My 5 year old daughter started coming out with several large weeping sores, I didn't know what they were so simply reached for the Colliodal Silver just in case they were Bacterial and to stop an infection if it wasn't. It turns out they are probably School Sores as they have spread quickly and look and behave exactly like Ulcerative Impetigo. I covered the sores with a waterproof dressing and soaked the dressing with Colliodal Silver, this killed the Infection in about 2 days without any itching or side effects. We then used Aloe Vera to help the healing process and covered them with dressings or bandaids. Unfortunately my wife left some of these sores uncovered early on which left my little girl able to scratch and spread another few sores around various parts of her body. Expect the whole process to take about a week and the light scarring to fade slowly depending on where the sore was. Because of the infection she has now come down with a Cold or Flu, beware of this also.
We have had a few illnesses in the family but my 2 children have not yet had to visit a Doctor except for a dislocated elbow, even Whooping Cough for them both was uneventful if you can believe that. My first stop is always right here :)
Thankyou Earth Clinic!
Lard, Sulfur
My grandmother also used this but she mixed it with Vaseline or Coconut oil and it always worked. I get the sulfer from a Mexican store in powder form. Have used it on myself, my children and grandchildren when dog days come around here in the south and impetigo shows up..
Lard, Sulfur
My doctor said impetigo shows up more in August because of the heat (dog days! ). We used salt water on the wound and it dried up.
Lard, Sulfur
HI U JAMIE, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , yep, using the term, DOG DAYS, dates you and I promise you, the millennials have no clue of what you speak. I have not heard that term in a long time so I looked it up and it has a bit more history than I first thought. Stuff grows in heat and high humidity and that's the reason you can hang meat in hospitals these days.
Black Salve, Essential Oils
Charity—I'm going to re-read, but When I read ox-bile, I had to ask! ... have you done Gerson Therapy? They are the only people I know who know that word! 😂 Or for full impact, “dedicated ox-bile” 😁
Black Salve, Essential Oils
yes Liver is likely at least part of issue. I did Gerson in 2012. So many amazing things happened during the year I was on it. After one year, went off bc (prior to starting) I had something going on that felt like I was being tortured 24/7. It came on in one day, and I couldn't even sleep one night without using opiates and benzos to mute the CNS. I knew you had to stop everything toxic, and I hoped I'd be able to do so with time, but it never worked, so due to expenses and the fact that it wasn't going to be able to help get me off the super-toxic meds.... we stopped. I've maintained as much of the Gerson lifestyle as possible.
I've juiced when we've had help, and it made no noticeable difference. I still do coffee enemas daily (just 1), to help keep liver in best health possible considering circumstances. I did a 4 month cleanse that took me 16 months to rid body of parasites and all things fungal. I knew I had severe fungal Candida. I didn't know that parasites always came with. (1000+ types of parasites—and 100s of fungals. Waste of time and money to be tested for parasites or fungals. Better to just do this cleanse because I can't think of any group of people who wouldn't benefit, even in prevention of many of the chronic illnesses available in America and other countries today. All the chronic illnesses come with something fungal at the root. anything” becomes “fungal” if it goes systemic. And any kind of med seem to somehow work synergistically with parasites and other fungals to breed new and formerly unknown to you varieties of anything that can go fungal/systemic.
Now that you know my diet is organic, lots of veggies, nothing processed and still no meat and very little dairy, plus coffee enemas—I wanted to see if you would have different or modified thoughts.
Also, I will take GSE orally, and am also considering massaging it into parts of scalp that are accessible. (Bowels move very well thanks to MAG-07 and 3000 mg daily of black-seed oil. If I took only one supplement, it would be the black seed oil. In capsules! I can tolerate almost anything. But not black seed or castor unless in capsules or on skin.) I was thinking of massaging black seed oil and a little tea tree oil into my scalp.
The hair matting came back twice as bad. No way to get comb or brush through it at all. Any thoughts? The hair matting Is extremely rare. Shaving head is suggested, I'm not wanting to do that. Last step of parasite/fungal cleanse is heavy metal cleanse. I called yesterday and he encouraged me to go ahead and start the heavy metal cleanse. He had one woman who didn't see the major WOW transformation until she did that last step. He reminded me hair is what we test for heavy metals, so I could have a ton of metals in my hair. Thanks for your thoughts!! Cindy
Black Salve, Essential Oils
Charity—I'm going to re-read, but When I read ox-bile, I had to ask! ... have you done Gerson Therapy? They are the only people I know who know that word! 😂 Or for full impact, “dedicated ox-bile” 😁
Hi all, My little girl had very bad impetigo all over her face age 2. I was given 2 types of liquid antibiotic which she refused to take. One evening I decided to try Burnshield hydrogel [otc for burns] on it because of the itch. I put it on at night and the next morning there was only one spot left. I treated this with the gel for another couple of days and that was it. Almost instant cure. The gel contains tea tree oil and I keep it in the fridge.
Povidone-Iodine Ointment
After the first couple days, just put a thin layer of Betadine ointment on after washing and let wound dry out each time. Amazing.
Colloidal Silver
How would you reccommend the use of CS on a 2year old. she is currently usung abx cream, keeps popping up anyway
Heat did absolutely nothing for the impetigo on my upper lip.
Manuka Honey
Hi! Thank you for this information. I was just wondering how often you applied the honey and turmeric.?
Manuka Honey
I had impetigo on my legs as a result of eczema. At first, I tried Manuka honey 10+ and that did not work. Seemed to spread it if anything. I then bought the 20+ and sad to say that it did not abolish the impetigo. I did it for one week, applied it day and night. It seemed to slow down the pussing but did not seem to make the impetigo go away.
On the sores (impetigo)after you blot it dry do u use the colloidal silver dietary supplement
Or the sovereign silver first aid gel? Thank you
Multiple Remedies
Try using phisohex from the chemist. Use it to wash with in the shower. That is what worked for me.
Antiviral Medication
I have had the same problem as you. Going on 20 years. Life is in ruins. I've managed to keep my lips area in check. Search Amazon for Lysine lip ointment. I don't know if they have GNC where you live, but I just buy mine there. Use it in the AM and PM and as needed. Keeps my lips in check while the rest of my face looks like an apocalypse. :(
Multiple Remedies
I am 15 year old female and have been suffering from impetigo for about 6 years and since last year I have just been thinking it was acne. So I went to many doctors that could not figure out what it was so finally one doctor I went to came to the conclusion of impetigo and they gave me mupirocin. This helped it only a small amount but it makes my face look incredibly greasy (the impetigo is all around and in my nose) and makes it unbearably itchy. So usually it just runs its course then goes away for a month or so then comes back. Now that I'm in high school I can't have this all around my nose! I cover it up with makeup everyday it's so embarrassing even though it takes a lot to get it just barley covered I keep doing it so it's not as red looking. I don't know why it keeps coming back. It is usually worst after I kiss my boyfriend but he does not have it on his face or body, but every time after we kiss it becomes horrible and recently nothing is working to make it better. I just found this website and it has good suggestions but everything I try doesn't work. How long is it supposed to take for the GSE to start woking I have been putting it on for about 3 days now and have not noticed any change at all. Should I be putting it into my drinks? I have also tried coconut oil which takes away the itch but thats it and tea tree oil and it just burns like crazy, I have also tried hydrogen peroxide and that also does nothing. I really need help I don't know what to do and my mom refuses to take me to the doctor because we already know what it is but this time it's not going away I've had this outbreak for about 2 weeks now and nothing is working. Please help, I'm completely lost on what to do.
That is a very good post. Everything I've seen of collodial silver is a spray or tincture. What is best form of it to apply inside the nostrils? You mentioned olive leaf oil. I already take that in a pill, but is there some type of topical form also?
Ivory Soap
I'm 42 year old female. In the last 3.5years I've had impetigo every 3-5 months... I went through mupirocin, keflex treatments, but it always comes back. Sometimes, in early stage I can wash it off with antibacterial soap, and that spot will go away. It seemed like a never ending war... Until I got rid off all body washes, bath foams, ets. Now I use ivory bar soap for all my body and life is beautiful. Regret very much that had not try it before. A very simple solution for such drastic skin problem.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
My impetigo is dried up, but how do you get rid of the dark scar, big dark red mark on my leg. What should I use to get my color back. Thanks
What is GFS extract ? I've started the heat treatment today and I'm a little confused on the GFS. Please help me.
EC: GFS = Grapefruit Seed Extract
Silver Gel
I used a silver solution gel (ASAP) on my spreading Impetigo. It worked immediately and effectively. I applied it nearly every hour or whenever I thought of it. Essential oils did nothing for the rash. It only took two days for it to dry up.
Olive Oil and Garlic
I got impetigo for about a week. I had no idea how itchy it was going to be. Researching online for alternative cures, I found that using virgin olive oil with freshley chopped garlic did the trick. I first used a pad of witch hazel to clean the area. Then I applied the olive oil and chopped garlic with a cotton swab on affected area. If it was really itchy, I would also add hydrocortisone cream only if needed. If it was a bit itchy, I would only pinch myself on nonaffected area to take the itch away. I hope that it will work for all you impetigo sufferers.
Sea Salt, Green Clay
For impetigo of the hands and fingers... I used coarse sea salt and green clay from the health food store. I then scrubbed my hands and fingers with it, , , I was surprised it didnt burn, , , then I rinsed it off and I immediately noticed all the itching was gone and the bright red bumps turned pink and white.... I slept well finally all the nite without the constant itch I had before... Im continuing to take the bactrim ds also cause I have a boil on my body elsewhere, , , , , , dont let too many horror stories scare you off.. From bactrim it may be the one antibiotic that will work for you, , , , . The key with bactrim is to drink alot of water to avoid too many side effects... Take yogurt also to replenish natural bacteria in intestines.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Oh my God, going through the exact same thing you described.
Lard, Sulfur
So, do you mix all that up and slather it on your face? Give some details on what the process is.