Holistic Leukemia Care: Ted's Remedies & Herbal Insights

Papaya Leaf
Posted by Kevin (Plymouth, In) on 12/21/2014

You can buy Papaya Leaf products on Ebay, they helped short term get my platelet results up, but I have ceased taking it as I hated the taste and for the fact that I am doing so well. It's been over a year since I last posted and can attest my last visit to my hematologist this was his comment. Quote "If I didn't know better and this was your first visit with the blood results, I would say that you didn't have anything wrong with you".

My CLL is totally in remission with all my blood results in normal ranges. My platelet counts this last visit were 280,000. Of course he won't admit my regime was the answer, but did say on the last few visits, whatever you are doing don't stop doing it.

Since my last post in 2013 I have added in pill form a good multivitamin from Rainbow Light, green tea extract pill form 3x a day, garlic 2x a day, 1000 mg Vitamin C in the morning and evening, Tumeric supplement morning and evening, Bilberry once a day, and was on fish oil-not anymore. Also juiced in the morning on an empty stomach one orange, fresh pineapple, fresh papaya, and mixed other fruits in occasionally. I also add juice that I purchased online: 1 oz of goji juice, 1 oz of mangosteen, and 1 oz of noni juice.

I can tell you I feel so good at where I am at now, but its been a rough journey. If anyone would like me to post my specific bloodwork where I was at over the last few years and where I am at now let me know and I can take the time to do so. God Bless all and good luck. Remember we are all different and what worked for me, may not exhibit the same results in your body.

Papaya Leaf
Posted by Kevin (Plymouth, In) on 08/16/2013

I have CLL and also have excellent results to increase low platelet counts with Papaya Leaf Extract. I have had jumps in the tens of thousands over a few months-most recently from 20,000 to 80,000.

Papaya Leaf
Posted by La0508 (Neche, North Dakota, Usa) on 07/13/2011

In March 2010, a researcher from Univ of Florida stated that he had found that a water extract from papaya leaf had very strong anti-tumor effects. Granted, leukemia is NOT a tumor, but I have heard from people that it had a very powerful effect on leukemia. Papaya leaf is a folk remedy for cancer of all types. Pau d'arco (tabebuia impetiginosa or tabebuia avellanedae) is a specific for leukemia. Check out this site: www.taheeboteaclub.com -- these people sell only taheebo, period (taheebo is another name for pau d'arco)--because their grandfather had inoperable metastatic cancer--and was cured 15 years ago from drinking this tea. I have contacted them and found that their replies to me were very honest and straight forward, not trying to snow me with salesmanship. Their tea is rather expensive-maybe $25-$30 a month, but it is never bitter. There are other good sites to get taheebo, and a VERY STRONG extract in capsule form--called Taheebo Life Tea--google it. I use the tea for arthritis and cardiac arrhythmia, and it is wonderful. I often buy it from www.mountainroseherbs.com. I would certainly use this combination all day long for cancer, and if I had any form of brain cancer-astrocytoma or glioma--I would add boswellia. But that's for another post.
