Low Libido Remedies

| Modified on Sep 07, 2022
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Greenpeach (Atlanta ) on 07/10/2018

OMG ACV works to increase female libido!

There is no question that ACV works for me in the enhancement of my libido. I mix a tablespoon with honey and heat it up. It is a little intense but it is worth it. Totally sick of feeling asexual. This work better than anything.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gary (Cut Off, La.) on 08/18/2015

I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar for 2 weeks now results are great so for, I am 63 yrs. old I have way more energy and way more sex drive. Highly recommended. 3 oz a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trisha (Turlock, California) on 07/02/2011

I still can't believe that this remedy has helped me with my sex drive. Just last week my husband was telling me that I was turning into a 80 year old woman. Not to mention that my parents probably get it more than my husband. After taking ACV my husband can't keep me off of him I thought it would be crazy that it would be the Apple Cider Vinegar. I googled it and found this. I take 4 tablespoons mixed with a half of cup of water and 1 tablespoon of natural honey. Once a day tried it for the last week.

Posted by Myrto (Baltimore) on 07/23/2013

I lost my libido when I went on birth control pills, and after taking them for three months I switched to a non-hormonal copper IUD. After stopping, I waited six months and still experienced a very low sex drive (not as low as while on the pill, but still quite low). It was having a very negative affect on my sex life, so I looked into remedies and tried cayenne pepper. I am only posting this because the results were so profound. Within 20 minutes of taking it (I stirred it into some water) my sex drive skyrocketed and I experienced an amount of lubrication that I had very rarely experienced in the 9 months prior. I took it again for the next few days, and my libido remained high. It continued to increase for the next few weeks, although I stopped taking the cayenne. I am not sure what exactly the cayenne did, but I no longer suffer from decreased sex drive, and I have not taken cayenne in over a month. It somehow broke through the wall that was keeping me from arousal. I would say that it could be coincidental, but my libido literally began to improve dramatically 20 minutes after my first dose of cayenne, and has been consistently high since then.

Posted by Kv (Wisconsin) on 10/14/2018

(Just had to share because I came upon this remedy by accident.)

A very unexpected but welcome side effect I experienced when I started taking Chlorophyll drops. I initially started taking a daily dose in a large bottle of water because my blood pressure is so low; as a woman around period time, I was always completely wiped out and exhausted. I wondered if my iron was low, and that lead me to try chlorophyll, which is a blood builder. A week or two in, I saw a very drastic increase in my drive. Like, a huge increase. It came out of the blue and I can only attribute it to the drops. This stuff makes you feel not only energized but I feel like it really increases blood flow to every part of your body.

Posted by Sue (Ca) on 01/26/2015

I had the same experience. I am in perimenopause and have almost zero interest in sex. Probably 20-30 minutes after taking cayenne pepper, I wanted sex. Lubrication was greatly increased and the orgasm was unbelievable. I started taking 1/4 teaspoon twice a day-just started yesterday.

My energy has been really good and my achy knees and legs feel at least 90% better. I can't wait to see how I feel in a couple months.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Clarksville, Indiana) on 09/03/2008

I have started taking Apple Cider Vinegar two days ago...And I am having a side effect that no one else so far has reported. My sex drive has doubled. As well as my energy has went through the roof. No weight yet but have only been taking it for a couple of days...Will update later...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Norbert (Lisbon, Portugal) on 09/09/2008

sorry my english. I have the same experience. About 1 week on ACV (2 tablespoons) with baking soda (1/4 teaspoon) twice day, my sexual energy has doubled. I has a normal erection, after some years with probs about this concern.

Raspberry Ketones
Posted by Mary (Wisconsin) on 09/26/2019

Raspberry Ketones! I started taking these to see what the benefits might be, and the first thing I noticed was my sex drive became out of control! I was horny all the time! I bought the supplement in tablet form, and took the recommended dosage.

Posted by Michael (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/20/2009

I stumbled upon this, supposedly from UCLA and Univ. of Cal. Any earthclinic experiences out there?

"Pomegranate boosts sex drive and fights prostate cancer."

Luckily, I'm far from prostate cancer, but I can confirm that pomegranate juice indeed seemed to increase my sex drive.


"The new research incorporated 53 male subjects with libido problems. After a month, about 50 % of the subjects said that their sexual performances increased after consuming pomegranate juice."

"A quarter of litter of pomegranate juice daily raised the stability period of prostate cancer by 4 times, with such a significant effect... "

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lori (Spring Lake, NC) on 01/13/2009

Ladies, I must be the lucky one. After 7 weeks post surgery I am going strong, but very carefully...of course. But Im going to share my vitamin protocol with you. I was horny after three weeks of surgery.(yes,.. i waited!!) I had lyposc hyst while keeping my ovaries. i had a severe prolapse from a hard labor 19 years ago..! I have always had a great sex drive and have been very good with how I approach my health. I am 42 and have been using apple cider vinegar and water as a supplement for twenty years. I eat very well with juicing my veggies and using coconut oil. But... for the sex drive I have been taking Fennugreek and saw palmetto for quite a while. I find that taking the saw palmetto seperately about an hour or so before I plan my attack is better. I also started adding dong quai with my fennugreek three weeks before my surgery for the added benefit of helping my hormones. Fennugreek, and dong quai are estro helpers and toners. Saw palmetto is more for the male prostate but is also a female toner and great for the libido. L arginnine is in all the sex supplements and I have also been using this for years as I am in the army and do alot of training with various aminos.

Daily I take Fennugreek and dong quai in the morning with my breakfast and in the afternoon when i come for lunch I take my saw palmetto. Now i must tell you that i take my supplements not for sex but because I will personnally NEVER take hormones because of my surgery. Thats just my creed and i am not a doctor but I am blessed with my health and happy I recoverered so well. I also take Kyrogreens everyday in my juice or shake and I have noted on the website" Earthclinic" that others have said that the Kyrogreens helped them with libido. Again, I take this supplement because it contains greens like kelp and wheatgrass ( yesssss..I am one of those...) not for the other. For extra stealth in the bedroom I take 2000 mg L arginnine plus 4 x.320mg saw palmetto if you're planning on sex within a couple of hours. I prefer to get my supplements from Swanson herbs as they carry good extracts and are almost as cheap as MOI. I hope this helps someone, I almost never blog but our health is our energy and we should treat ours bodies as blessed friends.. Give a hoot ...dont pollute..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kira (Barcelona, Spain) on 05/18/2011

I am a 48 year-old-woman, in menopause, and after taking ACV for a month I have had the same sexual side effect and much more energy. It ´s really incredible! Plus, I have cured my sinus infections at last!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Sydney, Australia) on 06/23/2012

I also experienced a libido increase. I am 37, recovering alcoholic and drink 2 tbs of ACV per day, also 1 tbs of molasses per day. I have had trouble with low libido for 5 years and it has increased this past week by approximately 50 percent! Also energy has increased greatly!

Posted by MarieFrance (Pouzauges) on 06/06/2022

I'm a 49 year old woman in perimenopause and my libido has vanished. So I was looking here on Earth Clinic for ideas and saw "cayenne pepper." Fine, I'll give it a try, I said. I drank a quarter teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day yesterday and nothing happened for me. I mentioned it to my 51 year old husband, whose "principal" works just fine, and he tried some the next morning. Two hours later there was a "massive development" on his side. So, if you're a man, give it a try. If you're a woman, hope you have better luck than I did. 4 stars because I'm happy for my husband, the new Cayenne Fan Club President. Pfff.

Posted by Jo (Abq, Nm) on 04/13/2014

Lost libido, ability to have orgasm, and natural lubrication (and inability to lose weight, zero energy, focus, etc, etc) in '94 following mastectomy and chemo. Multitude of drs no help. During hospitalization for pancreatitis in Feb. '13 (20 days), I got b 12 injections for 7 days. Drs later decided I wasn't really deficient, but within days, I had surge of libido. Over next 6 months lost 50 lbs, rediscovered muscle and concentration, etc. Effect started dropping off. Taking oral 5000 mcg but weight loss hasn't picked up. Just started using patch. Libido is improving again. Orgasm too. Following paleo diet (stopped chronic sinusitis and psoriasis). Using many supplements recommended here including mg (great for restless legs but no effect on libido), maca , vit d, vco, Apple Cider Vinegar and more. They helped with many things but not libido. Will continue experimenting. Definitely feel b 12 caused my turn around. Wish my various drs were less hidebound. Shame to spend 20 years begging for help and one simple blood test revealed it.

Posted by Gary (Mobile, AL) on 10/21/2008

I have been using cayenne pepper for years on food since I love spicy foods. Since I have been taking it as a tea my sinus issues have finished! However, I have found one side-effect that may not be a bad thing; at times about 30 minutes after drinking the tea I get a Viagra effect. Must be increased circulation? I am a believer and always take it with me when traveling.

Posted by Gina (Seattle) on 07/15/2016

Maca really helped my libido!! Big time!!

Cold Showers
Posted by Gokhals (Ca, Usa) on 11/10/2013 34 posts

I was looking through cold showers, which led to cold thermogenesis. Tried cold showers as a lark. What an array of benefits. Better digestion, better skin, higher quality sleep, better energy and a completely unexpected side effect, better libido. Ladies, try this before you try hormones etc.

Saw Palmetto and Pygeum Africanum
Posted by Dave (British Columbia) on 08/12/2013

At the age of 74, my dad was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer. He was directed to try a prostate formula, an over the counter homoeopathic formulation containing Saw Palmetto extract and Pygeum Africanum in a base of pumpkin seed oil and flax-seed oil. It is available at a few of the drug store chains here in British Columbia. A few years back, while visiting at Christmas time, my dad gave me a pill to try.

Well, did that change my libido. I got seriously hard wood for about two hours the next morning, like in my late teen years. Even though the directions recommend taking three pills a day, I only take one pill at a time 3 times a week, otherwise my menopausal wife is not pleased.

Saw Palmetto and Pygeum Africanum
Posted by Dennis (MA) on 05/11/2022

Boron will help your wife restore her libido post menopausal if taken daily. Borax is the cheap way to do it. Build to 1/8 teaspoon as mentioned on earth clinic and see what happens

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