Correct a Hormonal Imbalance Naturally!

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Happy Horse Hunter (Nyc, Ny) on 02/07/2013

Hi guys, anyone out there know anything about high prolactin or hyperprolactinemia and controlling it naturally? Thanks in advance for your time!

Posted by Steph (Toronto, Ontario) on 12/06/2012

A good way to detox estrogen from the body is with DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate. These supplements metabolize the bad estrogen and allow your body to eliminate it, as well as balance the hormones. Research is also being done on DIM, in California, for its benefits on treating hormonal cancers.

Mirena IUD
Posted by Natasha (Lakeville, Mn) on 12/05/2012

I had the same thing, I finally saw a homeopathic Dr in my area after the medical Dr al thought I was lying. After muscle testing (non invasive! ) and following his suggestions I am back to normal :) You are not alone. The Mirena is an evil litle thing.

Sage Oil
Posted by She (Richmond, Virginia, United States) on 10/28/2012

I just took myself off hormone patch and progesterone by applying Clary Sage Oil.

Mirena IUD
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, USA) on 09/21/2012

I am looking to see if anyone had any improvements after having a Mirena taken out. I have the spiky chin and lip hair, steady weight gain, etc, for the last 30 years (no matter if I was on b/c or not, and no matter which b/c) and am really looking for hope. I've been able to lose zero weight since having this in, and despite major dietary improvements my weight is up 40 lbs from when I had it inserted. (up 55 in total, but I am down 15 for this year, but it has taken extreme hunger, and weeks with occasions of several weeks without a budge). I am having it out next week as it expires Oct 1.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 07/16/2012

Includes vitamin D, pectin, coconut oil...Read more:

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 06/30/2012 2063 posts

Angela, Discontinuing GABA alone will help much as it can boost the pituitary gland to produce up to 40% MORE HGH than normal. HGH is converted to Insulin Growth Factor (a hormone) in the liver where it is released into the bloodstream. IGF signals the body to burn fat and ignore glucose for fuel in each cell.

Drop the GABA and replace it w/ Melatonin and/or 5HTP and maybe even some Valerian will be necessary. The Chromium and Cinnamon will help the burning of the sugars.

Posted by Angela (Bloomfield, Nj) on 06/29/2012

Thanks from Kentucky. My doctor and I have not yet discussed treatment options. I am doing a sugar tolerance test on Monday and take it from there. I have always thought I was hypoglycemic and have been plagued with yeast overgrowth--don't know if they are connected. I recently started taking GABA because it helps me to sleep. Incidentally, my son suffers from severe anxiety and takes GABA which helps tremendously. That's how I got introduced to it. I now wonder if his illness is as a result of mine. Let me know your thought. Angela

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/28/2012 2063 posts

Angela, does not your endocrinologist have any treatment options or suggestions??? I think age is also a factor, it seems you've escaped this condition in your developmental stage, yes?

From the other end of the problem, I take natural supplements to help stimulate Growth Hormone production. So, logically you should avoid foods high in Arginine, Ornithine, and limit protein intake to only necessary levels while keeping sugars and carbs intake up ---candy bar before bed if it doesn't keep you awake. High protein low carbohydrate stimulates the hypothalamus to produce HGH particularly during sleep and in the early morning. The neuroinhibitory amino acid GABA also stimulates HGH release from the Pituitary Gland, so logically supplementing it's opposite, the stimulatory amino L-Tyrosine should help as T would antagonize GABA. If this diet could work, I would definitely supplement Chromium and Cinnamon for help in the burning of sugars.

Hope this helps.

Posted by Angela (Bloomfield, Nj) on 06/27/2012

I just found out that I have a disease called Acromegaly (excessive growth hormone levels) Does anyone know of any natural treatment for this disease?

Mirena IUD
Posted by Robert (Dillsboro, Nc) on 05/07/2012

My wife age 40 has had mirena in for 5 months now and it's been very, very difficult.... She has started to take the nattokinase 100mg.... We will see what happens.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Neha (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) on 03/29/2012

Hi, how much Apple Cider Vinegar and how much honey I have to drink? Please reply me. I'm really pissed of with my mood fluctuations. thanx

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Jacksonville, Florida) on 02/16/2012

Thanks Tihm! I will check that out. And, Francisca, definitely do the bio-denticals. I had great success and relief from pretty severe symptoms!

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 02/11/2012

Hi Lisa, I am 54, stopped a year ago with the anticonception pill and am now suffering a bit with menopausal symptoms like very dry skin. I have just been to a natural doctor and she wants to discuss bio-identical hormones next time. I wanted to read about it but unfortunately I haven't gone down to it so right now I know nothing at all about what is good and what isn't. I told her that I don't want HRT, so she knows that. I have an appointment next week.....

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/11/2012 2063 posts

Lisa try a Naturalpathic Doctor ND for HRT using Progesterone or Pregnenolone as either of these are safe (recognized as natural by human body) hormones that will convert into proper hormone metabolites respective of individuality. A correct dosage will need be found and maintained.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Jax, Fl, Us) on 02/10/2012

I just received a letter that the FDA has determined the effects of estriol to be unknown, so my insurance, of course, will no longer cover my bio-denticals. Is this one more push for the use of Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT) as opposed to something natural? Bio-denticals have been fabulous for me. Any other info out there on this? Thanks!

Maca Root
Posted by Brenda (Ottawa, On) on 01/26/2012

I would like to add that Maca Root is very beneficial for Menopause sysmptoms. I started it just this week, and I have already noticed a difference in my hot flashes. I have also tried other alternative treatments ie: herbs and Vitex etc with not much change to my symptoms. The Maca Root seems to really work and has alot of added benefit because of being a super food. Its packed with so many vitamins and minerals on top of it all. It is definitely recommended for HRT. I bought organic Maca root in bulk at Bulk Barn and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 01/20/2012

Garlic and raw food diets are supposed to balance hormones.

General Feedback
Posted by Been There Too! (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/05/2012

It's been a while since I've dabbed in fertility but Vitex (aka chasteberry) is nature's remedy as opposed to one of the fertility drugs used to assist ovulation. It does assist with hormone balancing and other ailments as well.

I don't want to give bad information but I can suggest you check fertility friend sites and comb through the chat boards and I'll guarantee you'll learn what you need to know. :)

General Feedback
Posted by Ani (Toronto, Ontario) on 01/05/2012

My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I received a bottle of Vitex from a friend who has already had a baby; she said it helped her conceive. I have done a BIT of online research and it seems to be very helpful to balance out the hormones, assist with PMS symptoms and increase fertility. I would love to get some feed back and more info about this herbal extract from anyone who has tried it or knows more about it. Recommended dosage is ambiguous; it doesn't say anything on the bottle and online info seems to vary. I was hoping EarthClinic (my "go-to" website) would have more info on it.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Darlene (Kewaskum, Wi/usa) on 12/10/2011

Years ago I had heavy painful bleeding. Midwife determined it was an ovarian cyst. Suggested using a tea of Squawvine (aka Partridge Berry; Mitchella repens) daily. One month later no problems. Never cropped up again. May work for you as well.

Note: Steep 30 minutes after adding to boiling water. I used a generous tablespoonfull per quart I think.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 12/09/2011

Hi Stephanie, High prolactin levels are caused by stogen dominance. Remedy:- DIM & calcium-D-gluconate but if you go to Dr William Wongs website you will get valuable info there plus remedies that will work. Good luck.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Stephanie (Boston, Us) on 12/08/2011

I have been suffering from very heavy menstrual periods that last 15 days each month and after having all kinds of blood work, it has been concluded that I have very high prolactin blood levels.

The range for menstruating women is 2-27, and mine is showing at 28.

Any natural remedies for bringing the prolactin levels down? I do not want to go for traditional meds which are very harsh to the liver.

Please, any help will be greatly appreciated.



Vaginal Dryness
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/14/2011

Pahlee: coconut oil.

Vaginal Dryness
Posted by Pahlee (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 11/13/2011

I have been suffering from from vaginal dryness, is there a good remedy for this cure?

Zinc, Wild Yam Cream
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 09/13/2011

Zinc works because it helps to bring your progesterone back up. Estrogen tends to dominate in alot of us women. Especially when you hit 30 . Wild yam cream has natural progesterone in it. I rub a little on my wrists in the morning and sometimes at night if I am feeling less frisky than usual. It is something you can adjust as needed. Estrogen and copper will also help if you are the opposite and your progesterone is too high. I gage which is high or low by my periods and my mood. If I am short tempered and my period is heavy and/or long I need more progesterone. If I am anxious and my period is light and/or short then I need more estrogen. Usually I am low on progesterone though.

I always make sure to supplement low dose of the opposite though so that you don't throw other things out of whack. Like your thyroid which needs copper and zinc. So if I am low on progesterone I use the cream in the morning and night on my wrists and I take 2 mg (RDA is 2 mg) of copper with at least 10 to 15 mg of zinc (RDA is 8 mg). Alot of us are low on estrogen because we are taking so much zinc to boost our immune system so be careful when your doing that. Make sure your taking copper too. If estrogen or progesterone is out of whack we don't feel desire. We also need testosterone which you can also get from zinc and DHEA (half of a 25 mg tablet per day) if you think your low there.

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/29/2011

Dear Bill, "So the real culprit here is trusting yourself to cheap, toxic, chemical processed food, drink and drugs". Here here. If only I'd known at the time. I think I did a lot of damage - severe fms pain and with no diagnosis or treatment plan drank red wine to try to numb it. 2 decades of that might be the reason I have no ca in my bones but its blocking my arteries and lying around in my tissues causing more severe pain. I have done everything suggested here borax, hyd peroxide, mg citrate, msm, dmso, K2, edta. But not the fulvic acid, difficult to find - is it OK to ask where you get yours? Or are we barking up the wrong tree? Could there be something else going on? Am I just not cleaning out my system because of my liver although the tests say its no good I dont look jaundiced. The only indication of a troubled liver is my white coated tounge. AND SEVERE ALLERGIES.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Ti (Houston, Usa) on 07/24/2011

My prolactin blood levels are higher than normal. In menstruating women they should be between 8-22, and mine is close to 40. Any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated. I do not want to take regular Big Pharma meds for this. Want to go the natural route.

Gratitude, T

Mirena IUD
Posted by Sarah (Montrose, Pennsylvania) on 05/28/2011

Has anyone had any experience with having the Mirena IUD removed and any herbal/natural supplements to help detoxify and bring hormones back to balance? I have had some awful side effects (including weight gain despite eating healthy and working out, joint pain, breast soreness for months, and cysts coming and going, facial hair growth, and constant bloating/constipation/digestive issues) and just now connected the dots to the source of the problem being the synthetic hormone in Mirena. I can't wait to get rid of this and try to get back to my old self! ANY help appreciated! Esp. Those with personal experience! Thank you!

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/21/2011

Hi Robyn... Disodium EDTA(not Calcium EDTA) should really be used when your glands are all working properly and where your blood calcium excess has occurred through excessive ingestion of calcium foods such as dairy or too much food that has been over-fortified with calcium -- a problem that seems to exist in all modern western diet these days.

These calcium problems then become further compounded by lack of magnesium, iodine, vitamin C etc in the diet and this leads to an eventual weakening of the immune system. And that leaves the backdoor open for not just one but many diseases to take hold in the body. Furthermore, the medical research profession has never and will never conceed that a poor nutritional diet, which includes heavily chemically processed food which contains toxins and, equally, a lack of nutrients, has anything to do with any medical illness. Their business model simply won't allow it I guess. Far better to get patients hooked on their drugs for life, rather than to cure them outright in a couple of months. This simply pays better because the Pharma Drugs Industry have alot of voracious shareholder mouths to feed and satisfy...

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/21/2011

Hi Michelle... The root cause of most gland tumour problems is perhaps a comibination of both the accumulation of toxins from processed foods, pesticides, heavy metals and halides such as bromine, fluorine and chlorine -- as well as a lack of important nutrients in the body -- such as minerals, amino acids and vitamins. So the real culprit here is trusting yourself to cheap, toxic, chemically processed food, drink and drugs.

Above all you should continually work to remove these toxins from your body. Never stop. To remove heavy metals -- by regularly taking chlorella/spirulina or sodium alginate or drinking green tea three times a day or eat salads with a small handful of fresh cilantro will all help to remove the heavy metals. Lugol's Iodine or Kelp is my favourite for removing all the bad halides. Iodine also removes cadmium, mercury, lead and aluminium.

Fulvic acid is another good one which also helps to remove heavy metals and food toxins, as well as acting almost like a protective antibiotic in the body to assist the immune system. I myself regularly take a Filipino brand of fulvic acid/electrolyte/ascorbate/zeolite concentrated drops mixture which also seems to increase energy substantially for some reason.

To answer your questions:

Ted posted that growth hormone destroys the liver. I would like to know how this happens, and if there is anything I can do to prevent or slow it down.

The growth hormone, in a cancer context, can indeed destroy the liver because of over-production of lactic acid from its anaerobic respiration. Thus, it gets to the point in metastased Stage 4 cancer that the blood has a very high concentration of lactic acid with high levels of mycotoxins and aflotoxins, which the liver, in the end, is unable to remove or cope with. The lactic acid acidity is what helps to kill the liver in the end. Indeed, the liver frantically works hard to remove the lactic acid by re-converting it to glucose -- which actually helps to feed the cancer!! This then becomes self-destruction -- a death spiral for the liver -- unless this lactic acid/glucose toxic cycle is stopped.

Therefore, a growth factor such as HCGH will help cancer to grow -- which increases lactic acid in the blood, which helps to kill the liver in the end.

In the Gerson Therapy therapy against cancer's and tumours, the patients would drink a mixture of liquidized raw liver combined with carrot juice which seemed to have considerable reviving effects for the liver and also provided a means to stop tumour growth which few people understood. Later, Dr Virginia Wheeler investigated and used the same protocol against cancer. The secret reason was that something in the raw liver juice reacted with the Vitamin A in the carrot juice to create Abscisic Acid -- a very close relative to Vitamin A -- which had the ability to neutalize the HCGH(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone), a growth hormone, which particularly governs the growth of stem cells(babies) in the womb. Cancer tumours also produce a very similar growth hormone. So, by taking this liver/carrot juice mix Gerson and Wheeler were able to safely stop both tumour growth and cancer spread by metastasis -- thus reducing lactic acid in the blood thereby protecting the liver -- Although, upon discovery of the reason, Dr Wheeler just simply gave her patients Abscisic Acid tablets instead.

Just out of interest Bill, do the petechiae ever go ?

My answer to that is never say never!! When I had systemic candida, I had all sorts of skin ailments including psoriasis. In medical research opinion there is simply no way that you can get rid of psoriasis, which is also defined as a precancerous condition. However, my psoriasis disappeared completely when I successfully killed off the candida and has never reappeared in 5 years. So I would say that the medical research fraternity is completely wrong on psoriasis. You certainly can get rid of it. I am also of the opinion and convinced that psoriasis is not the pre-cancerous culprit, but that systemic candida is really the pre-cancerous condition that is the bigger danger.

So, from my own experience above, there is really no earthly reason why you should not be able to get rid of your petechiae as far as I'm concerned -- as long as you can address and eliminate the root causes of the problem -- and the root cause seems to be the thick blood possibly caused by the pituatary imbalance and excess calcium problems. The Chanca Piedra and the serrapeptase enzyme should help you here by removing the capillary blockages, reducing edema and safely helping to thin the blood. Serrapeptase and Chanca Piedra also have strong anti-inflammatory and pain-killing action with very few, if any, side-effects -- All good, in other words.

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/20/2011

For some reason I thought edta also put ca from tissues/arteries etc back into the bones like K2 does. But is it that it just gets rid of it from the body - I gather its through the kidneys? thank you for all your help. Im still confused about using mg if Im showing mg toxicity in my tissues.

Posted by Michelle (Cambridge, Cambs / Uk) on 05/20/2011

Dear Bill, many thanks for your prompt and very helpful reply. I can implement straight away some of your advice, but I am also a long term vegetarian, ( no meat, fish or eggs. ) and have to find substitutes for some things, ie dessicated liver, which I take fulvic/humic acid, BSM, and hope it is ok instead.

I still have some pituitary gland left, with some tumour left with it, so although I have blood tests nd MRI scans at the Endo clinic regularly, they haven't given me any pills, just growth hormone replacement. I inject 0. 2 daily. I do feel much better mentally with this, my muscles have sort of reappeared a bit after 5 months! , and I can stand up straight again, But no weight loss, and much pain. I hope your sis-in-law is doing well, and I'm sure with someone like you on hand, her particular journey is much alleviated.

Ted posted that growth hormone destroys the liver. I would like to know how this happens, and if there is anything I can do do to prevent or slow it down.

I'm taking milk thistle, and will get some chanca piedra, manganese and Nattokinase immediately too. Just out of interest Bill, do the petechiae ever go ? I've read here on this site, that some people have them still after 1 year.

Thanks for the advice on the calcitonin, I will be asking my doctor for the relevant tests next week, and will post my results, in case it helps anyone else with this many faceted dis-ease called arthritis!

Fingers crossed, and bless you all for creating and running this site. Amazing!

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/20/2011

Hi Michelle... Just an update on my last. There is indeed a form of synthetic Calcitonin which is already being used in the medical industry for hypercalciumia problems. Check these links here:

My guess is that the pills that were given to you to provide correct thyroid activity are not in balance. To confirm the excess calcium in your blood I would therefore suggest that you get a blood test that directly tests calcium blood levels. Thus armed with proof, you should then request calcitonin supplementation from your doctor or specialist as the cure. This could solve many of your calcium-related and bone loss problems for sure.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/19/2011

Hi Michelle... The greatest problem that you have is the pituitary tumour. The pituitary is one of the master glands in the body, which functions to regulate many of the body's other glands -- including the thyroid, adrenals, kidneys, pancreas etc. So if the pituitary secretions are disturbed or disrupted, then all these other glands will not be performing correctly -- including regulation of bone, immune system, energy, blood regulation etc. Unfortunately there is no one herb or group of herbs or natural cures that can correct these necessary pituitary secretions. I have written about this subject before here in another post to Robyn, which I think you are aware of:

My sister-in-law, who is also a lifelong vegetarian, had her pituitary and pituitary tumour removed in UK and was put on a permanent course of pills to help adjust and regulate her glands. These pills, in other words, substituted for the abscence of regulation from her pituitary.

The greatest problems you seem to have are arthritis, blood iron and pain in the tissues. As Ted has said, arthritis can be caused by mycoplasma and associated bacteria and the best remedies appear to be borax, hydrogen peroxide and Magnesium Chloride(or magnesium citrate). For the tisue pain issues -- MSM(Methyl Suphonyl Methane) and DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) will help you here -- you can investigate these on EC. And for the iron/anaemia issue -- I would consider taking a more gentle and more bio-available source of heme iron such as dessicated liver tablets. Also, taking Manganese as a micronutrient on its own will help to improve the use of iron for the blood.

Perhaps the most in depth explanations for the causes of arthritis by Ted from Bangkok can be found here:

Undoubtedly, and from your tissue pain problems, calcium is perhaps not so well regulated in your body so supplementing Magnesium, Vitamin K2 and disodium EDTA should also help you reduce your calcium levels inside your tissues and thereby help to reduce the pain.

But I must admit to a problem with EDTA usage in your case. Because your calcium problem is essentially due to a loss of proper control by the thyroid(which controls bone formation), then if we continually remove the excess calcium from the blood, bone loss will nevertheless continue due to non-regulation of the thyroid by the pituitary gland and could help to weaken you bone mass further thereby continually aggravating your sacrolitis and bone loss problems. But if you don't remove the excess blood and tissue calcium, then the tissue pain(and all the other problems) will continue. So I must leave the decision whether to take EDTA up to you.

Another thought, since you must also be taking a battery of pills as a substitute for your pituitary secretions. Perhaps consult your doctor or an endocrine specialist and ask if there is any drug therapy that will help to increase the calcitonin output of the thyroid, in order to more balance and reduce your blood/tissue calcium excess and your bone issues.

Concerning petechiae, which is burst blood capillaries in the skin, these can be caused by "sticky blood" where blood or platelets clump together forming a small blockage or thrombosis in the capillary causing the small blood vessel to burst. Taking Chanca Piedra capsules, which acts as a mild diuretic should help clean and thin the blood safely. And taking serrapeptase or nattokinase enzymes, which are protease or protein digesting enzymes, should also help to digest and clear these capillary blockages safely. These protease enzymes should be taken outside mealtimes because you want them in the blood. The Chanca Piedra, as well as the protease enzymes, should also simultaneously act to quietly reduce the edema in your leg. The Chanca piedra should be taken as a capsule -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes. My partner developed small varicose veins recently, so I gave her pancreatin, which also contains similar protease enzymes, and her varicose veins disappeared after only a short while.

Posted by Michelle (Cambridge, Cambs / Uk) on 05/19/2011

Dear Bill, thank you for all your helpful and interesting posts. I would like to ask you about other reasons for osteoporosis, and possible treatments. If the bone damage occurred from a virus/bacteria such as KLEBSIELLA, as it does commonly in horses, so probably more common in humans than doctors will admit, what would be the protocol killing the organism responsible, and repairing the bone again.

Also would it be the same treatment if it was a fungus causing the bone damage ? Lastly, I have just been diagnosed with sacroiliitis, and hip deterioration and unbelievably painful arthritis in my left heel, accompanied by left ankle foot oedema and awful petechiae and discolouration. This is very new, no one in my family has it. I am wondering if it is to do with my pituitary tumour, or possibly picked up something whilst in hospital having my hypophosectomy.

What tests could I ask my doctor to run for me to find out what is going on. I thought once I started growth hormone trearment, that I would feel better! I actually feel as bad as before due to all the arthritis pain. I was fit most of my life until this pituitary tumour kicked in, and I would be grateful for some relief from this back and heel pain. Looking forward to hearing from you. Michelle

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/19/2011

I've been reading alot of research on the thyroid, osteoporosis and diabetes in recent weeks which has led me to some surprising facts and conclusions. Just thought it might help those affected if I broadcast and share some of my thoughts and conclusions.

There are essentially two glands that control formation and destruction of bone in the human body. Calcitonin, a thyroid hormone, controls bone formation in the body and the parathyroid hormone or PTH which controls calcium release and bone destruction. This bone formation/destruction cycle in the body is normal and healthy for the body, provided it is in balance, and is a method of continually renewing old bone.

However if the thyroid is hypo- or insufficient and underperforming, then it is possible that this bone formation/destruction becomes unbalanced -- due to underproduction of calcitonin -- with bone destruction dominating this process and this is when osteoporisis occurs as a problem.

When a healthy amount of Calcitonin is produced from a healthy thyroid, more osteoblasts(bone forming) are produced than osteoclasts(bone destruction) with an accompanying rise in the bone hormone called osteocalcin. Very recent research has revealed that an increase in osteocalcin levels in the blood has a beneficial effect on diabetese. A rise in the body's osteocalcin bone hormone automatically raises the pancreatic production of insulin and also appears to reduce insulin receptor resistance throughout the body. A rise in osteocalcin levels also increases the sexual hormones of the body. Conversely, I have also read, that a possible cause of diabetes is due to the excess calcium in the blood which cause the pancreatic cells -- the Islets of Langerhans -- to calcify internally which greatly reduces production of insulin over time. As an aside, I can't also help wondering if this pancreatic calcification would also affect and reduce production of pancreatic digestive enzymes and bicarbonates as well, which would cause even wider adverse effects on the body's immune system as well.

So, all at once we have made the connection that if we have low levels of thyroid hormone -- caused perhaps by a low iodine or excess fluoride intake -- then this can have a wide domino effect in the body -- leading ultimately to a possible cause of both osteporosis, diabetes as well as a depression of immune system action in the body.

But other problems in this loop relationship can trigger osteoporisis and diabetes for different reasons. For instance, if a person takes the drug Warfarin over a long period for anti-clotting and blood-thinning, this drug is well known to cause osteoporisis -- and so, by logical extension, this drug will also most likely promote diabetes as well.

Another example of this is acid blood, which can also trigger excess calcium release from bone as well as ammonia relase from proteins in muscle tissue to neutralize the acid, all of which leads to loss of weight or a visible wasting of the body.

So, in conclusion, anyone who is suffering from diabetes (type 1 or type 2) would perhaps benefit considerably by also taking nutrients that promote bone formation and bone balance -- such as Iodine or Kelp, Magnesium, Vitamin K2 for example. Also from the research, promoting bone formation and osteocalcin also promotes and helps balance the sexual hormones of the body.

Another different perspective or view on this also explains why taking lugol's iodine for hypothyroid must inevitably help to promote calcitonin and proper bone formation as well as helping diabetes sufferers. This is why both magnesium and iodine have long been considered beneficial for bone formation in the body. However, their beneficial effect on diabetes is a fairly recent research discovery.

General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 02/10/2011

Hi Kay - I am 50 years old... I highly suggest you get the book "Breakthrough" by Suzanne Somers. It discusses HRT in depth, and is an exceptionally interesting read. I bought my copy on half (dot) com for just a few dollars. (Hope it is okay to mention that site - if not I appologize).

I then went back and bought another copy for my daughter to read. It is knowledge a woman needs to have BEFORE menopause hits as well as after!

It sounds like the doctor you are seeing now knows their stuff, and that they are trying to get you balanced. Natural hormones vs. The crap the "regular" doctors will shove at you are two entirely different things!

General Feedback
Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fl/usa) on 02/10/2011

I had a hysterectomy at the age of 41 so I was thrown into HRT at an early age. I was on estrogen pills, patches, shots, etc until I was 60 yrs old when one family doc told me I should take HRT anymore and that I will probably eventually wean off of the hot flashes, etc. Didn't happen!

Here 5 yrs later, I have mood swings, hot flashes and my hormone blood test are showing low vitamin D and I am miserable! I went to an MD who also specializes in Holistic med. He has perscribed which I haven't filled the perscription yet, Estradiol, Progesterine and Testosterine(forgive the spelling) all in a combined cream to apply to my skin at 1/2 ml per day. There are so many pros and cons to taking HRT and since I don't have a family or personal history of cancer, has anyone else been through this? Are there safe alternatives out there or should I just go for it? Thanks for your input.

Menopausal Excess Hair
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/17/2010

I have noticed that since I started using a formula to make my hair more beautiful, that I have not had the hair coming out of my mole right below my face anymore, as well as a couple of hairs on my upper left lip. I use to have to pluck them about 4 -5 times a week, and in the past 2 months (that is how long I have been using the concoction), I might have plucked once this whole week, maybe 2x last week - if I would have known that this would have been a positive side effect, then I would have wrote it down for the past two months!! However, I still had to pluck in the first month, and hardly ever now! So, I am not sure if it will help you, but it helped me!

It is a mixture of A simple syrup (sugar) base blended with Elixir of Lactated Pepsin, Liquid Liver Extract, Fluid Extracts of Black Snake Root and Wild American Ginseng, Atomic Iodine and Grain Alcohol. Look it up - there are many stores out there selling it - I started off taking it 3x a day for the first 2 weeks at 1/2 tsp and then I didn't take it for one week. I repeated that, and now I am only taking it 1 x a day for 5 days on 5 days off. I followed my intuition, which is my kinesiology and my pendulum basically, and that is how I did it. If you are already on hormone pills or natural hormones, then I would definitely talk to your Dr. before taking it, as it has Iodine in it. It is an Edgar Cayce remedy and he also suggested in one reading that you can use Lye soap to get rid of the hair, and one that said Cocao butter, calomel (which is no longer available), however he said in 95% of his readings that the Atomic Iodine would help with excess hair. He said it is a glandular problem and I tend to believe him, as I no longer take my Armour Thyroid, which I have taken for approx 6 years, for my hair. Now I only take the formula I mentioned!

Posted by Denisecorc (Burlingame, Ca) on 12/17/2010


It's important that every woman do research before using any hormones, even progesterone cream (which is toted as natural). All hormones have the potential for side effects. With progesterone, the effects are cumulative since it is fat soluble. So it gets stored in tissues. Even if taking it seems fine initially, over time it may create negative side effects and disrupt your adrenal hormones, DHEA and testosterone levels. It can cause all sorts of mood swings, facial hair, weight gain, etc. If you are considering, make sure you see a doc that practices functional medicine or a naturpath who knows how to balance properly. Best to test and treat your adrenal issues first as progesterone may not be needed once corrected.

Menopausal Excess Hair
Posted by Zep (East Coast, U.s.) on 12/17/2010

Please can anyone help with this? It's not something I had to deal with before I got older. I've been studying all I can find, but still distressed/depressed to find no remedy. Thank you for reading!

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