Natural Remedies to Treat Erythema Nodosum

| Modified on Apr 08, 2021
SSKI (Potassium Iodide Solution)
Posted by Bella (Louisville, Ky) on 07/24/2016

Editor's Choice Erythema Nodosum:

I would post what helped me to cure this problem. I used SSKI.

The dosage starts from a few drops and goes to 15 drops. Then it goes back to a drop again.

It takes care of the problem within a few days. I don't remember the protocol but if you search SSKI and erythema nodosum, it should come up on the internet. Very easy and effective.

Erythema Nodosum Remedies
Posted by Hannah (Norfolk, England) on 05/10/2018

Erethema Nodosum

Hi I have the above condition, I've had steroids for a week then it flared up again, I'm on steroids again now, it is helping again. I still have lots of aches and pains. Is there anything someone can recommend?
