Two Potent Remedies for Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)

Article Updates From Art
Posted by Connie (GA) on 12/09/2023

Hi Art and all,

I know it has been a few months and wanted to provide an update. While the Stop Pain did not have any effect on my back pain, I am happy to say my back is much better, I would say almost 100%. I started taking the Hyaluronic Acid 3x daily as discussed and also Dr Emils Multi Collagen Plus (Amazon) 3 caps per day in the morning. My pain is gone and I am currently working on strengthening my core prior to resuming full activity. That is going well also. Once I feel my core is stable and strong (probably another 30 days), I plan to stop the Hyaluronic Acid and continue with the Collagen as I like the benefits to my hair and nails. This will also be a test to see if there is any change in my back, hair or nails as it is possible the benefit to hair and nails is from Hyaluronic Acid. Thanks again to Art and everyone for posting their experiences. I also am planning to start my husband on the Hyaluronic Acid for his DDD. Fingers crossed!

Article Updates From Art
Posted by Art (California) on 01/16/2023 2226 posts

To update this thread (1/16/23), I just had a conversation with Steve regarding his successful use of the HA capsules and Stopain for Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) and he told me that he has not needed to even occasionally use the Stopain for over 3 months and the pain is gone! He is still taking the HA capsules but is considering taking a break to see if the pain starts to come back, but hasn't made up his mind yet because he is just very happy to be out of pain and doesn't really want to risk having pain even for a little while. I can't blame him!

Here is a link to the original two things he used successfully for DDD :

