too.


Lavender Oil
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 08/02/2013

Lavendar oil (applied straight to the spot) took away the severe itch of mosquito bites almost immediately.

Homemade Sprays
Posted by Tender Butt (Topeka, Ks) on 07/04/2013

How much of flat beer. Epsom salts, and mint Listerine do you mix together for spray?

Mosquito Bite Allergy Remedies
Posted by Robin (St. Cloud, Fl) on 02/14/2013

Are you sure it wasn't a tick bite? There are some diseases like lyme disease and others that cause redness around the area and can cause some other serious side effects. You can ask your doctor for a blood test.

Mosquito Bite Allergy Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/13/2013

Leanne, we use green clay made into a paste with a lil' water on those kind of things. It draws out whatever's there. But don't leave the clay on: wash it off, say, in 1/2 hour, and later in the day do it again.

Mosquito Bite Allergy Remedies
Posted by Leanne (Gold Coast, Queensland) on 02/13/2013

I woke up one morning with what looked like a normal mosquito bite, just a small red bite, mildly itchy but I didn't scratch. Over the next week the bite turned into a small ring which kept getting larger and was slightly raised. It looks similar to a ringworm. Now four weeks later and it still hasn't gone away. The doctor gave me a mild ointment at first ( telling me it was an fungal thing) and now a stronger ointment which she says I can't use for long as it thins the skin. I would rather not use this. Four days on with using the strong ointment and it is still there. Any suggestions? Also does his mean I may now be allergic to mozzie bites now? It is also still mildly itchy. To get an idea what it looks like if you look up 'red ring around bite' on google images the first picture is kind of what it looks like.

Bat Boxes
Posted by John (Midrand Gauteng, South Africa) on 02/12/2013

I agree most wholeheartedly, but where to get a bat box. I am past my sell by date so find it difficult to manufacture and install, but yes, it is a public service and if we had a gov't for the people they would be supplied, installed and a mandatory part of Africa. John

Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil
Posted by Phil (Sydney, Australia) on 10/12/2012

I have found that a dab of Lavender Oil on a mossie bite removes the itch within about 2 - 5 minutes. I used it on my children to prevent them from scratching until they break the skin then leaving marks.

The downside is the smell. I noticed that mossies tend to stay away after application as well.

I have told many people of this who were using creams. Many disbelieved until they tried it. Now they don't use anything else.

Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil
Posted by Jennifer (St Paul, Mn) on 09/14/2012

I have been using virgin coconut oil on my skin this summer simply because it makes my skin feel great. Recently I watched mosquitos hover around my arms and legs and then fly away. Everyone sitting on the patio with me was complaining about the mosquitos and they were not bothering me at all. I used to be mosquito repellent for everyone else!

Dryer Sheets
Posted by Mattc (Boston, Ma USA) on 09/08/2012

not a spray, but I tried this and it seemed to work. just take bounce drier sheets (1- 3) and put in your back pockets. I also took one and gently rubbed on my head and neck before going out, but I will not recommend this, it is just a consideration.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

Hawaii was invaded years ago, the primary source determined to be shipping containers full of those lovely little "bamboo plants" in decorative dishes from China. Apparently the mosquito larvea had just enough time to mature during shipping, and when the container was opened for customs/agriculture inspection, the buggers just flew away, established themselves, then started the Dengue Fever epidemic. I still see these plants being shipped in to Florida, and wonder why we allow it full-knowning the many threats & disease vectos it poses... Oh well to late now I guess.

Stinging Nettles
Posted by Rodica (Torrance, California) on 08/24/2012

my grandmother use, many years ago, in the garden stinging nettles... put in one bucket this plant, cover with water... and let in garden for 3-4 days... after this you can water flowers, vegies... is a very good help for the plant and kill all bugs... not flowers. I think help... because I used and was a good help for me... rodica

Reader Feedback
Posted by sarah (los angeles, ca) on 02/08/2009

Has anyone else noticed the huge increase in mosquitoes lately in California? I've lived here 10 years and would usually see about 1 single mosquito per summer, now I have one in my apartment at least once a week! Also- they are HUGE...a lot bigger than I remember, even growing up on the east coast. And they seem to be way more aggressive. I've been wondering lately if there's a trend and if could have anything to do with bio-engineered food we are eating or all of the medications in the bloodstream of the gen pop that they are feeding on? Anyways... it's creepy. It's like they keep feeding on you until you wake up ( I will wake up having 5-6 bites from the same mosquitoe who will literally be attacking me in my sleep and they usually can't be shoo'd away that easy. Does vitamin b help? Used to be one of my favorite things about living in LA was the lack of insects as I am really susceptible to them.

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

As always, prevention of mosquitoes is sometimes the best medicine against them and against mosquito bites (not to mention the diseases they carry like West Nile virus and EEE). The place to start is always to make sure you don't have any standing water left for too long outside your home. Making sure any water in pet bowls, bird baths, or buckets and the like are emptied at least twice a week will significantly reduce the mosquito populations around your home.

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

There is something about marigolds that makes them great pest repellents for our homes and gardens. Plant them in the garden and they will keep flying insects away from your vegetables. Plant marigolds around your patio, porch, deck, BBQ, or other outside area and you can repel mosquitoes without otherwise lifting a finger. A specific compound carried in the scent of the marigolds is a natural mosquito repellent and can actually be purchased as an essential oil to ward off insects in the garden.

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

Thai lemon grass is another decorative plant you can add to your garden and repel insects like mosquitoes at the same time. Thai lemon grass is a tall (about 2 foot tall) decorative grass that naturally produces citronella in a genetic mixture that is more effective than citronella oil itself. You can apply the pulp from Thai lemon grass directly to your skin as a natural mosquito repellent lotion. Just break off a stalk, peel back the leaves to get to the bare stem at the bottom of the stalk, and work this stem between your hands. You can rub the resulting liquid safely all over your skin.

Lemon Joy Detergent
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/24/2012 495 posts

For those of you who have a big mosquito problem, which will be rampant very soon now, I have also read that if you take a shallow white dish, fill it almost full of water, add a few drops of Lemon Joy detergent, the mosquitos will flock to it for drink which kills them, often within l0 - 12 feet of getting that drink.

Homemade Sprays
Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, USA) on 08/24/2012

I mix flat beer, epsom salts and mint Listerine and spray my back yard and front yard for mosquito control. The first time I heard this remedy I thought it was weird, but I tried and it really works!!! Hope someone tries it.

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

Geraniol is the essential oil extract from a number of plants including geraniums, roses, lemon grass, bergamot, and even carrots. It is an effective if somewhat expensive commercially available alternative to chemical mosquito repellents. Geraniol has a rose-like scent, and studies are beginning to find that it is the most effective natural mosquito control option.

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

Garlic naturally repels a number of biting insects, including mosquitoes. Some people recommend eating garlic to prevent mosquito bites, but you can get the same effect with a garlic oil spray.

  • Take 10 or 12 finely chopped cloves of garlic
  • Mix them in 4 oz mineral oil
  • Set aside for a couple of days to mature
  • Strain the mixture through a sieve or coffee filter into a spray bottle filled with a half cup of water and a few drops of dish detergent.

This mixture should repel mosquitoes anywhere, whether you spray it on your skin or just on objects around your outdoors gathering spot. (Caution: garlic can irritate skin, so test on a small area of your skin first.) You can also immerse strips of cloth in this mixture and hang them around your outdoor gathering to repel mosquitoes.

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

A scientific study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a 30% concentration of oil of eucalyptus was the most effective natural mosquito repellent. Lemon eucalyptus seems the most effective, more effective even than low-concentration DEET sprays and lotions and far less toxic.

Devices and Decorations
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 08/24/2012

Bamboo sticks have become a popular bathroom decorative item for use with pleasantly scented essential oils. It's a great alternative to chemical air fresheners, but you could also use this system as an alternative to citronella candles and mosquito coils. Instead of sweet-scented bathroom essential oil mixes, you could pour mosquito repelling mixtures into the container for the bamboo sticks, place one or two of these around your deck or patio, and let the bamboo sticks slowly release the insect repellent. Lavender oil is evidently effective against mosquitoes and much more attractive than most alternative pest repellents, but the garlic solution listed elsewhere on this page would also work very well.

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