Hi all. Long time lurker, first time posting. I've had dermatitis around my eyes for over 6 months now. Tried everything that's been suggested on EC. In going over my oils and their properties, I thought I'd try Peppermint oil mixed with Argan oil. Just a drop of Peppermint to a couple drops of Argan. It burns but that goes away quickly. Do NOT get it in your eyes! 2 days and gone. Very happy. Love EC and the posters are all so helpful. Peace!
Multiple Remedies
I've been battling Perioral Dermatitis for years=( It comes/goes but never completely gone; doesn't really itch (occasional but specific spots) area around my mouth, nose, eyebrows/between eyes is affected by redness w/bunches of tiny bumps, 1-2 will be raised & contain a clear liquid. I use a makeup remover wipe prior to washing, then I use Dr.Woods "Black Soap" am/pm it's a castile type liquid from health food store (NO sls) it helps a lot, NEED moisturizer after.
I use honey ALL over my face every morning (& night if it's really bad) after I wash; pat dry gently, smear honey all over & leave it anywhere from 5 min to an hour. It's so soothing & deeply moisturizing; rinses clean w/luke warm water- CAN'T LIVE W/OUT IT. I just use raw unfiltered local honey, one day will try Manuka but regular stuff works great. May sound crazy that I wear make up but my skin feels calmer w/it on & my Derm Dr. says it protects my skin. I use Tarte Amazon Clay BB cream (for normal/oily) the clay makes it somewhat water/sweat proof (need make up remover wipes to get it off) this stuff is great for my sensitive skin (NO Parabens, dyes, fragrance etc.. & SPF 20 is mineral based) & Neutrogena Longwear foundation (I NEED coverage) I'm very sensitive & this doesn't bother my skin.I take Biotin (very low levels). I was taking Max. dosage Biotin years ago & it was giving me HUGE CYSTS on my chin (never had that prob before) & I read that could happen in sensitive skin types, quit taking it & stopped having that problem. Maybe I have deficiency now?? Thanks for tips everyone, hope my info helps=)
Rosa Rubiginosa (Rosehip)
My little girl was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis on her face at one month old (like many babies have early on). The doctor suggested a high-quality cream containing essential oil of Rosa rubiginosa (Sweet briar or Eglantine Rose). I applied it a few times a day and it cleared up within days. Many people who suffer from this condition I've talked to have not known about this cure, so I thought to share.
Multiple Remedies
my first outbreak of pd was 6 years ago, on the sides of my nose. at that time, i had no idea what it was. it took 3 months to go away, with no treatment. now, after finally being diagnosed by a dermatolist a month ago, i know that i have pd.
when my most recent outbreak occurred, i began reading your blogs on this forum. i have to say it was quite discouraging.... the remedies would work for some and not for others..... i spent all my free time reading and researching different possible causes of pd. the one that made the most sense to me, was the link between pd and overgrowth of candida in the body. (since my pd felt itchy and raw like a yeast infection). i began to cut out all sugar from my diet. all dairy.... all breads.... all sweet fruits. basically i eat chicken breast, fish, nuts and veggies. nothing fried. then i started taking a probiotic.... (get a high quality one that contains acydophilus. ) i also started taking biotin everyday.
i tried some of the recommendations on here, like acv. the only thing that did for me was irritate and burn my skin. took it a week to start looking somewhat normal color again. so personally, i wouldn't recommend doing that one.
i kept reading and researching and found a blog from a guy who suffered from pd. he said the only thing that cleared his pd up was an antifungal lotion. i was willing to try anything at this point, as i was almost three weeks into the outbreak! and miserable!!! i went to the drug store and bought some lamisil and began applying it twice a day... liberally. i've been using it now for about 5 days. my pd is almost completely gone! maybe it's the anitfungal lotion.... maybe the diet finally started working.... maybe it's the supplements.... or maybe i just landed on the miracle combination!
for those of you who suffer with pd, i'm so sorry that anyone has to go through this. it's such a stubborn unresponsive condition. but my pd definitely responded in a very positive way to this treatment:
candida free diet
antifungal lotion
hope this helps someone! stay positive! :)
I had clear skin most of my life except for the occassional pimple. Three years ago, while in my mid forties, I started to have acne on my chin. I went to the dermatologist and was diagnosed with perioral dermatitis. I thought maybe it was do to hormonal changes given my age. The dermatologist wanted to put me on antibiotics for an extended period of time in hopes that it would work. I didn't want to take drugs so I decided to try and find a natural treatment on my own--without luck. Then I heard a radio show called, "The Soap Dish"--the host is Deana Kelly, owner of the Naples Soap Co. She said that her establishment sold a natural Sea Salt soap that cleared up skin problems including acne. I tried it, not expecting too much since I'd tried many different things. To my surprise, after three weeks, it cleared up my chin. At first I was using on my entire face, including problem area (chin). I did notice that it was drying out the area around my eyes making me look older, so just now use it on my oily areas (t-zone, forehead, chin).
Also, Deana has made it very affordable. Please let me know if it helps you. I would happy to know that this info helped even just one other person suffering with this problem.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Thank you so much for this post. I have perioral dermatitis but didn't know the name for it until I went to the dermatologist 3 weeks ago. She gave me Metrogel samples to try, and said if I didn't see any improvement in 4 weeks, I should come back and she would put me on an oral antibiotic. I saw no improvement. I think it actually got worse with the Metrogel. Three days ago I started looking on-line for some answers. I have been using the ACV, yogurt and Acidophilus for the past 2 days and have seen an amazing improvement. Needless to say, I will not be going back to the dermatologist for the antibiotic.
Acidophilus, Biotin
Hi Liz, I know that this is long after you posted asking about coconut oil, biotin and your prescription meds. My daughter was diagnosed with eczema several years ago. We found through trial and error that using coconut oil right after a bath or shower helps tremendously. Towel off gently and when your skin is still damp apply the oil and let your skin absorb it. This oil can also be taken internally and helps immensely by moisturizing from the inside out, even helps with the creaks and dry skin that comes with getting older. I hope that by this time you have found help for the dermatitis. My son is currently dealing with a pretty severe case of that and I am trying to find answers for him. Wish me luck..
Hello, just wanted to drop this off. I had Contact Dermatitis over 3 months last year, supposedly from powerwashing a house down and the remnants from using oxy clean baked on my arms and caused me great ail.
However, I saw the culprit pop up 3 days after being in a tanning bed that was not clean, I should have cleaned that bed myself. I went to the doctor's twice the first time and of course I used the steroids which only caused my sugar to rise and a yeast infection accompanied that. Then he said it was time for a dermatologist, I decided it was time for a cure, no more doctors for this nonsense.
Here is what I did, yes I tried the virgin coconut oil, it helps but very short lived to stop itching and hives. The derm covered my arms, portions of my back, hips stomach under breast, inner thighs and ankles I was miserable. Nothing could touch me, it made it worse and I mean nothing.
I was beside myself and decided to smother myself in Desitin maximum strength paste, the gooey stuff. I did this for two weeks straight day and night and it cured me, thats right, it dried up this crap and it disappeared. I hesitated using it because.. Well it stinks and it makes you white. I persisted even though I was miserable 4 to 5 days into using this stuff, after all I did not care I was going to keep using this stuff just because I could. Not really knowing the outcome but wow, it started to stop itching, then it slowly formed scales and then.. Yes and then, it was gone. Please be advised, smother yourself in this stuff, keep it up, it will work, screw the dermatologist, they will keep you coming forever. I made a choice I wasnt paying for a derm, I have diabetes and endo and regular doctor is enough to pay out, that alone is a killer. So no derm and the Desitin works, please be advised, it does work. Janet
Magnesium Chloride
Magnesium/ Calcium supplements! I had terrible dermatitus and a dermatologist suggested I switch to a fluoride free toothpaste. (I also tried just about everything listed on this site) I started doing my research and eliminating anything with fluoride from my diet. I was horrified to learn that it is EVERYWHERE! Not to mention most cities add it to their water systems. I then read somewhere that magnesium/ calcium supplements can keep fluoride from absorbing into your cells. I started taking a Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc supplement everyday and my dermatitus cleared up completely in a few days.
If I miss a day or two of taking the supplement I notice it start to flare up again. Do your research on fluoride, it may not be the cause for everyone, but it's worth a try!
Ingredients to Avoid
First off, metal fillings give off an electrical charge that affects your brain, and your body, simple physics. The story of the famous actor basically every time he tried to sleep he would instantly get a migraine, and doctor did not know why. He finally asked his fans and one suggested metal filling. His biological dentist said, that when he laid down to sleep it was like a "lightening bolt going through his head, " All the metal was removed and the migraines stopped.
Metals are reactive and porcelain is not, I consider the hygienist opinion invalid.
Zinc, Magnesium
As a dental hygienist, I had developed contact dermatitis from wearing gloves. Last spring I started taking Zinc 15mg & Magnesium 400mg daily. My hands are free of dermatitis!!!
Antiseptic Handwash
A friend in the cosmetics field said the redness in the lines some people have from the nose to the corners of the mouth can be caused by mites. She recommended alcohol. Not having any on hand at the time I used Germ-X handwash, not the intended use for it, BUT it worked to stop the irritation and get rid of the redness and bumps. I noticed that IF MY DOG LICKED MY FACE I WOULD GET THE IRRITATION AGAIN! now I NEVER let my dog lick my face, ever! I'm sure I have him to thank for the mites I think I get. So Germ-X when needed, CLEAN BED LINENS OFTEN, AND NO DOG SLEEPING ON THE BED!!
Wow, Violet..... wondering where you are getting your facts. Ever read what Hulda Clark says about pets and parasites? Are you aware that Demodex Mites cause mange in animals and get into your nose hair roots and are almost impossible to cure? A dog's tongue contains E-coli and is the greatest cause of human stomach ulcers. Ever watch what spot your dogs licks when his buddy comes up? Do you know why all dogs have to be wormed every so often? Ted and many others have posted all this on this site. Read more.
Antiseptic Handwash
Actually demodex mites are human mites that we give to our dogs. Your vet will not advise you correctly on this anyhow because they do not recognise that we are passing them back and forth with our dogs. I do have an old vetrenairian book from the 1950s that discusses demodex as a human ailment passed to dogs. If you are worried about mites, use D.E. powder.
It is not E coli that causes ulcers, rather it is H. pylori.
Multiple Supplements
Ok. After 20 years of dealing with dyshdriotic eczema, allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis... essentially every skin malady recognized under the sun... I think I can provide some help. While steroidal creams such as diflorasone diacetate provide relief, they do not cure or prevent. The problem is organic. Here is the cocktail that I have found keeps me quasi-remissive with the least amount of side-effects: 1200mg of Lecithin, 50mg of zinc, 400 I.U. of vitamin E and 500mg L-Lysine once daily after a meal. For some reason, the anti-hystaminic effects of loratadine are more effective for skin disorders than other common OTC anti-histamines. I suggest one 10 mg loratadine once to twice a week to give the skin a "calm-down" period. Works for me...and I cook for a living.
Dietary Changes
My sister had perioral dermatitis for at least 20 years. She went to a dermo and was told it was an allergy to avocado. She gave them up and still had problems. A while later an acquaintance told her if you are allergic to avocados, you are also allergic to bananas. She then gave those up and her skin has been clear since. Hope this helps!
Swimming in the Ocean
First I want to thank all people who post on this site. A community of people sharing remedies for healing outside of the Big Pharma profit paradigm is a beautiful thing.
I read so many interesting regimens for curing dermatitis but I was wondering why mine had come back in the first place. I have not had it at all for 9 months and all of a sudden it's back on my face.
After doing my detective work I have realized there is one factor which makes all the difference for me. 9 months ago I moved close to the ocean. The only time I have left my home area in those 9 months was to work in Puerto Rico for the summer (and I was in the ocean all the time there). Only now that am I away from the ocean (Toronto) has my dermatitis returned. I am a regular ocean man. I am in it every other day now that I live close by and now that I look back on it, since my reconnection to the sea water, I have not had ANY dandruff of facial Dermatitis. Until Now, having been away from the ocean the last 2.5 weeks I have a flare up again.
So, for anyone suffering from Dtitis who lives near the ocean, now's a good time to take up surfing.
All my best, Eion
I have tried dandruff shampoo and apple cider vinegar. After using each a couple times, the dermatitis would flake and seem to clear up with no more bumps present; however, it has returned both times after it had appeared to be gone.
Lily, how did it turn out for you?
Contact Dermatitis
I have an ongoing problem with contact dermatitis for a number of years now. When prescribed medicine doesn't work, the best remedy for relieving my eczema symptoms so far would be:
1. Use pH balanced products for washing.
i.e. shampoo, body wash, household cleaning agents and such.
- try organic soaps or castille soaps. these are made of chemical free, all natural ingredients.
2. Avoid using products with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which can cause skin irritation.
- check product contents on the label before you buy soaps, shampoos, detergents, etc.
3. Avoid washing the affected area too often.
- washing too often will cause your skin to lose its natural moisture. Dry skin will crack easily and can become sore and itchy. so, seriously reduce the frequency of washing your affected skin.
- I have tried using rubber and latex (surgical type) gloves, but it made my skin worse. It might had something to do with the layer of powder lined inside the gloves which irritates my skin.
4. Keep your skin moisturized at all times.
- I use pH5 Handcreme by Eucerin which contains enzymes that help to repair dry and damaged skin cells.
5. Higher amount of non-acidic Vitamin C.
- a daily intake of high strength 1000mg tabs of acid free vitamin C . Any brand is fine, as long as the base ingredient is CALCIUM ASCORBATE and not Ascorbic Acid.
- this has helped my skin to recover very quickly from cracks and flare ups before they could get any worse.
That's about it. Hope you'll find this information useful.
This has always been my standby for quick relief of contact dermatitis, especially those lttle bumps on the face: Using a mortar and pestle, grind plain old fashioned oats to a fine powder; Mix with enough very warm filterd water to form a paste and apply gently to damp skin that has been washed in a mild fragrance -free cleanser. (Apply after rinsing). Let dry for about a half an hour. Rinse with tepid then cool water and pat dry. Use a mild moisturizer only around eyes and lip balm. At bedtime, rinse with warm then cool water and apply light, fragrance-free moisturizer. Never use a facecloth and soap on face or dry with a towel that has had fabric softener added. Good luck.
Multiple Remedies
First I would like to thank everyone for sharing what has worked for them. This has been a nightmare! But I think I have found a routine that works for me and hopefully will work for you. Every morning I take probiotics and ACV capsules. (I tried drinking it but couldn't do it again) At night I take more of the same as well as green tea vitamins. I changed my shampoo to non sulfate. I also changed my toothpaste to non flouride and only drink bottled water. Before I go to bed I put organic plain yogurt on, and keep it on all night. This combinbation has worked well for me and I hope it works for you.
Multiple Remedies
It's me again... 7 or so months later and still no PD! Try the prosacea stuff! The active ingredient is sulfur.