Cure Gastrointestinal Disorders

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Traci B (Houston, Texas) on 11/08/2009

I have never had intestinal problems until the last several months. My sister swore by the pysillium husk and I had it in my cabinet for months. I started having indigestion, bloating and gas. I looked like I was pregnant! A week ago, my sister convinced me to try it. Wow! What a huge difference it has made already. I use the single sugar free koolaids and put one teaspoon of the pysillium and shake it. I drink the whole thing and follow with another 8 oz of water. I have used it once and sometimes twice a day. I have noticed if I take it 30 minutes before a meal, I get full quicker. My plan is to increase to 3 times a day for awhile and see if I notice any more fat loss in my stomach. Mixing it with the koolaid packets (I actually use a healthy brand of the mixers) doesn't make it taste bad at all. I also drink water throughout the day. Try it! BTW, I am 56 years old.

Tomato and Lemon Juice
Posted by Yalile (San Jose, Costa Rica) on 02/19/2009

Use of tomato for gastritis problems:

My husband had severe problems with his gastrointestinal system. Months and months of seeing doctors and trying all kinds of conventional medicines (drugs). He took a business trip to Antigua Guatemala and after one working session he was in such pain that he went to the bar to have something to drink. The bartender prepared him a coctail of pure tomato juice with pure lemon juice. He drank it and inmediately afterwards he felt the relieve and freshnesh in his stomach. He kept drinking glasses of the same juice for the time he was at that convention. When he got back he was a different person, he could sleep without pain and kept drining tomato juice with lemon juice for a while until he felt completely cured. We have since then used the same remedy with our daughter who started suffering from gastritis at College and the results are the same! The amount is 3/4 of tomato juice with 1/4 of lemon juice.

Posted by Saurina (Clovis, California) on 05/28/2009

My sister complained of what she called sulfur burps after she had her gallbladder removed. Shes been trying to figure out whats wrong for almost 5 years now. She is always tired, can barely eat anything, and always has an upset stomach. They are now saying she may have gastroparesis. Its caused by damage to the vagus nerve and can also be caused by diabetes. She tried ACV for awhile and it temporarily made her feel better. This may help someone figure things out I don't know. Just thought I would put it out there just in case.

EC: "Gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, is a medical condition consisting of a paresis (partial paralysis) of the stomach ("gastro-"), resulting in food remaining in the stomach for a longer period of time than normal. Normally, the stomach contracts to move food down into the small intestine for digestion. The vagus nerve controls these contractions. Gastroparesis may occur when the vagus nerve is damaged and the muscles of the stomach and intestines do not work normally. Food then moves slowly or stops moving through the digestive tract."


Posted by Dorothy (Texas) on 09/08/2022

Hi, Did kiwi dissolve your bezoars? How many kiwis did you eat per day and when did you eat them, first thing in the morning or before sleep? Can you please detail the situation you had and your remedy? Thank you

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Remedies
Posted by Mt (Ottawa, On Canada) on 02/11/2013

Look into horsetail:

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy (Toronto, On, Canada) on 10/16/2012

I have been taking Ibuprofen on and off for pain associated with a medical condition for years. Three years ago, I woke up with terrible stomach pain, like somebody had punched me in the stomach. I was nauseous but wasn't vomiting. At first I thought I had a stomach flu, but while I was sitting in a clinic, I realized what the pain was from. I'd taken too much ibuprofen over the previous days-more than the maximum allowed. The diagnosis (without any test to verify) was gastritis-irritation of the stomach lining. The doctor prescribed an acid inhibitor and I started to feel better after a few days. By the time I got a gastroscopy, if I'd had any damage, it had healed by that time (it took close to a year to get it done). I continued to take an acid inhibitor on the days I was taking more than about 600mg of ibuprofen, or if I was taking it for several days at a time. I was taking ibuprofen for about 7-10 days a month maximum.

A couple of weeks ago I'd been taking low doses of ibuprofen for more consecutive days than usual, but was not taking the acid inhibitors as I'd run out. After a few days, even with low doses of ibuprofen, I had another attack and ended up in the hospital. Same problem as three years ago. The doctor prescribed a very strong acid inhibitor. I looked into it and started researching the medications as well as natural cures.

From what I understand, here's the problem: The ibuprofen or any NSAID, can damage the stomach lining with prolonged use, and can even cause an ulcer. The acid inhibitor simply stops acid production so that your own natural stomach acid doesn't burn your damaged stomach lining causing the pain it caused me. It doesn't protect your stomach from the damage, as I was led to believe. So I started to explore how I could protect my stomach. First of all, I stopped taking the NSAIDS and am just living with my pain. Secondly, my research shows that there are natural ways to actually protect and heal your stomach. Here's what I found:

-Slippery Elm coats the stomach lining and protects it. I am taking 2000mg twice a day on an empty stomach. You can take it in capsule form or bulk powder (about 1tsp), just mix it with water. There are a couple of things to keep in mind-do not take any other vitamins at the same time, as you will not be absorbing as much out of them. Also, I'm not sure about this one, but it may double the half life of other medications, for example, acetaminophen, meaning if it was meant to stay in your system for 4-6 hours, now it will last 8-12, setting you up for an overdose.

-Aloe Vera juice. Up to 80mL a day

-L-glutamine. So far I've seen up to 3000mg a day as an acceptable dosage.

-B12. Because you're likely to have a deficiency as it's often not well absorbed in these cases.

Make sure you eat small amounts of food every few hours and follow a diet recommended for ulcers. Do a google search on that.

Here's why I believe acid inhibitors are bad for you. You need stomach acid to digest your food! Acid inhibitors are over prescribed. The symptoms of acid overproduction and underproduction can be the same, but it's unlikely that people over 40 have an overproduction of acid. Acid reflux is often caused by a lack of acid in the stomach, so food isn't getting properly digested and is coming back up the esophagus, causing the burning sensation. Cut the acid production even more by taking acid inhibitors and you really start messing with your system. I recently found out from a friend (after telling him of my issues) that he had been diagnosed with GERD several years ago and was put on acid inhibitors. He got sicker and sicker and wasted away to nearly nothing, losing 50 lbs in just a couple of months. He nearly died. His problem? His original symptoms were caused by an UNDERPRODUCTION of acid, and the acid inhibitors made it nearly impossible to digest his food.

How can you avoid this? If you have acid reflux, try drinking some apple cider vinegar diluted in water. If your symptoms improve, you have an underproduction of acid. If they worsen, then you may in fact have an overproduction.

First thing is to change your diet, and don't rely on pharmaceuticals for everything! What kind of logic is it to prescribe one thing, only to prescribe something for the damage the first thing causes???

After only a few days on the remedies I mentioned above, I'm already feeling better. I've also learned about MSM for pain, and will try it instead of NSAIDs next time the pain is unbearable from my other ailment. Good luck to you all!

Posted by Bradshad (North Providence, Rhode Island) on 08/18/2012

Hi, has anyone had Klebsiella (a bacteria) in there gi tract and successfully got rid of it? I had a stool sample come back positive for it and the holistic lady im working with put me on Uva Ursi for 2 weeks then Berberine for 2 more. Well the month is almost up and the bloating and other symptoms have not subsided. I read it likes starches and have a feeling I need to just eat veggies and meat for awhile. Please help. Thanks.

Posted by Mb (Flint, Michigan) on 08/23/2015

Probiotics only help in the first stages of gastritis. It does get worse so this might help for a while but it will get worse if you don't heal the stomach lining.

General Feedback
Posted by Janjan (Singapore) on 03/09/2011

Can anyone advice whether its alright for those who have gastric problems to take ACV & BSM in the morning before breakfast? Regards, Jan

General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 03/11/2011

Hi Janjan -
I have a seriously sensitive stomach, aqnd I take both ACV and Blackstrap Molassas every morning before eating. Not at the same time though some people do.

A word of advice - Start slowly and work your way up - do not start at the high doses you see listed here.... If someone says to take three tablespoons... Start at one a day (or even less) and work up to the full amount slowly!

You can overwhelm your system if you start out too fast, or try to do too many things at the same time in the beginning. :)

Good Luck!

Posted by T.P. (Watsontown, Pennsylvania) on 01/20/2009

Rotten egg smelling farts/burps/stomach pain/cramping followed by diarrhea/vomiting. I am at a loss and do not have any remedies for this, doctors are no help and diets and nutrition do not seem to work, this has been an ongoing issue for years and I know I am not alone however the only thing I've heard of is Magnesium supplements but this does nothing for me I'm just looking for someone to help. My gallbladder was removed one month ago and I believed this to be the culprit but now the problem is back again and I've had scans and tests done and they found nothing to be wrong this is not in my head and I'm looking for an alternative to the doctors who seem to know nothing pls help me find some answers I don't know where else to turn.

Posted by Kaybe (Bristol, TN) on 01/21/2009

I have had the same rotten egg smell/taste off and on for years, along with cramping, stomach virus like symptoms. Now I use turmeric (capsule) whenever these symptoms occur. Ginger and acidophilus, as well alkalizing (ted's formula) would prob. help also. I too had gallblader removed and the only thing that helped was the painful gallbladder attacks. Wish I had known about this site at that time.

Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 01/21/2009

Have you had food allergy testing done? You might want to do that, and particularly get tested for gluten antibodies (including IgG) to determine the possibility of gluten sensitivity.

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