Natural Remedies

Dermatitis Treatment and Natural Remedies

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kristy (Lansing, Michigan points) on 10/17/2007


Hi...I was just reading the Borax page to a friend of mine and saw something a little startling in the testimony by Julie from New York dated 10/12/07. She writes that she used 1/8 of a tablespoon. The dosages I've read have said 1/8 to 1/4 of a teaspoon. I don't know if it's enough of a difference to matter but I thought I should bring it to your attention so you could figure it out. Thanks!

EC: Thank you, Kristy! You are right -- the dosage is 1/8th teaspoon, not tablespoon!

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Consider taking borax. Some people believed the demodex mites are responsible for rosacea. They may be right. But, there are others too that are not yet identified. I prefer to lump all these insect issues to just one category: nanoinsects. These insects have several weakness that you can kill them, or at least weaken them. One obvious ones is borax. The treatment can be broken down to two things;

1. Taken internally: Try 1/8 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of water/day. You just drink this water throughout the day. If it runs out then drink just normal water, with some magnesium added if possible. Magnesium is found in certain seeds such as sunflower. They seem to be synergistic with the vitamin D as vitamin D promotes calcium and the body needs to balance both magnesium and calcium to an ideal amount.

2. Used externally: Dog mange is confirmed demodex mites and the only treatment that effectively cured of dog mange is 1% hydrogen peroxide and borax saturated solution applied topically. Many people believe the demodex mites is the cause of rosacea. What I am sure about is it is an insect issue. The method of killing them is external application of 1% hydrogen peroxide with borax saturated solution to the face, unrinsed. It tends to cause drying. So you can apply appropriate lotions to prevent drying, such as jojoba oil, aloe vera or lavender oil.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jenstacks (Ca) on 05/30/2017

Hi Ted, I wanted to get your thoughts on Perivascular dermatitis, inflammation of the blood vessels. My sister is 57, never has had any rashes during her life and a couple months ago she developed a small rash under her bra strap. It soon covered her entire back. Very blistered, bumps, itchy. She lives on Oahu, has been there for 12 years. In reading many of the postings, I'm wondering if it's caused by yeast. She does not add salt to her healthy diet, she may also be deficient in iodine which could be feeding the yeast. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions to help her rid this type of dermatitis? Thank you so much!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jill (MH, usa) on 07/04/2007

I have been taking coconut oil soft gels for 2 months now. It has tremendously took my dermatitis away. I have suffered from dermatitis for 5 years now. Used tons of creams and ointments. Yet still never got full relief. Since taking the pills I have been irritation free. I feel as good as before I developed it. It to me its just amazing.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dustin (Riverside, Ca) on 04/02/2015

Where can I get the soft gels

EC: Hi, if you do an internet search for 'Coconut Oil Softgels' you will find a number of brands for sale.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Ed Davis (USA) on 06/03/2007

Skin Care - Dry Scaly Patches: I had some dry scaly skin on my nose and about for an inch or so on either side of my nose. I have been using a mixture of ACV, Baking Soda, and Water for a about a week and a half. I use about 1/4 tablespoon of BS and ACV till the bubbling stops. then I add just enough water to complete filling a small cup About 3 inches high, 1/2 full. I wash my face with this and leave it on for about a minute and then rinse it off. My skin on my nose and by my nose is now very soft and is no longer dry. I also found that when shaving with a razor that this mixture lubricated my skin and I did not get any cuts. I pieced this mixture together from reading about several items from this site. I love

Coconut Oil
Posted by Janet (Morayfield, Queensland) on 05/19/2007

I have suffered from skin ailments all my life. I had heard about coconut oil but it seemed too simple an idea to really work, and I had tried every remedy, scientific and natural, under the sun and nothing ever worked. So after reading all the latest hype about coconut oil I decided "why not?' Well, sometimes I wish wasn't such a sceptic and then I might have tried it years ago. How it works I don't know but after less than a week of applying it twice a day my rash had cleared up, the redness and itching was gone, and has stayed gone despite the fact that I have stopped using my usual prescription anti-inflammatory cream. The kind I use is the extra virgin pure coconut oil made without chemical processes. I'm now taking it orally too.

Vinegar and Olive Oil
Posted by Freyamm (Jerusalem, Israel) on 06/18/2011


Regarding Psoriasis: A guy who works with me told me his mother cured her 30 years old Psoriasis with TAMANU OIL. She's psoriasis free for a few years already. He himself cured Psoriasis on its first show-up with the same oil.

Search it on the web. It's worth trying.

Decolorized Iodine
Posted by Sharon (Boston) on 09/29/2006

Please delete my previous email from January and put this one in its place. This is the most successful remedy combination I have experimented with for dermatitis!

I have had an itchy dermatitis on and off around my nose for about 10 years. It was triggered after working in an office in Los Angeles for a man who smoked all day long (illegally of course, but he was a top entertainment executive so no one complained at that point in time). After years of smoking, the cigarette smoke was embedded in his furniture-- that's a horrendous smell to someone whose never smoked. Plus, think of all those microbes! At any rate, it took about 3 years to clear and then came back every time I would get around old, furniture embedded cigarette smoke. Psychological response? Maybe! At any rate, it came back again this summer after a few month respite.

But this time, I am happy to report that after years of playing around with every prescription and supplement under the sun, I think I have finally hit upon a dermatitis cure! It will only cost about $5... $.79 for the decolorized iodine, and $4 for a bottle of vitamin E oil. Here is my cure:

Using decolorized iodine for the face, take a q-tip and dab the dermatitis with iodine. If this is not on your face, you can use regular iodine. But it will stain you orange for a few hours.

If your dermatitis is on sensitive skin around your nose, like me, it will burn like crazy when you apply the iodine. Don't inhale the fumes while it is drying (takes about 10 seconds to dry). After it dries, apply some natural vitamin e oil. I open a large capsule and use that for several days before it runs out. Your skin will redden from the iodine and dry out, but the vitamin e will heal it and keep it from flaking. Keep this area moist with vitamin e oil all day and night if possible.

Do the topical iodine for 2 days, 3x a day. After the 2nd day, cut the iodine back to 1x a day. However, you will still want to keep the vitamin e oil on all day. After 3 days of 1x daily application of iodine, cut the iodine back to every other day. Continue every other day for 10 days (or less). Keep up the vitamin e oil every day until the dermatitis has disappear completely.

Let me tell you, the iodine and vitamin 3 oil starts to work on clearing up the dermatitis in about 24 hours! Initially the skin will look red and inflamed, but don't worry... the vitamin e speeds up the healing process.

I hope everyone with dermatitis (even perioral dermatitis) will try this cure. My particular form of dermatitis is one of the trickiest to heal so I am thrilled to maybe have a cure! I will let you know in the future how long this holds before I have to do the iodine again. Hopefully, never! Thanks,

Decolorized Iodine
Posted by Billy72 (Devon, Uk) on 01/07/2011

Okay, have just tried the iodine thing, 3 times a day for the first two days like you suggested but by the 3rd day my skin was so sore and burning that my family begged me not to do anymore and thank goodness I didn't. After 4 days of watching my skin go very hard and crusty - to the extent that I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to eat! My skin began to crack and flake. It's now almost completely flaked off (in thick scabs I might add) and underneath is the most red raw scarred looking skin. It looks far worse than the rash ever did.

I wish I had never tried this method. I think I may have permanently scarred my face. I want to cry. I 'm hoping with time the redness and the lacerated look of my skin will fade.

Posted by Connie (HoHoKus, NJ) on 03/16/2006

I had a kind of eczema in the corner upper eye lid which refused to go away for months. After trying many different remedies, I decided to try honey after reading about its healing properties. One application did it, it was amazing!!!!

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