Kidney Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies to Prevent Kidney Disease

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Corn Silk
Posted by Gina (Australia) on 08/02/2015

Cornsilk is a miracle worker. If you catch a bladder infection early enough and use enough it will fix it, but not if you let it get a hold.. For kidneys its usefulness cannot be overstated. I have kidney pain from time to time - I think never having drunk enough water could be the cause, but my right kidney is sensitive and gives me pain at times. Cornsilk tincture, anything from a teaspoonful to 2 tablespoons, will stop it in anything from 10 mins to an hour. If it isn't better in half an hour I just take more.

My father had only one kidney, after cancer/chemo that one had 30 percent function. He took cornsilk tablets daily and never had a problem unless he skipped them for a couple of days. I can't buy the tablets any more because cranberry got fashionable and the compny that used to make them here ditched them in favour of cranberry (useless for kidneys) but I can get cornsilk tincture from a variety of homoeopathic/compounding chemists and on line. Never be without it! (I've never heard of contra-indications with it though my mother in law was a bit concerned about my using it during pregnancy)

Corn Silk
Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 07/02/2008

Wonderful Corn Silk For Kidney Problems:

Corn silk has been used to treat various urinary disorders and is a diuretic.
It is effective in treating acute and chronic inflammation of the urinary system.
In Chinese medicine it is used as a treatment for water retention.

A sweet, soothing and cooling herb with diuretic properties, stimulates bile, helps prostatitis, enuresis in children, prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys, clears bladder and urinary tract infection, and lowers blood sugar levels.

Corn silk tea has a soothing effect on kidney, bladder and urinary problems, and can clear up pus, infection, burning or scalding urine. It will also soothe inflammation of the urinary passages due to gravel or kidney stones, and regulate the flow of urine (whether too much or too little), in cases of bladder drip and incontinence -inability of the bladder to hold urine-and urine retention or stoppage of urine. It seems to heal diseased areas of the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages and flush out uric acid, toxins and other poisons.

A simple way to prepare corn silk.Wash corn silk and put it in a cup,pour in boiling water and cover the lid. Wait for 15 minutes before drinking. Corn silk can be reused many times. Do not throw corn silk away after your first drink.

For those who can afford the time to cook herbs. Corn silk plus China barley would be more effective for kidney problems!

Benefits of BARLEY-dysuria,hydrops,whites,ascariasis,beriberi,abscess,mouth ulcer!China barley

Important: Use only China barley! Holland barley is not so useful

Direction for use

Use 2 litres of water and bring it to a boil,put in corn silk and China barley.Switch to low flame and cook for 1 hour.This herb is suitable for everybody young and old to detox their body of toxins! To be taken on empty stomach for best results or 2 hour to 3 hour after food for better absorption.Drink these herbs regularly for good results.Take your time and consume the solution slowly sips by sips throughout the day.

Do not use aluminum pot to cook herb,cooking herbs in aluminum pot will cause a chemical reaction resulting in a slow form of poisoning!

Corn silk is not suitable for kidney dialysis patients because of it's high Potassium content due to dialysis machine.
