Posted by Art (California, Usa) on 08/12/2015 2335 posts
I posted this inside of another post about a different subject yesterday, but felt that it deserved its own post so it can be filed in the Ebola section. It appears that the common pain reliever ibuprofen may be helpful in the fight against the Ebola Virus based on this recent study and certainly deserves to be listed as another possible agent to fight the deadly disease:
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/24/2014
Because BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] has proven to be both an effective treatment for and preventive measure against any and all lipid coated viruses to at least some degree and in many cases a very effective one I do suggest using BHT as precautionary measure against becoming infected with Ebola. The dosages most often discussed are 250mg to 500mg of BHT with water on an empty stomach. Ebola just recently showed up in New York City. We have an MD no less to thank for this. He traveled about NYC and went bowling and such and now has been identified as a Ebola infectee after having been treating Ebola patients in Africa.
Most people but not everyone tolerates the daily doses stated so start out with split capsules to find out if you tolerate BHT without any problem or not. But Ebola has come to the USA and many places other than Africa. And you Africans can of course use BHT also. It is not worth a try ? It may be very effective. If your life is at stake is it not worth a try ? ...Oscar
Replied by George
(Northern California, US)
Posted by Richard (Nevada, US) on 10/14/2014
Do you know if there is a natural cure for Ebola? I read on Natural News of some things. One of them is Vitamin C. But how much, as it can be acidic?
Posted by Srenee (Charleston, SC) on 10/13/2014
Just want to share two articles that I read and thought provided some interesting information regarding ebola & homeopathic remedies. After reading the first manuscript (link below), I stumbled upon the Joette Calabrese blog, highlighting the same suggestions but presenting a course of action if faced with dealing with Ebola. I don't think anyone wants to be paranoid about what is or could happen with this outbreak, but we, citizens of the US, are DEFINITELY NOT being told the entire truth about transmissions and are being told absolutely nothing about preventative measures (probably because the CDC is still unsure how either doctor transported back to the US or the recent nurse in Dallas received it! ). If you come across any new information in regards, I would be interested in hearing about it. ~ Because we all know "
The money isn't in the cure, it's in the medicine! ".....
Posted by Jo Ana (Florida, US) on 10/09/2014
MMS should work against Ebola, as it has been successful in curing malaria, cancer and aids.
Also I'd suggest BS and Molasses to alkalize the body. I have been using Baking Soda and Molasses once or twice a day for the last couple of months. I think I was very acidic and feel so much more energetic and stronger. I am using Vince Johnston's method of 1 TSP of BS and about the same of molasses dissolved in hot water, 90 minutes before or after eating food daily. Add folic acid as BS depletes the body of folic acid.
I haven't used colloidal silver for years but I do believe it's a valid antimicrobial.
I think we should all have these products at home just in case. I also think it makes sense to start with a minimal dose of H2O2 ( 2 drops of 35% food grade working up to 10 drops) every day as a preventative, along with a daily dose of turmeric.
Posted by Gertie (Alabama, US) on 10/05/2014
I am looking for common sense recommendations for ebola (& other viruses). Such as, I assume sunshine would be a disinfectant so we would expose contaminated people to the sun as much as practical, hang cleaned clothing in the sunshine, etc. What about the dishes--dishwasher? Does heat kill it, or must we use bleach? With what do we clean our doorknobs, telephones, etc? I assume we cover mouth & nose, sneezes, etc, but what else should be done? If the incubation takes 2-21 days, you could be exposed and not know. I already eat lots of garlic and onion, try to live a healthy lifestyle, but we all get out into the public, so what should we do? I can think of lots, but you may have suggestions I haven't thought of. Also, do we know for sure how long it lives on surfaces? Some say not long when exposed to air, but is 'not long' 2 hours or 2 days? Thanks.
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/02/2014
Here is an interesting article that would seem to indicate that colloidal silver (at 10 ppm) is very useful against the Ebola virus.
It's already well known that colloidal silver is very effective against all viruses and is particularly suitable for blood-active viruses like Ebola.
The link below from Natural News describes how three large shipments of colloidal silver(at 10 ppm) to Sierra Leone -- the source of the latest Ebola pandemic -- were deliberately interfered with and stopped by the CDC/WHO by their influence over governments. These corrupt organizations know very well how effective colloidal is against viruses -- and the last thing they want is for a cheap, unpatented medicine like CS to actually be successfully used and publicly proven to be effective against the Ebola virus.
Here is the link: Governments seize colloidal silver being used to successfully treat Ebola patients
Posted by Cindy (Usa) on 09/23/2014
I have been wondering if ted has provided a treatment for the ebola and I missed it? thanks
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 09/15/2014
Just went on Drudge and saw where the CDC is telling everyone to prepare for Ebola. Why doesn't EC lead the charge and request posts from this site's brightest? Next thing you know you will have lots of folks following. The Allopathic's won't like it, but the masses will.
I'll just read, because I don't know sheet from Shinola about Ebola.
EC: Hi Robert Henry,
We're waiting to hear back from Ted!
Posted by waybeyondfedup (Metro New York On New Jersey Side Of It, Usa) on 09/11/2014 3 posts
Why is Ebola still spreading and what it will it take to stop it? Besides the vaccine of course.
I for one I'm torn on all of this. Especially, with the vaccine part of it because everything/anything that's involved in that.
Think thats it for now.
Thank you, again, in advance.
Jessica (waybeyondfedup)
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn ) on 08/03/2014
HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , ,
I know nothing about Ebola and neither do 100 % of the people posting on this site. That should tell you who to believe. This is all new to us. We are concerned and we should be. Why is our gov. bringing these patients into our country? We just need to follow this trail, keep cool and stop shaking hands. I did 3 years ago. I don't need anyone to show me that they have no gun, because I do. I just don't want their germs.
Won't say what is on my mind because the bosses will not tolerate it. Got a bad feeling that this is planned to help bring our country down.
Posted by Cc (Los Angeles, California) on 07/31/2014
Ted and Bill, or anyone else.......Please, I would like to know your way of treatment for the Ebola epidemic. Would Colloidal Silver be a deterrent?
Again, thanks EC for your great go to forum.
Replied by Cc
(Los Angeles, California)
Posted by Cindy (Usa) on 05/16/2014
Question for Bill from San Fernando or Ted:
In regards to Ebola, MERS virus, etc, what can a person do if they get one of these as I would think you may find out if you are diagnosed at a hospital, etc and then it may be too late to try and help yourself. Also wondering what the real difference, if any is between colloidal silver and silver sol nano silver? Thanks in advance for information. Good health to all!
Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Posted by Art (California, US) on 12/12/2014 2335 posts
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/03/2016
HI U GOOD PEOPLE , , , , , , , , , , a year ago the world was in panic over Ebola. You don't hear about that these days and why is that?
I just happen to have the answer. It was Ozone injected directly in to the patients blood stream. And who did this?
Most don't know but Dr Robert Rowen went to the infected countries and he knew that you cannot treat the blood with ozone and insert it back into the body as is normally done. He devised a program to inject the ozone directly into the blood. Guess what? It worked. He was smart enough to not deal with the patients, but to teach the local doctors.
Suggest all Goggle Dr Rowen because he is the reason 16 states can now use Natural MD's. If you follow he and Dr Shallenberger then you are ahead of the game. The establishment tries to disbar these two full time as you will learn on the net.
I think Dr Rowen will be involved in the solution of this Zika virus crisis. He is a kick ass, and take names kind of guy. He does not put up with PC BS.
Sorry for the plain speak, but at 79 , that's just the way I ams.