Apple Cider Vinegar
It was brilliant at first. I had so much energy I could take on the world! However, I'm finding now that even if I just have a small mouthful, I'm getting dizzy. What could be the cause of this do you think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I've had to stop taking the ACV and I do miss the energy so...
(Boston, USA)
Hi, I read (on this site, I think) that apple cider vinegar can cause an iodine depletion, so that may be causing your dizziness. Try adding a drop of iodine to your diet.
(Beverley, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom)
Thanks for that. I can't get iodine locally but expect I can source some on the web. Would it be okay to add this to my daily dose of ACV do you think?
(Boston, Ma)
Hi. No, I would take it separately. Also read up on what happens to you if you take too much iodine (runny nose, pain in eyeballs, grave's disease, etc etc). Another thought I had is that apple cider vinegar might also be lowering your blood sugar levels so that you are experiencing hypoglycemia. Make sure to eat before you take the apple cider vinegar. That may help!
(Beverley, East Yorkshire, U.k.)
Thank you so much. What a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that? I'll try taking the ACV after I've had my lunch and see if that helps. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed... I'll let you know what happens.
(Mumbai, India)
ACV & Blackstrap molasses are high potassium foods. Consuming this would raise your potassium levels and further drop your Blood Pressure. This would cause you to feel dizzy.
No. ACV lowers potassium. Anyone reading this---do an internet search for "apple cider vinegar and potassium"
(Las Vegas)
Very true, ACV depletes you of potassium.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am considering re-starting ACV just 2 days a week to begin with (after stopping if over a month ago) for my food allergies. I just read that ACV helps in reducing blood pressure. I normally have a low blood pressure. Is it ok to take ACV in that case or would it reduce my blood pressure even further? I have just had a stunt with brain fog and don't want to get into any other trouble again.
(Washington, Dc)
I would be careful. I have low blood pressure and I felt dizzy after doing ACV for about a week. Proceed with caution.
(Denton, Tx)
I have hypotension and found that I cannot take ACV because it makes it worse, and especially makes me get really bad hypoglycemia. Then, no matter how much I eat, it it is difficult to stop feeling hungry and craving sugar. However, it might be OK to take ACV or any other vinegar with a meal, instead of just in a glass of water--especially a high-protein meal. I have yet to try this, but it might work.
(Arkansaw, Usa)
Yup same goes for me ACV is gives me extremely low blod pressure and massive hypoglycemia which ends with me having mega anxiety for the rest of the proceed with caution.
(Ruislip, Middlesex Uk)
Thank you all so much for this useful feedback. My BP is usually on the low side, 100/60 - probably due to adrenals. In warm weather, after sitting for an hour with coffee (my one a day)and a book, it's not unusual to start greying out when I stand up but a little salt will usually stop me being wobbly. Yesterday it was very warm and my BP was 85/52 which concerned the doctor who postponed my small surgical procedure. I was a bit puzzled too BUT I've been using ACV daily, probably 4-6 tablespoons, since January - 6 months. I've read lots about it on this site but hadn't tuned into the BP angle because it has been miraculous in helping with pain from arthritic hips so I shan't stop. I take it with apple juice and water and sip all day and strangely enough have had hardly any grey out episodes; maybe the sugar from apple juice helps. I do use Himlayan salt on food but will take in water henceforth and thanks to the gentleman who posted the advice on supporting adrenals. Love this site. It's my first stop if anything's wrong. Nickie
EC: Hi Nickie,
Please make sure to read up on the (thus far) 93 side effects reported from drinking apple cider vinegar here:
(Sandy, Utah, Usa)
To Nickie, Because the apple cider vinegar is hard for you to use for your arthritis, there is a greater way to get rid of your arthritis. The solution is in a book called "Arthritis and Common Sense" by Dale Alexander. Basically what you do is upon arising drink 2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach. Ten minutes later take a cod liver oil shake. Get a small bottle with a lid, like a baby food jar. In it put 2 tablespoons of whole milk with 1 tablespoon cod liver oil. Or you can use fresh squeezed orange juice, strained without the pulp, instead of the milk, whichever you prefer. Fresh orange juice and milk both have oil in, which they need to have for this to work. Do not use canned, frozen or bottled orange juice. I used the fresh orange juice. Give it a good 20 or more shakes so it combines (emulsifies) really well. Drink the shake and wait 30 minutes before eating breakfast. At night four hours after your last meal, take another shake. You are supposed to do this for 6 months. This procedure sends the cod liver oil directly to your joints. I had such terrible arthritis, I couldn't lift my head off the bed and had to roll out of bed to get up. I did this regimen, but skipped the night time regimen and only did it in the morning for 5 months. I haven't had arthritis for about 15 years. Now I also try to make sure I get cod liver oil in my diet. But the shake sends it right to your joints. I found out about this procedure while reading an old "Fate" magazine. The story was written by a woman whose husband was so crippled with arthritis he couldn't even work. The couple had four little children and she was pregnant. They were really desperate and felt the situation was hopeless. She fasted and prayed one whole day asking God for help. The next day she felt a very strong feeling which led her to a public library five miles away. She said she didn't understand it but followed willingly. It led her down a certain aisle of books where one stuck out inches farther than its fellows, which were all pushed back neatly in a row. When she read the title of it, "Arthritis and Common Sense, " she said she knew this was the answer to her prayers. Her husband took the shakes and within 3 days he was back to work. Amazingly she was not far from where I live. I checked with our library system to try to find the book for myself and the only book available was from the very same library she went to, so it had to be the same book she checked out from many years earlier. I have my own book now and the copyright is 1984. Good luck and bless you. This is a wonderful cure.
Blackstrap Molasses

Note: you will urinate a lot, so you need to replace fluids lost too. I use this remedy all the time, be cautious!!!!
(Thessaloniki - Greece)
Most studies and internet search results say that lemon is for high blood pressure. I only found this for the opposite:
Here is a relevant quote from the human trial :
' We found licorice to be more potent than previously known, with significant increases in BP, after a daily intake of only 100 mg GA. Thus, the safe limit of intake of this substance might need to be reconsidered. '
This may also be a potential consideration for orthostatic hypotension (OH) where blood pressure drops suddenly when standing from a seated or laying down position and dizziness often occurs or in severe cases, the person may pass out, but further study would be required to confirm that.
Methylene Blue
"The suspected mechanism of action of methylene blue is inhibition of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which ultimately prevents the smooth muscle dilation that accompanies anaphylaxis. Methylene blue may be a valuable adjunct in the treatment of anaphylaxis and other causes of refractory hypotension.'
The data suggested that in human septic shock, methylene blue increases mean arterial blood pressure through an increase in cardiac index and systemic vascular resistance.
Shock is often a syndrome caused by a systemic derangement of perfusion leading to widespread cellular hypoxia and organ dysfunction. These include cardiogenic (e.g., heart failure), obstructive (e.g., tension pneumothorax), and distributive shock. Distributive shock is characterized by loss of vasomotor tone or an overall decrease in systematic vascular resistance, and is often accompanied by an increase in cardiac output. Sepsis and anaphylaxis are the two most common etiologies of distributive shock. Also, drug-induced shock from certain medications such as calcium channel blockers may have a distributive component as well.
I used Compasslaboratory MB 0.5% solution.
By the same token, people with hypertension or pulmonary hypertension should monitor their blood pressure frequently if using or testing methylene blue because of its hypertensive effects.
Denise, This is about your super low blood pressure.
On the positive side, I am happy for you and for your success with high potassium foods.
However, on the negative side, you are treating only your symptoms.
Step 1: Check yourself for symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Step 2: Get yourself checked for hypothyroidism. Ask for serum levels of FT3, FT4, and TSH. Why?
Because it is your thyroid gland that controls how fast (or slow) your heart is beating, and how high (or low) your blood pressure is. If your thyroid is underperforming, then you are hypothyroid.
Step 3: The value of your TSH is just a rough guide. For a far more accurate diagnosis, you need to do a bunch of basal temperature tests every morning for a few months.
I didn't realise that I had low blood pressure until my partner bought a blood pressure monitor so that he could keep an eye on his high blood pressure.
I was told that low blood pressure shouldn't be too much of a problem but it didn't take long to see a correlation between the times when I felt most tired and low energy, with the times when my pressure was lowest. I found a couple of sites on the internet which suggested soaking 30 raisins in about 1/2 cup of water overnight and then eating the raisins (chewing well) and drinking the water on an empty stomach first thing the morning. I did this three times during the course of one week and three months later my pressure has improved and I feel way more energetic.
She gave me glass of water with half tsp of Himalayan salt and after an hour it was 124/76 and I felt great! So fast! BUT why did it drop so low!? (btw special thanks to Art Solbrig for pointing me to NAC as destroyer of biofilm in urinary catheter -- nothing to report yet--but I hope it will work).
I have a relative w/ chronic LBP, and am wondering what the size the salt crystals recommended are?
We both buy the right kind of salt, but it's quite fine, & I don't consider the pieces as crystals.
One of the things I love about EC is that people get to reflect upon some health situations that made a difference in our well being, and how we possibly solved the problem.
I remember when salt was declared enemy number one as far as my mother was concerned because the doctor told her it was bad for her blood pressure. The older she got the easier it was for her to stay away from salt.
Fast foods always tasted over salted to her. Now, if the truth be told I do remember when she started her no salt war, the doctor said she could cook with salt, but do not add any salt directly to her food.
When mom was in her late 80's, she noticed that her blood pressure had started dropping low. She learned to only take her blood pressure medicine if pressure was high.
Then she began to find herself with hospital stays because she began to get fainting spells. Her blood pressure would suddenly drop after, or while she was using the toilet and she would faint.
The doctor started giving her sodium pills to prevent that. When mom found out that they were giving her sodium pills, she said, "If they would put some salt on my food they would not have to give me salt pills."
Listen to your doctor, mother's doctor said, when preparing food cook with it, salt, sea salt, your body needs some salt! Stay away from processed food when you can, home cooking is the best cooking. I'm talking to me too. Take good care of yourself.
(Orlando, Fl)
Some one I know takes salt tablet for low blood pressure. I wouldn't suggest table salt for this, you could try sucking on a Himalayan salt crystal a day.
(Rocky Ridge, Ohio)
Poor adrenal function is often a cause of low blood pressure. The book titled, Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st Century Stress Syndrome by James L. Wilson, explains the how's and why's and gives many natural suggestions as a way to nourish the adrenals back to health. The term is adrenal fatigue or hypoadrenia.
Vitamin C, E and B vitamins, magnesium citrate, calcium and trace minerals and fiber. The herbs licorice, Ashwaganda root, Korean/Panax ginseng for men, Siberian ginseng/ Eleutherococus senticosus for women, ginger root, and Ginko Biloba in tincture form are all beneficial to the adrenals. The last one is adrenal cell or cortical extracts in liquid or pill form. Blessings, Robin
(Denton, Tx)
The previous post mentions Dr. Wilson, whose book I have read. I would like to give him credit for the idea of drinking salt water. It works much faster and better than putting salt in your food. He says that it is because one of the four minerals in all of our cells, is sodium (calcium, magnesium, and potassium being the other three). When our cells don't have enough sodium (salt, and by the way sea salt is a great form of sodium), then they cannot take in and retain the water that they need.
I've been having really bad hypotension for the last week, so have been searching the net for remedies. I had forgotten about the salt water cure. 1/2 teaspoon is too much for me (gag). I just use my instincts, and shake the salt into the glass of water, stir and drink. Then-immediately, it made me drink cup after cup of fresh water, while I was still standing in my kitchen. My body really needed water!-but couldn't take it in without the sodium! I think my blood pressure might be better (I don't have a way to measure at home) because I feel bright-eyed and awake and energetic now. For some reason, salty food does not make me feel energetic--on the contrary, all food immediately makes me tired.
(Kville, Nc Usa)
Alan, they have sea salt now with iodine.
My MD is suggested drink sea salt in water daily. The raisin cure is interesting because raisons have iron. There may other reasons than the obvious ones for low blood pressure, low aldosterone hormone, endocrine issues, allergic reaction, sepsis. Also low B-12 could be the cause. My MD said some people need way more B-12 than others even beyond the standard range. I'm on B-12 shots and folate. Check ferritin levels. Folic acid and iron just because your in the range doesn't mean you're not deficient. Also getting a iron binding capacity test is reasonable.
I have blood pressure about 90/50 most of the time. I am on no medications and generally healthy according to doctor and blood results, but I have started retaining some water, I don't like to take medication, what should I take naturally to help this.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Beverly, read up on about the role of sea salt in stabilizing these things. A tiny lick before you drink a glass of water, might just resolve the problem.
Don't take diuretics..They will take valuable mineral's out of your system and stress your kidneys...Apple cider vinegar is wonderful natural diuretic at one- 3 teaspoons a day in water...Parsley is also...Believe it or not water is a natural diuretic, maybe the best diuretic on the planet...drink up to a gallon..But use sea salt or Himalayan salt with it as these have valuable minerals in them...If you're holding water you may be using regular salt which is poison and has aluminum in it...Don't use it...You'll win...