Dental Extraction Pain Remedies

Oil Pulling
Posted by Janice (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/02/2013

I've had a few sensitive teeth before, but recently a back molar, cause was crappy dental work, four days now I've been doing oil pulling with Sunflower oil, it seems to work, because my dentist who helped me with another sensitive tooth won't do anything for this one. Maybe it's because the needle I got in that tooth is linked to my cataracts because the needle touched the eye nerve and I was twitching for 3 straight months, not sure, but the oil pulling works. One friend said using coconut oil every morning made her loose teeth sturdy! 4 days now and it doesn't hurt as much, but it's only 4 days, and that's good...... the Colgate Pro Sensitive when I put that on I screamed, a friend's dentist told her that would ruin the enamel, on the waiting list 6 months to see this special dentist!

Oil Pulling, use Sunflower or Coconut 1 Tbsp. swish throughout the mouth 1st thing in the morning, rinse with salt water after spitting it out, and then brush your teeth, that's it.
