Anal Itch
Natural Remedies

Anal Itch Remedies

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MSM, Raw Garlic
Posted by PB (Vancouver, BC, Canada) on 07/03/2009

Anal Itch remedy: 5gm MSM/ 2 cloves raw garlic, taken 2x per day at the beginning of a meal.

This webpage should mention that Pinworms cause anal itching. Pinworms cause itchy butt by depositing a gel around the anus, where they lay their eggs. Butt scratching is an important part of the pinworm lifecylce. If itchy butt wakes you up at night -- you probably have pinworms.

I struggled with anal itch for 10+ years, finding many remedies that cleared symptoms temporarily. I've also tried numerous 'parasite cleanse' remedies, including zapper. I was even tested for parasites and declared "clear". Yet, itching would recur, soon.

On a recent trip to India, I discussed my problem with an ayurvedic doctor who diagnosed me with "worms", and prescribed an ayurvedic deworm remedy (krimighnavatika) -- which I took for four months. After two months symptoms had mostly disappeared. This is the longest I had been without symptoms since I could remember. But the symptoms returned when I got off the medicine. I believe the doctor's diagnoses about "worms" to be correct... he told me that the longer I'd been infested (i.e. how many worms and eggs I have inside me) -- the longer I'd have to take the medicine. Four months was not enough.

This confirmed to me that I had worms that were not cleared by western style natural health parasite cleanse methods. I've lived and traveled extensively in Central America and in Asia, and I guess I have something from there that isn't seen that often in N.A. and Europe.

I could not afford to take the ayurvedic medicine indefinitely. Searching the internet for "deworm" remedies, I encountered a veternary sites that were discussing alternate therapies for worm infestations in livestock. In some searches, there was overlap in discussions between livestock and humans. Somewhere along the line, I ran across a site discussing MSM, administered in super doses causing a choking effect on worms.

That site recommended 5gm dissolved in a few ounces of water taken right before the main morning meal and again before the main evening meal. Then with those meals, 2 raw cloves of garlic, finely chopped, or crushed. (I butter a slice of bread, spread the garlic over the butter, and add a slice of cheese... yummy ... and a good antidote for the bitter MSM drink). Don't take more than 4 raw cloves per day -- too much will inflame your stomach and cause cramping. You can eat as much thoroughly cooked garlic as you want in addition to the raw garlic.

You stay on this regimen until symptoms subside, then slowly reduce the dose. MSM advocates recommend MSM be used daily (1gm) for health maintenance. Claims are made that it helps move blood to joints, hairs, and nails, and also lubricates cell linings allowing toxins to be more easily removed (which is how it clears worms). I can also claim that, at age 53, my beard has started growing faster, and much less hair falls out in the shower!

I have had astounding results with this method -- for the first few weeks there were worms appearing in my bowel movements every few days... about 4 different shapes. I haven't found any worm/parasite images anywhere on the internet to match them to. The most common type is not a worm at all, but looks like a tiny jellyfish, maybe 5mm across. I expect there's probably stuff I can't see coming out as well -- the ones I've seen are all white. I've only seen one mixed in with fecal matter. I hadn't had a worm show up in weeks, then this morning I had one about an inch long -- so it's still not over -- but I'm managing with out the ayurvedic medicine, and I'm happy about that.

While I used to be awoken at night by itching, now itch only occurs after a bm. But the degree of itching after BM has subsided considerably. I have also made significant lifestyle changes... Asian style hygiene in the bathroom (i.e. wipe with water) ... always brush fingers and under nails after using bathroom, and before handling food. Avoid handling food with hands, avoid touching face with hands.

I can say whatever I have is not communicable (unlike pinworms, which are easily transferred to anybody you touch with your hands)... been in two relationships during these years, and neither partner picked up my parasites.
