Hives Treatment

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Laurie Anne (Ridge Manor, Fl, Usa) on 01/11/2011

The best treatment for chronic hives is digestive enzymes. If you do a little research on the Internet related to amylase deficiency you may be pleasantly surprised at how simple it is to cure this acutely miserable malady. I suffered for several years and have tried many alternative treatments, but Taking digestive enzymes with every meal and snack has completely eliminated the symptoms.... I use a generic brand from an herb company that has ox bile as an ingredient and has a blend of amylase, lipase and protease among others. This has been a very liberating discovery and has provided more health benefits than just the skin issues... Check it out!

Dry Brushing
Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Maryland, Usa) on 12/16/2010

This is a correction to my previous post. Instead of oil of palm for hives I meant to say Palm of Christ, which is another name for Castor oil. I also wanted to add that using a zinc shampoo (for dandruff) instead of soap helped me with the itching and hives.

Dry Brushing
Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Md, Usa) on 12/15/2010

Activated charcoal did not work for my hives, but dry brushing, oil of palm and alkalizing did: I had a horrific case of hives, all over my body for about 3 months. It was triggered by taking acidophilus pills, which I believed would get rid of yeast that was causing my toenail fungus. I took the pills twice a day for about 3 weeks. I almost died. The pills did kill a lot of the yeast, which generated so much toxins I broke up all over. I had hives so bad that it looked as if someone had whipped me. I was itching so severely I could not sleep at all. I could not go out. I got a horrible case of athlete's foot, I had a vaginal yeast infection, my ears itch to the point of burning. I was desperate and clueless as of what was going on. I tried activated charcoal and hardly made a ripple. Then reading this site I realized that I had toxins coming out of my skin because I was so overwhelmed with the that my lymphatic system could not get rid of them quick enough.

I started dry brushing before showering, and that helped a lot. A night I would apply oil of palm all over my body for further relief. I started a plan to alkalize my body: stop eating acidifying foods like chocolate, black tea, red meats, etc. And using Ted's alkalizing formula of lemon and baking soda. I added alkalizing foods like cayenne pepper, celery, beets, raw spinach, etc.

The hives and itching went away 100% after about 3 weeks. It has been 4 months and I am free. The itching went first, and then the hives. While I was still healing I helped myself by drying extremely well after showering and by eating mint leaves to minimize the hives. I am now slowly introducing antifungals like garlic, oregano tea, Niacinamide and borax to help me get rid of the excess yeast in my body. The key is to do it slowly, as to not trigger a horrible reaction.

Liver Cleanse
Posted by Kimmy (Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh India) on 11/13/2010

Sure shot medicine for Urticaria:
Hi all:
Please try an ayurvedic medicine called Kynatomine from J and J DeChane. Please look it up on the net. Have 2 tablets 3-4 times a day and you will see tremendous improvement within 10-15 days. Complete cure is something you can expect! You can order it online. The second medicine to try is called Hemoplex, again from DeChane. Have 1-2 tablets 3 times a day with warm water and honey. The Kynatomine is to be had only with plain water. Please try it as these medicines are 100% ayurvedic and have no side effects. Don't have both simultaneously. Try one at a time. Look up these medicines on the net. TRY IT.

Castor Oil
Posted by Megh (Fremont, Ca) on 10/23/2010

I have been suffering from chronic hives since last two weeks, I am taking zyrtex , zantac, prednisone and doxepin. I read about the castor oil remedy and very eager to try it. How should I take it orally, like once a day or just apply it on the affected area?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Janet6 (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/18/2010

I have been doing OP with virgin olive oil for over four years. This has now become part of my morning routine. The first week I started, I experienced a clean palate which I think resulted in my new experience of foods. I now enjoy my foods and eat with more gusto. My other observance was that I slept more soundly and felt more refreshed and energized upon waking. Each day I eagerly started my morning doing O/P and then a thorough brush with my regular tooth-paste and baking soda and salt. My breath definitely improved during the day. However, the most important and startling feature of this new practice for me was that it cured my hives. I suffered with this allergic reaction for more than 20 years and all I got from my doctors was temporary relief. I had been using Benadryl, Allegra, Zyrtec, Prednisone among many but when I started O/P, it cured my allergies, which came out in the form of hives ( raised irregular shapes all over my body which were crazily itchy and ugly). I could not even talk about them, I felt like they were listening and would re-visit me. After four years of O/p I think this is the most amazing thing that could happen to someone with allergies. I feel that anyone with allergies can benefit if I can. I have been passing on by word of mouth to all my friends and family and those who try it tell me the wonderful results they too are having. I believe this has even helped me with whatever pain I have had in my shoulders and knees. I have experienced expelling a lot of phlegm which I am amazed is in my body as I never seem to have a cold or cough. Over the years, my face has gotten smoother than when I was younger. No one believes how old I am and I will not tell. I have used sesame oil and sunflower oil and I like olive oil the best.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Debbie (Des Moines, Iowa) on 09/05/2010

Thanks for the suggestion about using activated charcoal for hives. One thing to keep in mind is that hives can be caused by toxicity buildup. If you're not eliminating properly, make sure to take care of that issue with a natural cleanser before taking activated charcoal, as the AC can cause constipation. The whole point of taking the charcoal is to get rid of the toxins, and if you're not eliminating properly first, this could cause problems. You want to move everything toxic out of the body, which requires a free and clear pathway.

Castor Oil
Posted by Dela (Karratha, Australia) on 08/27/2010

The miracle cure for Hives is Castor Oil. The moment you get hives, or feel it coming, apply castor oil to the location. In severe cases you may also take some castor oil internally, like a teaspoonful or so. This will not give you diarrhea, but will help to keep the hives at bay. After suffering with severe hives for 6 months, and trying all forms of natural remedies, I almost gave up as nothing worked, except the doctor prescribed anti-histamines. I had to take Anti-Histamines at least on alternate days to keep the Hives at bay. I almost thought I had to live the rest of my life taking anti-histamines regularly. By Gods grace I kept on looking out for remedies until I chanced upon Castor oil, the miraculous Palma Christi. I tried taking it internally and applying on the bumps the moment they appeared. I am happy to say that Castor oil helped me conquer the irritable Hives. After just a few applications I was Hives free, no anti-histamines or anything else. I was cured. Till today I am free of Hives. It has also helped some of my family and friends who suffered from Hives. Try it. It's miraculous, it certainly acted like the healing palm of Christ.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cyncla (La Mesa, Ca, San Diego) on 08/26/2010

Hello! I have been suffering from hives for almost a month. I recently found your website and started drinking the ACV, it's been five days since I started and I haven't seen any change. I'm desperate and don't know if I should continue with the ACV, and if so, for how long? Can anyone out there help. It will be deeply appreciated.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 08/17/2010


What have you tried from this forum?

The cheapest and most readily available can always be tried right away! Try oil pulling. You likely have some type of kitchen bottled oil there. It says the oil should be COLD PRESSED, but not necessarily EV or organic.

There's no doubt he is getting an aggravated IgE response. Double check his DIET to make sure he's not getting just a food allergy reaction.

One common cause of hives symptom is heavy metals poisoning. Mercury, lead, aluminium, barium, ... It would also explain the achy joints, but that could also be an invasive candida infection or a hundred other things. The body is simply trying to get rid of these metals without damaging the kidneys, hence out through the 'third kidney'.

Has he had recent teeth fillings done, or a vaccine?
If so, then a cheap way to push out some of it even faster is once again, IODINE (Lugols or SSKI), orally and/or topically on the hives:

But this could take many months at least, and maybe in the meantime the hives will get worse.

Quicker for heavy metals, but more money, would be to find a zeolite product, maybe in a health store or online:

I don't see zeolite here this site as a category under Remedies, but someone under 'oil pulling' mentioned it. Try those for now!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cheree (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/17/2010

Also, his white cell count is normal. He is not getting any swelling in his mouth, throat or tongue. He is getting joint pain in his knees and ankles which is quite acute and renders him unable to function but luckily this is not often and may be unrelated. Cheree

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cheree (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/16/2010

My son has suffered from hives for months now, several trips to the GP offered no results. This web site suggested ASV which he tried for many weeks with no obvious results and also colloidal silver which he was taking orally 3 times daily and topically twice daily still no improvement. The rash comes and goes and some days it is much worse it terms of severity and coverage over his body than others. After 6 weeks his condition was considered chronic (urticaria) and he had seen the dermatologist twice still with no cause known and no improvement. He itches until he bleeds, is covered in little scabs where he has scratched, can't sleep because he itches and is becoming fed up. The doctors think it is an over active immune reaction to a small cold he had months ago but keep assuring me the condition will burn itself out, its been nearly 10 weeks now and we are still waiting. Kids at school are calling him a leper, he is 16 years old so says it doesn't bother him but I see it is all adding up. He is taking over the counter antihistamines currently ALLEREZE 10mg morning and night. Also PHENERGAN 25mg in the evening which is aimed at helping him get some sleep but also makes it tough to get him out of bed. About 3 weeks ago the Doc's suggested SINGULAR 10mg which is apparently an asthma preventative that they thought might help... $100 later still no improvement. Next step is to see a dietitian to rule out any food allergies. Love to know if any one else has any ideas???


Posted by Rimanosov (Miami, Fl Usa) on 07/20/2010

YEA. I've been having hives for 2 months now. After reading this post, I did a search on the internet and went last Friday (July 16, 2010) and bought for $3 a bottle of 500mg L-Lysine. I am taking one at a time on an empty stomach, three times daily. The Saturday I had practically no hives. The itching went away almost completely. Now, four days later, for the first time in two months, I feel something is working. They haven't disappeared completely, but I know I'm getting better every day. I didn't try antihistamine drugs that only mask the symptoms and are not good for the internal organs. I also ordered a blood cleanser on ebay, because I read that according to ayurveda, allergies are usually caused by blood impurities. Thank you for the advice.

Posted by Amanda (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 07/02/2010

My hives started 8 months ago where I would get covered all over and was extremely itchy.... I proceeded going to my family doctor and he started me on reactine 10 mg as well as prednisone. As we all have experienced prednisone works wonders but the side effects are horrible. I was blowing up like a balloon. And my journey started from then on. I saw a dermatologist on numerous occasions and was put on all sorts of meds. Then I saw an allergy doctor and he did endless tests and put me on numerous meds. I also saw a Chinese medicine doctor who cleansed my organs... In addition I saw a homeopath/natural path doctor.The remedies that I was put on were very complicated, time consuming and expensive but NO results. It was then that I returned back to my family doctor once again to be diagnosed with Chronic Idiopathic Hives. :(((( This really affected me emotionally and physically. I would be covered from my face to feet. I was usually worst in the morning, at night and during my period week. With all that said, my search on the net lead me to this site and I'm so thankful that you have provided this window for us to communicate. I tried the ACV with baking soda as recommended and was seeing an improvement but then my mom informed me that baking soda is not good to be injested on a daily basis. SO I did some research and it turns out that people have had their stomach rupture after consuming baking soda. That made me stop taking it and I did ACV alone.... this wasn't as effective. So I came back to this site to see other recommended remedies. A lady had mentioned her parents suffering from hives all their lives and using L-Lysine and got cured. So I purchased L-Lysine and used 1000mg to beging with, I saw a slight improvement so I started taking one 1000mg in morning and one 1000mg at night. I also take reacine 10mg at night as well. This has erased all my hives away. I have none and I'll occasionally see one or 2 small ones here and there. NOTHING like before though. I'm so thankful to have found something that works but I have 2 worries. 1) It will stop working eventually. 2) Side effects of taking 2000mg of L-Lysine a day in the long run. I've done some research and it indicates that getting gallbladder stones may be a side effect with usage of higher doses. Does any one have knowledge on L-Lysine and its side effects? I hope this helps some body....

Thanks again to the person responsible for this page. All the best to everyone and Blessings!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kami (Leechburg, Pa) on 03/07/2010

had hives two years ago for about 12 weeks. used prednisone with antihstamines until it went away...continued antihistamines even after hive were gone to prevent another out break...have hives again ..still on antihistamines and prednisone again...

what is the correct measurements for the acv with or without baking soda to drink...and if u apply it to the shin, how long do u let it sit on your skin before washing it off...obviously dont want to leave it on all day...thanks

Apple Juice
Posted by Lauren (Mount Laurel, Nj) on 02/20/2010

I think you may have misread, people are suggesting Apple Cider Vinegar orally and topically, not apple juice. Read the literature on the ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) it has a lot of curative properties.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Lusea (Groves, Texas, Usa) on 02/09/2010

I have had severe hives several times in the last few years. The only thing (and I tried lots of big pharma remedies) that really worked was activated charcoal. I take 4 - 250 mg to start and a couple more if needed in about an hour. Must be on an empty stomach and don't take any of your regular sups because the charcoal will suck up everything. It clears my hives in one day.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Mackenzie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/01/2010

Helen, I was wondering if you had facial swelling with your hives as well? If so, did you rub toothpaste on your face?

Posted by Vancouver Flowers (Siliguri, India) on 01/08/2010

It's really good and also it's improving but I don't like its taste.This information was really helpful for me rest if added it to descriptive manner it would be more appreciated.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Ravi S (Dallas, Texas) on 12/20/2009

I would strongly urge all Hives sufferers to stick to strict Gluten free diet and check if there is a difference. Gluten is a nightmare for a few people, that throws their immune system crazy. Hives as a side reaction to Gluten allergy has been overlooked.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dodge (Lincoln, Ne/usa) on 12/11/2009

I have been dealing with chronic urticaria of around 20 years. Each year they get a little worse. For the past 5 years of so I have been dealing with them with Cimetidine and Cetirizine. During warmer weather I can get by with very little but when it gets colder I need more. When winter hit this year it got really bad and I was taking a lot of Cimetidine trying to slow it down. Was not working and I was getting concerned. I found the information about using ACV and gave it a try taking it three times a day. Within 2 days the wheals where gone just a little iching or tingle left. I have even been able to cut back the meds to more normal summer levels. I have not played with different amounts of ACV yet but pleased so far.

Almond, Lavender and Tea Tree Oils
Posted by Ainhi (Buena Park, Ca) on 09/11/2009

I have hives on and off most of my life, but the last month I have breakout a couple time a day and my regular med doesn't seem to work anymore. I usually breakout during the night and wake up with wheal all over my body and face. The eyes and the lips are the worst area because it takes almost a whole day for it to go down. I read somewhere that baby oil help. I don't have baby oil so I mix what I have. Almond oil, lavender oil and tea tree oil together. This really work for me. It stop the crawling itching and it seems to stop the wheals from getting bigger. As soon as I feel the tingling in my lip or eyes I rub on this oil and it calm down right away. I like to pass on what work hopefully it will help someone too. I'm currently on ACV baking soda with honey 3 times a day. I can't tell if this is helping but will keep trying for a few months.

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin C
Posted by N. Williams (Doral, Florida) on 08/21/2009

Hi All

I live in the Caribbean and 5 years ago I suffered with the worst case of Hives. It affected even my eyes and made the white appear soft and jelly-like!! I missed a lot of work, could not sleep in the nights and visited three doctors and one herbal doctor. The last Dr. was an allergy doctor who could not test me because of all the anti-histamine tablets in my body. Eventually I stopped taking the meds, because my body had just enough of it and started to take a blood cleanser, which worked. Granted that my hives were starting to go. It recently came back and because I am more knowledgeable about it now, than I was then, I read where a raw vegetable and fruits diet will help to clear it up fast. So I tried it, and my hives did not come on as bad as the first time. In fact, it is very tolerable. I continue to take anti-histamines...only in the night. I take the cleanser in the morning. And I only started drink ACV last night, so I have not seen any true results from it yet, but I feel confident it will work. I don't eat any fruits or veges that have a lot of acid. And I only drink water ( not alkaline ). I attribute mines mostly to stress because I have been under a great deal of stress when I had both episodes. Making the scarifice in your diet, and keeping your stress down, helps tremendously. You will loose weight but, if you want it to go, and to be able to sleep, try have nothing to loose. I also read where taking Vitamin C is very good. I am also using it in 1000 mg strength. Hope I have offered some help here.

Apple Cider Vinegar, L-Lysine
Posted by Hives In AZ (Phoenix, AZ) on 07/15/2009

Thank you, Earth Clinic! I found your website while searching for something, ANYTHING, that would relieve and cure my hives. My first outbreak was July 2008 and they started as a general itching after I'd been in the pool. I was miserable with them until September when I finally went to see a doctor (after trying to take care of them myself--I thought it was eczema). The doctor gave me a steroid shot and told me to use cortisone cream for the itch and that they would run their course. By the end of September they were gone. They reappeared this year in late June. Not quite as bad, but one hive is enough to drive a person mad! I started on Zyrtec which seemed to help and dabbed Witch Hazel on them to relieve the itch (read about WH somewhere on the web). The WH seemed to work well, but soon lost its efficacy.

I started researching again and found this site and decided to try the apple cider vinegar (2 tsp in 16 oz of water as suggested, plus applied topically to the hives). Miracle of miracles, this is working!! I also added 2,000 mg of L-Lysine/day. Not sure if it's because of the ACV or the L-Lysine or both, but I can honestly say that the ACV works topically and they are clearing up with just a little bit of itching after about 3 days of this treatment. And they seem to be clearing in the order of their appearance: legs then arms and lastly underarms and a few on my back.

I'm also back to using the Witch Hazel for the little bit of itching and it doesn't seem to be as harsh as the ACV and is working great again.

Thank you! So glad I stumbled upon this site. I'll continue with the 2 tsp of ACV in my water as a preventative....

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Lulu (Lafayette, LA) on 06/05/2009


ok, I've been using the ACV/H2o and baking soda, as well as 1000mg L-lysine, also spraying a solution of 1/2 ACV and 1/2 filtered water directly on my hives twice a day. I also have been using a brand name Pine Tar soap. I must admit, they are getting better, but they are still there! Not as noticeable on my arms, and they have moved to the inside of my torso, but like I said, not nearly as bad!I don't know which remedy is working, but something is! I'll post again with another update! Has anyone tried the "rubbing iodine on the heels 3x per week" remedy? That is one I haven't tried, nor the Indian spice.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Helen (Long Island, NY) on 05/30/2009

I was not allergic to toothpaste. I rubbed toothpaste on the hives and they went away and didnt come back.

EC: Thanks for clarifying!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Helen (Long Island, USA) on 05/28/2009

I suffered with hives for over a year; they kept coming back. I went to doctors and they gave me prescriptions which didn't work. Believe it or not, I was so desperate that I had heard about toothpaste and I tried it and it worked. I used Aquafresh. I haven't had hives in a few months now.

EC: Allergy to fluoride in toothpaste appears to be a common hives trigger:

Also research "toothpaste and hives" on google to see more search results.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Anon (Whittier, CA) on 05/28/2009


I have had episodes of hives/rash since the 1980's. I read about L-lysine here on Earth Clinic and I decided to try it. Thankfully my episodes are a lot fewer now with the help of L-lysine. I only take L-lysine as needed and of course if possible at the onset one 1000mg. My hives/rash has not gotten full blown since I started taking L-Lysine.

Before L-lysine my hives/rash would follow a defined pattern (nerve endings) on my upper body, my neck, hairline down to both elbow creases, down to the back of my knees.

I would feel hot to the touch and very fatigued but wouldn't run a temperature or so they told me at the doctor's office. It would run it's course and fade away. I hated wearing mock turtlenecks during the summer.

After several doctor visits I stopped going they couldn't give me any answers one doctor brought out a medical book, one wanted to do a punch biopsy.

I also had a thumb nail that got 100% better after soaking in Apple cider vinegar again I credit Earth Clinic. It really looked bad before treating with Apple Cider Vinegar in fact my mother noticed my improvement and began soaking her finger and she had improvement too it's not 100% yet but it works. It didn't take months to see the improvement.

Hopefully by sharing my story it may help someone.

Thank-you Earth Clinic and to all the contribute their experiences.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Lulu (Lafayette, LA) on 05/27/2009

A friend sent me a link to this site, and I decided to try ACV and Baking Soda for my hives. I mixed 2 teaspoons of ACV, 1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda and 1 cup filtered water. We'll see if they are any better later in the week. I started spraying a mixture of 1/2 ACV and 1/2 Filtered water on my hives 6 days ago. They have "gone down", but seem to come back within a few hours. This stuff smells awful! But the scent does go away after a while and is worth it to me! I have suffered from the hives for over a year now. They cover my back, my torso, and my arms and shoulders. They itch horribly at times. I have been to doctors, who just give me an antihistamine, a shot of cortisone and a cream, but they come back within 2 weeks! I have also gained nearly 30 pounds, and feel it has been from the cortisone. I have tried Neem Soap, Cream, Sulfer, Valerian, and anything else that I have found could possibly heal them naturally. So hopefully it is just a Ph thing and ACV will heal me! That would be awesome! Does anyone know how long it can take to get rid of the hives with ACV?

Posted by Paritp (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/19/2009

Triphala is a coolant aand has a mild laxative effect. It is also very benficial for Acne. take one tsp triphala and mix it with 1 glass of water and keep it overnight . Drink it early morning on an empty stomach.

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