Kidney Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies to Prevent Kidney Disease

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Lumbrokinase +
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 01/30/2021

Both my kidneys were swelled up for 18 months while I searched frantically for answers. Every kidney link said it was infection. I tried various infection remedies until I decided to get lab test. It came back negative for infection.

I continue to search for answer on a zillion links with no answers. I finally came across doctor who said most ckd people die from heart attacks. I searched for which supplements used in kidney. They were all related to heart disease. I deduced from that it was blood clots in kidneys.

Nattokinase/serrapeptase didn't work. I needed a more powerful clot buster so tried Lumbrokinase, which I luckily bought 3 months before. It finally started taking down the swelling within 3 days. I was happy.

What pissed me off the most was that you have a zillion websites on kidneys and NOT one ever suggested that PAIN IN KIDNEY could be a BLOOD CLOT.

Have you ever tried to sleep with swelled kidneys. You don't easily.

I am currently trying to remove calcium from my soft tissues in hope of improving or regenerating my kidneys.

I use one capsule of Nutrusta Omega 3 DHA to help with proteinura and body.

I use 1 tsp of baking soda before bed. I have PH strips which tell me what urine is. This is so I can tell if I need more or less. I try to keep it above 7.0 or with some color of green.

I do think if excretions to kidney are too acidic, it will destroy kidney. That's why I think it stops progression. It has less to do with blood.

I used 2 capsules of Lumbrokinase 3 times a day until swelling subsided then try to eye ball it after that which is usually 0-2 capules per day.

I did not go to doctors for any diagnosis. I have no idea what stage my kidneys are in but I can feel when their under stress.
