Hello you WONDERFUL people! Thanks you SO much for this resource! I was in the middle of my third serious bout with salmonella in a year and feeling little relief from the antibiotics after 8 days. After reading a book by Dr. Hulda Clark I am convinced that I was picking up Salmonella from milk products. Hulda says that Lugol's kills vicious stomach bacteria including salmonella so I got online looking for it when I found this site. I read through all of the comments and went looking for the iodine. Someone said I could get it at walmart so I tried. The Pharmacist had no clue about iodine deficiency and wouldn't give me the iodine he had ordered for me. How disgusting and irresponsible! I ordered the book by Dr. Brownstein, Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It along with a 2 oz. bottle of lugol's solution from amazon.com. I was very discouraged by the fact that there was no overnight shipping option available on the site. A day or two after ordering I emailed them expressing my discouragement and they responded with a toll free number that could be used to get overnight shipping. My Lugol's arrived a day earlier than expected and I tested for allergy on my foot. I knew I wasn't allergic since I have had iodized salt for ever, and I had no irritation from the iodine on my foot. So I began the dose recommended by Hulda for salmonella which is 6 drops in a half cup of juice after meals and at bed time. After reading the book by Dr. Brownstein and looking at the Optimox site I knew that 6 drops 4 times a day is equivalent to 150mg of iodine a day. The relief from the Salmonella began nearly immediately but was nearly complete after a day of the scheduled dose. I had no symptoms of taking too much iodine, so I continued to the third day at that dose (as recommended for treating Salmonella in Hulda's book). Then I cut back to 6 drops 3 times a day to counter my newly recognized iodine deficiency. Just so you know, the Salmonella are DEAD!!! And I feel ALIVE!!!
5 years ago I should have been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease but was told that my %uFFFDlumpy bumpy%uFFFD breasts needed vitamin E. I didn't take it seriously as I wasn't diagnosed with anything. I had just had my first child. Over the last 6 months I have had pain in my breasts not just before a period but at intervals during the month that wouldn't even allow me to hug my (now I have 3) children. I had no idea until reading this site and the information from Dr. Brownstein that I had fibrocystic breast disease, the precursor for breast cancer (which is so prevalent in this area that it should be a CRIME that people are not handed iodine by the government in giant sized rations!) The great lakes basin is the worst in the WORLD for iodine deficiency%uFFFDwe are the reason salt is iodized%uFFFDonly well enough to fend off goiter and mental retardation which were becoming a problem in the early 1900's in this area! The actual need for iodine by your body is 13.5mg a day and that's after fixing a deficiency. And that number does not take into account the other factors we are exposed to. (Halogens which replace iodine in the body everywhere around us%uFFFDchlorine, bromine, fluorine%uFFFDin bread, in toothpaste, in water) THIS IS EPIDEMIC!
Two days into my salmonella killing spree with iodine, I began my menstrual period without cramps. I have had such terrible cramps from my period that I have a stock pile of ibuprofen. (which makes your stomach bleed and hurts your liver) but what are we to do? IODINE! I have been on Iodine for 4 days now and each morning I wake up with cramps but almost as soon as I take my 6 drops of lugol's my cramps are GONE! It's like the cramps are there because my ovaries are begging me for much needed iodine to clean me out. I am so thrilled about this! By the way%uFFFDmy breast pain has diminished to almost none, and they feel like 16 year old breasts. No kidding. My energy level has sky rocketed and I am losing weight. (I should mention that I am taking the iodine with a liquid B complex supplement because Dr. Brownstein says it is possible to get heart palpitations and/or symptoms of iodine allergy if you are deficient in vitamin b2 and b3 since they are needed to transport iodine throughout your body. I can feel my metabolism normalizing%uFFFDit feels GREAT!
For a long time I have wondered why my ears hurt%uFFFDI thought maybe I was taking an autotoxic (something toxic to your ears) drug%uFFFDI wasn't taking any drugs other than ibuprofen%uFFFDso I wasn't convinced, but I was becoming afraid that I would eventually lose my hearing. I have also become slower in the brain over the last few years. I attributed it to the mercury in my fillings after reading Dr. Clarks book%uFFFDbut having seen the symptoms of iodine deficiency including hearing loss and cretinism I now believe I am severely deficient in iodine and I am so excited to not get any worse. I am getting better!
I'm in the process of experimenting with iodine to cure fibrocystic breast disease. I've had cysts since I was 13 and am now a menopausal 48 yr. old. (Can't even dicipher a self-breast exam since I'm so lumpy) I started with some kelp tablets and increased all the way to 8 per day. At that point the quantity of lumps was lessened but then a couple of them enlarged and were really sore. I then changed over to Iodonol tablets (iodine/iodide) and now the cysts are getting smaller and for the first time since I can remember, my breasts are beginning to feel like they are supposed to. My hot flashes have lessened also, which is curious and I wonder if the iodine is the reason. My son began taking these tablets in an experiment to see if this would eliminate his problem of cysts that he has in the fatty layers of his abdomen and under his arm. It seems to run in our family. He's type 2 diabetic but not typical at 6'3 and about 220 lbs. Anyway, his doctor became upset with him and told him to stop taking the pills because it would hurt his thyroid. ???? Does this guy know what he's talking about? I thought that iodine was good for the thyroid
Iodine cured Fibrocystic breasts, weight gain, fatigue, depression, over all poor health. Painted my stomach with iodine, and had a similar reaction as Candace. So now I paint my inside forearms, alternating each time... no problem now. Started taking Lugols at 2 drops daily increasing to 5 drops at this time. Within days I noticed a vast improvement in my breast tissue, my energy level etc. Within 10 days my breasts were normal. Energy still good, depression gone, better immune response. I always tested within the normal range on thyroid tests, however, I had all the symptoms, that is why I started taking the iodine. I was desperate to be normal again. I started Weight Watchers in October and lost 5 pounds in 4 months! It was almost impossible to lose weight even though I lifted weights and walked 6 days a week. Once I started the Lugols drops, the first week I lost 3.5 pounds. The second week I lost 2.8 pounds. It must be the iodine. I feel great. I am telling my family about Lugols because, my mother, grandmother, and both aunts have thyroid problems as well as other health issues I think the iodine could help. I'll lower my dose eventually to 2-4 drops but kick it back up if needed. This stuff is great!
I can confirm that iodine in the form of kelp is a cure for fibroystic breast disease. I have been taking it for about 10 years and it works so well that if I don't take it for a few days, say if I run out of tablets or forget to take them on holiday, my symptoms return within days. I have read that taking iodine can be dangerous if you have thyroid problems, but I don't see how the dose I take (1 tablet a day or 150mg) can be a problem. The side effects caused by conventional medicine e.g. diuretics, can be much worse, so I was determined to find a natural remedy. I think this use of iodine/kelp should be more widely known, but there seems to be a curious silence about it. Maybe it is too cheap and readily available as you suggest in your article! Keep up the good work.