Fordyce Spots Remedies and Holistic Treatment

Garlic Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sanand (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 07/03/2013


Hello Sir, I have pimples or kind of bumps on my male private part and on testicles (Fordyce Spots). I tried using fresh garlic juice before bed. And after morning bath applied apple cider vinegar. It's giving severe burning sensation. I thought the oil glands will be burned because of the heat generated from garlic juice. It does but outer skin become burned, dark and peeled off in 3 to 4 days. Due to unbearable itching, I could not sleep in night. So I stopped. One good thing is pimple size got reduced.

Can you give your feedback on above process to continue. Or if you have any soothing thing to avoid itching? Thanks, Sanand
