Mosquito Bite Remedies

High Dose B1 (Thiamine)
Posted by PayItForward (Travelling) on 08/03/2021 50 posts

Edited 6/10/24 at 10:14 pm
Mosquito Bite Prevention Treatment:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure... I had dreadful reactions for 30+ yrs. Swelling and incomprehensible itching. The kind that can drive you half mad and make you want to claw a hole in your body. And I thought I'd tried everything over the decades; every potion, lotion, even hot spoons. Nothing worked. If there was one of these devil tormentors within a 10 mile radius it seemed to find me. I finally found relief in Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 400-500 mg taken daily, and no less! The remedy came from a pharmacy in Thailand. Allegedly mozzys do not like the smell, though we can't smell it. It shocked me it worked so well. I got the odd bite but it didn't swell, remained tiny, and barely an itch. Before I'd have 12+ welts with tormenting itching 24/7. Now I might only get one, and no welts and no bother.

Friends who travel in hot mozzy infested areas and countries were also impressed too. On annual trips, they would start taking this one week before their trip. But taking the right dose seems vital - If the dosage was skimped on (300 mg or less) it did NOT work. Some people take it in divided doses am/pm but I just took it all at once, so can't comment if that's more effective. I've also read that Vitamin B1 is a myth and is not a systemic mosquito repellent. However, I can attest it's worked for me and others when nothing else did.
