Holistic Leukemia Care: Ted's Remedies & Herbal Insights

Nettle Tea
Posted by Rosemary (Kitchener, Ontario) on 02/04/2016

Editor's Choice In the spring of 2015, a 85 year old lady, was diagnosed with leukemia. She refused a bone marrow confirmation of diagnosis and the recommended treatment with Chemotherapy. The oncologist said she would likely not live 3 months, but scheduled a 6 month follow up appointment.

This lady began a daily regime of nettle tea, about a litre a day, eating the boiled nettles, and also made syrup form fresh nettles, taking a few tablespoonfuls a day.

When this lady attended the 6 mth appointment, the oncologist expressed shock to see this woman and disbelief that she was still alive. Her recommendation was to 'continue what you are doing, because it's working'. the lady's blood work had returned to normal!

This woman claims to have helped friends with advanced cancer to stay alive and thrive, taking her tinctures or teas as long as they used nettles daily. However, both of her friends stopped using the cure after 2 yrs, upon feeling so improved. Within 6 mths they were both overcome with cancer once again.

My friend, now 87yrs of age, continues to prosper and work industriously every day while using nettle tea and tincture.

Wishing good health to all.

