Essential Natural Remedies and Home Treatment for a Concussion

Natural Healing Modalities for Concussion
Posted by Marysia (South Pasadena) on 05/24/2018

After two cement blocks fell on my head I became disoriented and very confused and it felt like my heart was also in shock from the trauma so I used a combination of essential oils like 2 drops of peppermint oil under the tongue along a supplement which has a proprietary blend of Black Cumin, Heart Harmony, Immune Harmony, Present Moment and Sore to Soar. Also immediately sprayed liquid Magnesium on the site of the injury which luckily was not an open would but a egg sized bump on the top of my head and also sprayed the Magnesium on my heart and neck.

I then rubbed Orange oil into my palms and took a big whiff of that to send it directly to the brain. Also took 1000 msg of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C which also has 1000 mg. Essential Phospholipids it in AM and again at night, plus Lipo-Spheric B Complex Plus which contains All the B Vitamins, Minerals and Cinnamon in AM and before bed.

Recovering well and keeping quiet with lots of sleep to allow for healing. Important not to be alone and to ask someone to keep an eye on you with this injury in case of further complications which thankfully I did not experience. In fact, I healed in record time with just a slight headache during the first two days. I thank God for these wonderful natural healing modalities!
