To: Mr Ted.... I have a question
I had a root canal done in a right upper tooth when I was 15 years old. Everything was o.k. Until I was pregnant with my daughter about 9 years ago. The gum was infected (around the area of root canal) a large pus from root canal was hurting my mouth. I was put on antibiotics twice during my pregnancy. My oral surgeon drained the pus after I gave a birth to my daughter. That was 9 years ago.
I began to have pain in the same area this summer. Once more I saw my dentist and he told me that I needed to extract the tooth. To make a long story short, I found a dentist who would do a re-root canal. He did a re-root canal for me this October of 2011 and put a new crown. His comment was there would be no guarantee that this tooth would last long. I thought he was saying to me indirectly that I need to extract this tooth eventually. My gum area was again started hurting about 2-3 weeks ago, so I put clove oil and tea tree oil in where I was hurting. Fortunately all my pain is gone and I feel that this tooth will last long. Do you think these oil are getting rid of my infection? I understand we cannot wipe out infection from root canal completely.
I really want to keep all my teeth including the one I talked about. Is there any other recommendation to keep the tooth other than what I am doing right now? (using oil) Sincerely, Summer