Monkeypox: Causes, Symptoms, and Medical Guidance

| Modified on Dec 12, 2023
Ivermectin for Monkeypox
Posted by jean (Emo Ontario) on 06/29/2022

Has anyone used Ivermectin against Monkeypox - it is an antiviral -I would try it myself unless I had something better.

Sarracenia Purpurea
Posted by Caity (Utah) on 06/29/2022

For any type of pox (or herpes - smallpox, shingles, cold sores, etc), use Sarracenia Purpurea (also known as Purple Pitcher Plant). There are numerous studies that conclusively say it cures all types of pox! You can get homeopathic tinctures from many sources with a quick Google search.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Rob (Kentucky ) on 06/09/2022

A Preliminary Assessment of Silver Nanoparticle Inhibition of Monkeypox Virus Plaque Formation


In this clinical study, published in 2008 in the journal Nanoscale Research Letters, researchers tested several forms of antimicrobial silver against the Monkeypox virus Zaire strain, which was originally obtained from a fatally infected human in Zaire and shown to be fatal in monkeys, as well. The virus was tested under biosafety level 3 conditions in order to prevent infection of the researchers.

In this study, researchers used what's called a “plaque reduction assay test” in order to determine whether or not the addition of nanosilver to viral-infected cells being grown in Petri dishes would decrease the rate of viral replication (in terms of plaque formation) in the cells, thus demonstrating reduced infectivity of the virus. According to the researchers, various concentrations of silver nanoparticles of 10 nm size significantly reduced Monkeypox viral plaque formation. They wrote: “…our results indicate that the silver-containing nanoparticles with a diameter of approximately 10 nm (Ag-PS-10) were the most effective at inhibiting Monkeypox virus infectivity as demonstrated by the statistically significant reduction in Monkeypox virus plaque formation at all concentrations tested.

The researchers concluded, “These results demonstrate that silver-based nanoparticles of approximately 10 nm inhibit Monkeypox virus infection in vitro, supporting their potential use as an anti-viral therapeutic.” Here we see clinical researchers noting that the ability of silver to reduce Monkeypox viral infectivity supports the idea that silver has potential as an effective anti-viral therapy.

Sarracenia Purpurea
Posted by Barbara (Texas) on 07/13/2022

With a few exceptions, of course, Homeopathic remedies should be taken when you are actively in the state of being sick. You're matching like energy. That's key. I'm a homeopath and my advice would be to take SARRACENIA PURPUREA 3c potency daily IF you're actively sick with "pox" or its close enough in your scope (as in "I woke up this morning and I feel like I'm getting sick.") If this remedy doesn't appear to work for the individual, it just means that it's not a close enough match for that individual's symptoms. Then best to contact a professional Homeopath to determine the best remedy choice for that person's collection of characteristic symptoms.

Monkey Pox Remedies
Posted by Misn (Ceb) on 06/08/2022

I have heard Neem leaves (fresh or dried) and Neem oil can be used to treat Monkey pox.

Posted by JOSEF (Illinois) on 08/08/2022

I wonder if anyone has tried BHT for monkeypox as this virus apparently has a lipid coating and BHT will damage this virus, possible deactivating it. Well just a thought.

Sarracenia Purpurea
Posted by Chase (Texas) on 08/16/2022

It can be taken as a preventative measure as well as during all stages of the virus. 5 drops in a drink of your choice 3 times a day (to be taken 15 min before or after eating food).

Monkey Pox Remedies
Posted by C (WI.) on 05/25/2022

Does anyone know a natural cure for Monkey Pox? I would like to share information that I have seen saying this may well be the next "plandemic" by fall. Don't know if sharing a link is allowed. Thanks in advance for any help

Ivermectin for Monkeypox
Posted by VannahRoe (Vietnam) on 08/03/2022


Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, red/purple grapes. Other good stuff if eaten on regular basis - Allicin : Garlic Onion Curcumin : Turmeric Luteolin : Red cabbage, green bell pepper, green chili pepper, pumpkin, celery, parsley, broccoli, onion leaves, carrots, peppers, cabbages, apple skins, artichoke; thyme, green peppers, and chamomile tea, red leaf lettuce Piperine : Black pepper White pepper Resveratrol (red) grapes, peanuts, mullberries, blueberries, raspberries; red wine

Sarracenia Purpurea
Posted by RL Martin (WA) on 07/19/2022

Thank you so much for this information!

Monkey Pox Remedies
Posted by KeeKee (The Rockies) on 08/21/2022

Please don't call it a "plandemic", millions of people are dead. Long covid is real.

Sarracenia Purpurea
Posted by Carol (Michigan) on 07/13/2022

Is this to be taken regularly in a proactive manner, or to be taken upon getting sick? Thank you in advance.

Sarracenia Purpurea
Posted by Jwinter (Yuma az) on 08/28/2022

I see you have the dosage but not the time. For how many days do you take it when actively sick? Thx in advance.
