I am a 32 year old female. The last 6 months I have felt a lot of fatigue. Just full blown exhaustion. Small errands seemed like giant tasks. On top of that, I also went through about 5 sinus infections. And some of the worst morning congestion I had ever had in my life. Just a big ball of misery. Having a hyper energetic 5 year old son I couldn't keep up with was depressing me because I have always gone the extra mile for him.
I'm a firm believer in ACV. However I too sometimes don't drink it daily (busy life and kid) and sometimes slack off. After day 1 back on it I felt 50% better. Less congestion and less fatigue.
Day 2: about 70% better.
Day 3: good as new.
I wouldn't say it gives me energy but it's more like it just makes me feel fully awake and alert and I just feel good and I FEEL HEALTHY again. I go to work and in the afternoons I am back to being super mom with no dragging exhaustion. I can just get up and do things again without that constant fatigue feeling. Getting groceries isn't a daunting task. Laundry gets done and put up. It's been 3 weeks now since I've been back to the ACV and after this horrible last run of being tired and sickly I will NOT slack off again and I keep several bottles of it and leave a bottle on my counter so there is no more "outta sight outta mind".
Here is my routine:
First I drink an 8oz glass of just room temp water after I wake up. Then I put about a tablespoon of ACV in 12oz of WARM water (mixes better in warm water and helps take away the vinegar taste - also I dilute it a bit more by using 12oz instead of 8oz water) and sip that every few minutes while I'm getting ready for work in the morning. If I drink it fast it can upset my stomach so I have found it better to not chug it all at once. Occasionally I'll add a teaspoon of raw organic honey but most mornings just the ACV diluted in warm water. I don't care what anyone else says. I found what has worked for me and I am sticking to it.
My only suggestion to anyone who says it upset their stomach would be to try diluting it a bit more like I did and/or try sipping that warm mixture while you get ready for work or do any kind of morning routine instead of chugging it all at once.
Thank you Earth Clinic. I've been a long time lurker but finally wanted to share what ACV has done for me personally and how much my overall well being has improved since back on it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar for Energy
I have been suffering from fatigue for several months now. Actually longer. But, it's gotten worse. My husband has pretty much given up on our house being clean. He (my hubby) found this sight on Sunday while searching for ways to help our sick cat. I started reading up on the apple cider vinegar uses and started using the drink for energy on Tuesday. I didn't search deep enough to find out that the vinegar should be the unpasterized kind with the "mother" in it. I did use the basic store brand kind and started feeling better by the second day. This is the fourth day and I do feel better. The past two days are the first in months that I haven't felt like I needed a nap desperatly. I bought some of the vinegar with the "mother" in it today. So, we'll see how it goes. I'm so thankfull that we found this websight. Now, if only my cat would get better...
Thanks ACV
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am now a firm believer of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. For the past 6 months I have been suffering from extreme fatigue, and do not know why. I've been to many doctors and not one can tell me why. I think I have it narrowed down to either chronic fatigue syndrome, valley fever or an allergy. I started taking ACV on a regular basis (3T per day) for the past 2 week. I can't even explain how much better I feel...it has given me my life back after 6 months of suffering. I still do not know what exactly is causing the fatigue, but I no longer have it! I would recommend this to everyone! I feel great, no more brain fog, fatigue, sore throat and my headaches are GONE. I finally feel normal again!