Natural Energy Boosters: Turkey Tail, Turmeric & More

Coconut Oil
Posted by Peter (NYC) on 04/18/2006

I've had a flu that lasted 3 months. I caught a terrible flu from my father, who had just come back from California. The flu would weaken, but never go away. It gave me terrible aches and pains, constant post nasal drip (but always with clear mucus, never green and infected), plugged ears, sinus aches, very low energy at times, sore throat, and very persistent. I found this site, and nearly made myself ill trying to take Apple Cider Vinegar (Heinz, without the so-called mother). But I kept taking it, and the flu still persisted. Also took lots of Vitamin C, and gargled with H. Peroxide and bubbled in ears, but still this thing wouldn't go away. Finally, I bought Coconut Oil from a local health food store, extra virgin, cold pressed, 24 hours later the flu is gone. I can hardly believe it. I guess Coconut oil is unique and resembles in some way mother's milk, which keeps nursing babies healthy. All I know is nothing else worked with this killer flu but Coconut oil, and I'm certain had I not taken it my sinuses and ears and aches would still be dragging me down.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Rochester, NY ) on 03/23/2022

ACV works for me. Seems to make me feel lighter and help with my overall mood and energy levels.

Dead Sea Salts Baths
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/23/2015

Here's a recommendation for low energy levels:

Dead Sea Salts Baths...

I use them for helping with energy levels by resupplying minerals to the body. I use a cup per bath. Also good is Epsom Salts which is Magnesium Sulfate but the Dead Sea Salts supplies an array of minerals. Actually I use both. One could mix them in the same bath.

The reason such baths are beneficial is that in this contemporary world of depleted soils from lack of crop rotation and allowing fields to lay fallow on a regular basis, I believe we have deficient levels of minerals and vitamins in our diets. So supplementation of both minerals and vitamins may be needed.

I can tell a definite difference in energy levels when I incorporate mineral baths into a health system. Oh...where to buy. Online. And also I have found large containers in the vitamin section at Whole Foods. I suspect Trader Joe's would also carry.

Vibrating Machine
Posted by Alfred (Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/27/2010

I standing on a vibrating machine.. Did not start to use it until recently.. It seem to give me lots of energy. I stand on. It for 10 minutes.. I just finished doing gardening work today which I have been unable to do, I thught my age of 83 but worked out side in hot sun of thailand for 1 hour with full enjoyment plant papaya trees.. Please if you have any info would greatly appreciate.. Today is my third day of using the machine. Thanks. Alfred

B Complex
Posted by Laura (Honolulu, Hi) on 03/19/2009

I have low energy- I just lack a certain vitality. So last year I did some research and found that b vitamins are what I'm lacking within my body for adequate energy. I take one or two everyday and so far it's helped a bundle. I prefer to stay hydrated and I also oil pull and drink ACV. However, for low energy I can take just one vitamin b complex and it gives me what I need. The other two are boosters to it's good effects. I also heard these can be a little hard on your kidneys, so I take a day or two off them a month to help my kidneys out.. :)

B Complex
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 06/20/2018 47 posts

I take b complex as well but I take additional 250mg of niacin and 2000 mcg of b12 as well as iodine ( iodarol). B- Vitamins work best in conjunction with each other.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 08/04/2009

Try putting a banana, a tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil and a tablespoon of turmeric in the blender with a cup of cold water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nadia (Shenzhen, China) on 05/24/2008

I started taking ACV for 3 weeks about 3 months ago without baking soda and it was fantastic, cleaned my whole system, having lots of energy, no pain, weight loss and etc. I am taking AVC+Baking soda now but it seems I don't get the same result as before, am I doing anything wrong here?????. However I recommend it to EVERYONE to please try it for at least 2 weeks , 3 times a day. 2 TBS in a cup of water upon rising, mid morning and mid afternoon. I thank Earth clinic for this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hank (Charleroi, PA) on 03/29/2008

feeling out of sorts, i had heard of the acv remedy and decided to start a habit. about a shot of vinegar in water and see if anything changed. Apple cider and Red Wine Vinegar both had a refreshing effect. Greater vitality and breathing came easier.

Sun Gazing
Posted by Michael (Gig Harbor, Washington) on 08/21/2007

I started sungazing one year ago because I needed more balance in my life. I was depressed do to the lack of sunlight in Western Washington state. In the past year I have logged hundreds of hours of sungazing directly at the sun. Depression disappeared in a matter of weeks, my vision and night vision have both improved. I sleep less and have more energy then I have ever had before. Being in a good mood almost all of the time is another wonderful side effect.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Denise Enright (Laguna Niguel, California/USA) on 01/24/2009

You know I am new to BlackStrap Molasses, too. I buy it at the health food store. I choose one that has a higher iron and potassium content. I don't use the kind you buy at the supermarket for baking. My blood sugar was last tested low upon rising; so, before I start my morning walk I take 1 TBSP of Blackstrap Molasses and add 16 oz. Organic unsweeted soy milk which I have steamed and frothed and enjoy like a latte drink. This gives me energy to walk and I'm not craving any sugary sweets by mid morning, and my energy level is very through out the day. I would like to know why the by product of refined sugar has such health benefits. God Bless

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Iodine
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

If your body is of low energy level, then an ACV and bicarbonate would do. In fact this issue becomes quite common in U.S. on low energy level, which is why ACV remains most popular so far. The problems often occurs when ACV is alone. The correct way of taking it is to use ACV and plenty of baking soda.

It also is indicative of subnormal levels of iodine that the body. Often in my opinion, a decolorized form of iodine is better then a povidone iodine. While I have not yet gotten a chance to measure the U.S. form of decolorized form of Iodine (I make my own), the ORP of decolorized form of iodine is often better and less acid forming than a non-decolorized form of iodine. But this is just a theory of mine as well as the advantages of non-staining.

Buffered Salt
Posted by Jo Anne (Clearwater, FL)

Living in Florida, the heat can be harsh on one who works outside in it. My husband had been having severe muscle cramps and low energy. Our pharmacist recommended a salt supplement called Thermotabs (a buffered salt supplement). After taking this daily, he has no muscle cramps and also has a higher energy level. Hope this works for you too. Take as directed on the bottle.

Super Power Smoothie
Posted by Ricardo (Montreal, Canada) on 02/03/2009

Super Power Smoothie

8 oz Soy or almond milk
2 tbsp black sesame powder
2 tbsp hemp protein
half or one banana
1 tbsp molasses ( unsulfered blackstrop is my fav )
1 pinch of ginger

drink it slowly.. savoring the flavors..hugely nutricious.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kaybe (Bristol, TN) on 01/16/2009

go to the "remedies" section and there is a tremendous amount about ACV. It generally needs to be taken with Baking Soda (2 TBL vinegar, 1/4 - 1/2 baking soda). This mixture will react and after the reaction, add 1/2 glass water. Read all the comments though...very informative.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Renee (Grand Forks, ND) on 06/28/2022

I was glad to hear you mention adding the ACV to V8 or tomato juice. This is how I take it. The flavor is not altered by much so it goes down easy. It works best for me with food.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginseng
Posted by JANET (Rialto, California) on 04/12/2008

re: Health/Energy: Ginseng for energy after coping with cancer and chemo. I now drink ACV 2 times a day diluted in water. I enjoy the taste, so it is no big deal. It gives me energy and I just feel better all over.I use 2 TBS. to every 6 ounces of water or juice. I love the taste.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Art (Riverside, California USA) on 04/05/2008

I've used Bill Munro's inhalation method using food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted down to 3 percent in purified water for a short time now. It seems to pick up my energy quite well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beryl (London, England) on 03/07/2008

One of your contributors said that she had lost weight by taking the herb Fenugreek. I tried it for five days and couldn't stop eating and found that I'd put four pounds on in five days. And when I looked up Fenugreek I discovered that it is an appetite stimulant. So other readers please be aware.

I'm not questioning what the contributor said, because I think that we all react differently to what we intake. That was her experience and it rests there.

I recently went on holiday to China and Japan, and when I arrived back was struck with an overwhelming tiredness, and every bone in my body ached. Was it jet lag, I wondered, but the symptoms still continued, so I starting taking Apple Cider Vinegar, Maple Syrup, lemon juice, bi carb, and a dash of cayenne pepper. Within a couple of days I'd started to feel well again, and so have continued with this mixture, and I am amazed at the way it has increased my energy and well being.

However, I'm sorry to report there's been no weight loss!! Thanks for your web site. I do enjoy it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roro (Al Ain, UAE) on 08/21/2008

Hi ! I have to comment and say that what happened to you is not strange since the herb Fenugreek is used to increase appetite and put on more weight for those who are underweight. Regards..

Green Tea Extract
Posted by E'Leighne (Compton, California) on 03/04/2008

Green Tea (Liquid concentrate). I have been drinking green tea (tea bags) and putting 6 drops of the liquid tea for about 8 weeks. I have energy that I never had. I also dropped 8 lbs. This tea tastes great also, I do not put any other ingredients in the tea, just the natural flavors. Everyday I drink 1 1/2 cups of hot tea.

I just started taking 1T cider vinegar every day in my water for about 2 weeks. I noticed my eyes are not as dry in the mornings as they usually are.

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