Anal Itch
Natural Remedies

Anal Itch Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Dwayne (Merika, US) on 09/02/2014

I used coconut oil and almost instantly felt better. And now my a-hole smells like macaroons...bonus!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Chris (Tennessee) on 01/03/2014

I confirm! My experience almost the same. Coconut oil applied directly cures same day. Then whenever it just starts to itch apply once again (ever few days) coconut oil is great for eczema or flaky dry skin too. Don't know if it's the same thing.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Fellow Sufferer (Eastern Usa, Usa!) on 03/20/2013

After suffering from anal itching for well over a year I finally found something that works!! No burning vinegar, (which did help but the itch was always back the next day or two)

Pure Virgin COCONUT OIL!! I haven't suffered the itch in a month. Trust me, that in itself is a miracle. Instead of burning or itching more at first like the vinegar or baking soda or peroxide it actually soothes. If I start feeling it come back I just add some more. I hope you all can find some of the relief that I have found with coconut oil!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 07/19/2011

Have you got a really itchy anus? If so this is most definiatly a fungal infection. Untreated it could last for many years, the constant scratching can just exacerbate the problem, which will just make the piles worse. As a start get some virgin coconut oil and start taking, about four teaspoons a day.. And rub some around the anus as well. Its no coincidence that a well known brand of pile cream contains coconut oil. But topical application wont remove the fungus in the gut.
