Cure Gastrointestinal Disorders

Dietary Changes
Posted by Brenda (Dayton, Tx 77093) on 11/11/2009

Whole solution. I want to tell all. I am 54 years old. The only solution to stomach problem, and sinus problems is to stop eating what you are eating. Detox, drink plenty of spring water, and become vegetarian. If not, do the ACV and baking soda.

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Traci B (Houston, Texas) on 11/08/2009

I have never had intestinal problems until the last several months. My sister swore by the pysillium husk and I had it in my cabinet for months. I started having indigestion, bloating and gas. I looked like I was pregnant! A week ago, my sister convinced me to try it. Wow! What a huge difference it has made already. I use the single sugar free koolaids and put one teaspoon of the pysillium and shake it. I drink the whole thing and follow with another 8 oz of water. I have used it once and sometimes twice a day. I have noticed if I take it 30 minutes before a meal, I get full quicker. My plan is to increase to 3 times a day for awhile and see if I notice any more fat loss in my stomach. Mixing it with the koolaid packets (I actually use a healthy brand of the mixers) doesn't make it taste bad at all. I also drink water throughout the day. Try it! BTW, I am 56 years old.

Posted by Saurina (Clovis, California) on 05/28/2009

My sister complained of what she called sulfur burps after she had her gallbladder removed. Shes been trying to figure out whats wrong for almost 5 years now. She is always tired, can barely eat anything, and always has an upset stomach. They are now saying she may have gastroparesis. Its caused by damage to the vagus nerve and can also be caused by diabetes. She tried ACV for awhile and it temporarily made her feel better. This may help someone figure things out I don't know. Just thought I would put it out there just in case.

EC: "Gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, is a medical condition consisting of a paresis (partial paralysis) of the stomach ("gastro-"), resulting in food remaining in the stomach for a longer period of time than normal. Normally, the stomach contracts to move food down into the small intestine for digestion. The vagus nerve controls these contractions. Gastroparesis may occur when the vagus nerve is damaged and the muscles of the stomach and intestines do not work normally. Food then moves slowly or stops moving through the digestive tract."


Dietary Changes
Posted by Sarah (Spring, Texas) on 05/14/2009

Gastritis and stomach acid problems can be caused by Too MUCH acid or Too Little acid. Be careful. Since I stopped eating acidic foods, my aches from Gastritis are better.

I had a stomach scope done the summer of 2009 to be diagnosed with Gastritis and Bile Reflux(other end of the stomach than acid reflux) My body was producing too much acid and causing inflammation in my stomach.

Just be careful. Find out if you are making too much acid or too little acid... do you need acid reducers and low acid food(melons, bananas, pears, grapes)? or acidic foods (tomatoes, lemon or citrus, strawberries, blackberries)?

Tomato and Lemon Juice
Posted by Yalile (San Jose, Costa Rica) on 02/19/2009

Use of tomato for gastritis problems:

My husband had severe problems with his gastrointestinal system. Months and months of seeing doctors and trying all kinds of conventional medicines (drugs). He took a business trip to Antigua Guatemala and after one working session he was in such pain that he went to the bar to have something to drink. The bartender prepared him a coctail of pure tomato juice with pure lemon juice. He drank it and inmediately afterwards he felt the relieve and freshnesh in his stomach. He kept drinking glasses of the same juice for the time he was at that convention. When he got back he was a different person, he could sleep without pain and kept drining tomato juice with lemon juice for a while until he felt completely cured. We have since then used the same remedy with our daughter who started suffering from gastritis at College and the results are the same! The amount is 3/4 of tomato juice with 1/4 of lemon juice.

Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 01/21/2009

Have you had food allergy testing done? You might want to do that, and particularly get tested for gluten antibodies (including IgG) to determine the possibility of gluten sensitivity.

Posted by Kaybe (Bristol, TN) on 01/21/2009

I have had the same rotten egg smell/taste off and on for years, along with cramping, stomach virus like symptoms. Now I use turmeric (capsule) whenever these symptoms occur. Ginger and acidophilus, as well alkalizing (ted's formula) would prob. help also. I too had gallblader removed and the only thing that helped was the painful gallbladder attacks. Wish I had known about this site at that time.

Posted by T.P. (Watsontown, Pennsylvania) on 01/20/2009

Rotten egg smelling farts/burps/stomach pain/cramping followed by diarrhea/vomiting. I am at a loss and do not have any remedies for this, doctors are no help and diets and nutrition do not seem to work, this has been an ongoing issue for years and I know I am not alone however the only thing I've heard of is Magnesium supplements but this does nothing for me I'm just looking for someone to help. My gallbladder was removed one month ago and I believed this to be the culprit but now the problem is back again and I've had scans and tests done and they found nothing to be wrong this is not in my head and I'm looking for an alternative to the doctors who seem to know nothing pls help me find some answers I don't know where else to turn.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gary (Bottineau, ND) on 07/20/2007

I actually tried apple cider vinegar and honey with water in hopes of reducing high blood pressure. It did nothing for me. It did have a significant impact in reducing LDL cholesterol and improving HDL cholesterol. But for me, the surprising benefit was in totally eliminating problems with indigestion over a period of a few months. I did not have acid reflux, or very little. My main problem was soon after I started eating, I would get heartburn symptoms and sometimes would have to throw up. I tried Tagamet and other similar products with some success. I would take at least one a day and sometimes a second for insurance when I was eating out or anticipating a large meal. I was also consuming 12-18 antacid tablets daily. After a couple of weeks on the ACV regimen I started noticing improvement in digestive problems. After a couple of months I no longer needed the Tagamet-type products and greatly reduced the antacid tablets. Now, after 6 mos., I no longer experience indigestion problems. ACV-great stuff. I highly recommend trying it.

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