Anal Itch
Natural Remedies

Anal Itch Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Sarah (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 02/16/2014

I had anal itching for a couple of years. I thought I had pinworm and was looking up remedies for that, but nothing worked.

I was a no-sugar freak--after reading William Dufty's The Sugar Blues. I used real maple syrup or fruit-sweetened jams for deserts or on pancakes, cereal, and plain yogurt. Then when the American economy tanked around 2007, I could no longer afford real maple syrup and bought brown sugar instead. Suddenly, no itchy butt. Then when I tried real maple syrup again, the itchy butt came back. I guess I have a sensitivity to it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Emilyette (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 08/24/2013

I had itchy butt for 3 years before I got up the nerve to go to a doctor. Then over the next 3 years, I went to 3 different doctors. They didn't help. I started researching and tried a few different things including yeast solutions, they helped a bit, but nothing stopped it. Finally I saw a book with a special diet for your health and I decided to try it for other problems that I was having, such as swollen knees. After 3 months I was surprised to find that the itching (had gradually) gone away!!! Yea!!!

Turns out that I have a problem with wheat! I have recently gotten carried away with eating wheat again and I'm back to the itch. I've also noticed that sugar makes it worse, so have cut way back on that too. But I cut out wheat entirely. Very hard to do, everything has wheat in it. I've been off wheat and cut way back on sugar for about a week and the itch is gone! I intend to make some coconut flour pancakes, muffins etc. I'd almost forgotten that wheat was that bad for me, it's been so long since I've had this kind of reaction.

I know this is not the solution for everyone, but I just wanted all of you to know that something like this could be a solution. The book I was talking about is Eat Right For Your Blood Type, just in case someone would like to try it. Good luck and good health to all of you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bob (Middletown, Ny) on 08/12/2013

Itchy anus and butt area: I had this problem for years, I eliminated through trial and error, Tomatoes and tomato products such as ketchup, all types of peppers and pepper products, and onions except dehydrated onions. All the food types I loved but now stay away from. Itching has stopped.
