Hives Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by C95060 (Santa Cruz, CA) on 06/05/2024

On my way home from dinner tonight I broke out in hives all over my torso. So terribly itchy. This has never happened before. I have no allergies, however I did get a gut feeling that I couldn't eat the fish tacos and I ate them anyways.

Anyhow, I knew ACV stopped the burn from Sunburns right away (much experience with this) and helps with soo many other things, so it was my go to. I stopped by the store and grabbed a bottle and some Benadryl just incase it didn't work.

I folded up a wet wipe from the glove box. Soaked it in ACV, opened it up and laid it on my stomach, then repeated for my sides and back.
The unbearable itching stopped within a minute. I kept driving home and never had to take the Benadryl. Thank God! I did fold the soaked wet wipe and place it on my skin where the seat belt was pressing because that was causing itching. As soon as I did soo the itching stopped there as well. On my way home I took a couple swigs of the ACV and water for good measure.

I'm at home now (25 min later) and they still don't itch and are definitely fading.

I'm soo grateful for ACV!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patricia (Eureka, NV US) on 08/05/2023

First Ever Case of Hives!

I have no idea what triggered this. Dowsing with a pendulum tells me nothing! I came on about 3 hours ago. I took 2 Benadryl about an hour ago. Then I took a spray bottle with ACV into the shower. Rinsed it off with fairly hot water. But coconut oil on after the shower. I don't know what stopped the itching. But it's 95% better. Still red and welty. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/27/2023

My story about using ACV to treat hives. A female friend came over to my house to visit me and while she was sitting on my couch, she started to scratch her back as if something was biting her. She then started to itch on her thighs, legs, torso, all over her body. She thought maybe a spider was crawling on her. I got up to go look at her to see if I could see a spider. Instead, I saw welts and raise bumps appearing on the skin as I was looking at it (craziest thing I've ever seen). I recognize it immediately as hives. I told her she was having a hives outbreak and for her to go too my bathroom and strip off all of her clothing and stand in the shower. She looked at me like I was crazy but I guess the itching and the raised welts appearing all over her body took priority over getting naked at my house. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of windex window cleaner from under the sink, opened it up and poured the windex solution out into a container. Gave it a quick rinse inside the bottle under the faucet and re-filled it up with apple cider vinegar. I ran to the bathroom and directed her to stand in the shower with her hands up in the air above her head. I proceeded to spray her all over with 100% ACV. She complained about how awful the ACV smelled. I told her the worse was yet to come. She had to stand in the shower soaked in ACV for 10 minutes. She started yelling at me at this point. Once I was done spraying her down with ACV, I started the bath tub so she could soak in it with 2 cups of ACV added to the bath water for another 25 minutes. After the bath soak, she dried and got dressed. We took pictures of the welts to show her doctor for an emergency office visit she schedule. I asked her if the itching and symptoms were gone and she agreed. The hives never came back and she showed her doctor the pictures of her skin. She told him what I had done to her and the doctor said: Your friend saved your life!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Forge On! (Midwest Of Usa) on 01/06/2022

Yes, drinking ACV (ALWAYS diluted! ) helps. However, my 2-cents here......I had shingles on my face & eye over 10 years ago. Using DILUTED ACV in a spray bottle (or gently dabbed) helped relieve / reduce itch. Probably also prevented scarring......

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Samantha (Santa Monica ) on 03/19/2016


I am peri menopausal and read about estrogen dominance, where the liver is too taxed to process other enzymes, namely sugar, and so it pushes it out through the skin resulting in hives. What a nightmare, indeed. I have been on a no sugar diet (including natural sugars in fruit) & avoiding high histamine foods and after having a recent cheat and break out, Apple Cider Vinegar has certainly been a lifesaver.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Toni (Winnipeg, Canada) on 07/06/2014

Editor's Choice I too have been suffering with chronic urticaria. Doctors couldn't help except to suggest I try one prescription after another and I needed to find another way to treat these symptoms. Thank you for this site!! I read about drinking water. I figured, what could it hurt to try? I found that a combination of ACV twice daily coupled with drinking LOTS of water (10X8 oz glasses) every day has reduced my hives to almost none within two weeks!! I still take an antihistamine occasionally but hope to wean myself off those in time.

I was never able to find the trigger. I am 62 and I believe that my body must have built up toxins over time. It's possible that the water, along with the ACV is flushing them out. I've read that your skin is like a second liver. If I find my skin getting itchy, I just drink another glass of water. I've also found that wiping myself down with a wet washcloth also takes the itch away. I hope that this is not a forever solution, but if it is, I can live with that. It's WATER! It's just amazing to sleep through the night without scratching my skin off and to wake up without hives all over my body and face. All this water has also been great for my complexion and digestion. I hope this helps someone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jay (Boca Raton, Fl) on 02/16/2014

I have AIPD autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, aka, allergic to my hormones and it seems the only relief I get is from ACV my outbreaks are so bad that I can move... Try it... I use organic with the mother just 2 tsp in about 6-8 oz of H2O horrible taste but by morning it's 80% better!! Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maicalani (Minneapolis, Mn, Usa) on 07/28/2011

Yes! Finally something natural that helped with my chronic hives!! I started getting hives in Feburary of this year, was put on a few different antihistamines; prednisone was the only thing that would suppress my daily, out of control hives. I gained 25 lbs in 2 months, moonface, etc. I tried H202 therapy for a month, mangosteen juice, Vit B... I came across this site and saw that some people had luck with ACV. I went out and bought some with the mother. I took 5mg of Prednisone last on July 8th, started ACV (2tsp 2x day) on the 10th. I've only had very mild hives since then. 90% of the time since the 10th (18 days now), I haven't had any hives!! I am so thankful. Thank you Earth Clinic!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crystal (South GA, GA) on 03/27/2008

I break out in hives from food allergies. The last rash of hives was very bad and would stop itching so I rub AVC on it and it burned but the itching stopped and the rash wash gone in about a week. I also have herpes so I though I would try it on a sore and again the itch disappeared and the sore healed in two days. Next I am going to try drinking it and hopefully it will help prevent the allergies and outbreaks. I applied the AVC twice a day with a cotton ball.
