Cerebral Palsy
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cerebral Palsy

| Modified on Jan 16, 2025
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Essential Oils
Posted by The White Butterflly (Slc, Utah) on 07/19/2013

Hi Everyone,

I'm a 22 year old with Cerebral Palsy and I have seen a massive improvement in my health by using essential oils. Particularly peppermint and lavender. Peppermint can be used with grapeseed or other carrier oils like olive or almond oil to help fight pain and relax spastic muscles. The oils are very potent so you have to dilute them. I have been putting a combination of Frankincense, Lavender, Helicrysum, Cypress, ginger and grapeseed on my hands and feet which now have circulation in them for the first time ever. They used to be blue and freezing cold! And because of the circulation I can now wiggle them! Lavender also helps for sleep and relaxion and I use it frequently as a spray in my house with water as well as applying it topically. Please take this advice if you can! It has done wonders! And I cannot bear the thought of someone being in pain as I always was if I can help.

I also do a detox that is very simple and helps with pain. I mix it up in a bag. All it is, is 1 cup of baking soda, 1 cup sea salt and one cup Epsom Salt. You take a 1 cup measuring cup of that and put it into hot water and soak your feet in it. It pulls toxins and access lactic acid out of your system and relaxes you. You will most likely sleep. Wait for the water to cool completely and sit for about 45 minutes and you will be relaxed. It pulls toxins out of your body that have built up for years.

Please try it. I have taken myself off my muscle relaxers because of doing this. Please take it from someone who knows. My toes are moving for the first time ever!! :)

Astragalus Root
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/25/2017

Editor's Choice

I am reading portions of Stephen Buhner's book, "Herbal Antivirals" and came upon mention of a study about the use of astragalus root for children with cerebral palsy. I found the study he mentioned online.


In short, astragalus root injections were found to have a significant (positive) effect on behavior, motor skills, social skills and daily skills in children with cerebral palsy.

This study, I believe, took place in China. I don't know that astragalus root injections would be able to found in most places. But I do know that if I had a child with cerebral palsy, I would be using astragalus root in some way.

I have found it to be quite a wonderful herb to improve the immune system, especially in my children. But I think it must be doing more than that for children with cerebral palsy.

Stephen Buhner's dosing recommendation for adults with a chronic condition is 3 T. of astragalus root powder three times a day! It is used as a food in China and has been used for hundreds of years for health.

I have given 1/4 teaspoon a day to a 4 year old to prevent Lyme disease (and it seemed to prevent everything else as well - he had such a healthy season on that!) And I would feel comfortable giving a good bit more than that.

It can be added to soup, rice, oatmeal. It is mild tasting. Tincture is easy to dose as well, it can be added to water or juice and is quite palatable.

~Mama to Many~

Essential Oils
Posted by The White Butterfly (SLC, Utah) on 07/19/2013

Hi Everyone, I'm a 22 year old with Cerebral Palsy and I have seen a massive improvement in my health by using essential oils. Particularly peppermint and lavender. Peppermint can be used with grapeseed or other carrier oils like olive or almond oil to help fight pain and relax spastic muscles. The oils are very potent so you have to dilute them. I have been putting a combination of Frankincense, Lavender, Helicrysum, Cypress, ginger and grapeseed on my hands and feet which now have circulation in them for the first time ever. They used to be blue and freezing cold! And because of the circulation I can now wiggle them! Lavender also helps for sleep and relaxation and I use it frequently as a spray in my house with water as well as applying it topically. Please take this advice if you can! It has done wonders! And I cannot bear the thought of someone being in pain as I always was if I can help.

I also do a detox that is very simple and helps with pain. I mix it up in a bag. All it is, is 1 cup of baking soda, 1 cup sea salt and one cup Epsom Salt. You take a 1 cup measuring cup of that and put it into hot water and soak your feet in it. It pulls toxins and access lactic acid out of your system and relaxes you. You will most likely sleep. Wait for the water to cool completely and sit for about 45 minutes and you will be relaxed. It pulls toxins out of your body that have built up for years.

Please try it. I have taken myself off my muscle relaxers because of doing this. Please take it from someone who knows. My toes are moving for the first time ever!! :)

Essential Oils
Posted by Yvonne (Muskogee, Ok.) on 08/15/2015

Hello everyone:) I have been looking for home remedies' for my 9 year old grandson how suffers with the muscle stiffness of CP. He has a very rare disorder called Schezincephaly. I have been looking for this very thing. I am going to try these things in hopes that not only will it relax his spastic muscle's but get him off the Baclofen that he takes. Any more advice would be a true Blessing:) I am so very happy for you that you are no longer in pain. Thank you for being so kind in sharing this information :) I hope we can all keep in contact with each other.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Molly (British Columbia, Canada) on 01/16/2025

Hi all,

I just wanted to weigh in on Ted's remedies for Cerebral Palsy.

My son has spastic quadriplegia and is nearly 4 years old. We've been trying movement therapies such as DMI, whole body vibration, and alternative medical therapies such as HBAT/HBOT. We've seen great results, and yet I am totally floored by the immediate changes I observed in my son after just three days of beginning Ted's protocol.

We started with Magnesium L-Threonate. I give my son one capsule per day in a tonic formula he has been taking for over a year that includes vitamin c, zinc and b vitamins as well as a high quality pair of extractions of lion's mane mushroom.

The most immediate thing that I realized was that my son's immense thirst abated. He had always been very thirsty, which I had not realized could have been a sign of imbalance in his kidneys. Active, typical children are not as thirsty as my son. Now his thirst is less urgent.

The second thing I noticed was that his body was much floppier. He had started to achieve very good proximal (core) stability and distal stability through the movement therapy, and suddenly (within three days of taking the magnesium) even his physiotherapist was commenting on his fatigue. His ankles, which had always been fairly stiff, were so floppy that he was walking on the side and top of his foot. I was having trouble getting his shoes on, and they would come off twice as often. This was indicative of a very significant change in tone. Many children who rely on high tone will have to relearn how to move again after interventions like SDR/PERCS surgeries that decrease their spasticity. This happened to my son without surgery in a span of three days.

I am looking forward to introducing other ingredients from Ted's protocol, but I have questions. For one, is Magnesium Chloride (I assume from food-grade nigari) necessary to take alongside magnesium L-threonate? How does one determine if ammonia has been sufficiently reduced to begin DMSO, for example? Is there an obvious threshold on ammonia testing strips? And how does one handle the MAOI effects of methylene blue within this protocol (ACV contains tyramine). I'm also curious if methylene blue can affect iron levels since I periodically supplement my son with iron. Thanks so much.

EC: Ted's archive of supplements and remedies for CP can be read here: https://ted.earthclinic.com/cures/cerebral-palsy.html

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 07/29/2013

Bless your heart, Alina, your hands are full... Here are some ideas...

The more you can do to help his health, the more likely he is going to sleep well. I don't know if the combination of drugs could be affecting him. You could consider some alternatives for the drugs he is taking. I am not very familiar with CP, but I am confused about why he would need erythromycin for motility. Isn't that an antibiotic? Antibiotics can really mess with the gut and affect the body in many ways. I am wondering if there is an alternative for this treatment. There are natural antibiotics, like garlic, that you could use if that is necessary.

Blackstrap molasses might be a good alternative for the constipation. It might also help with sleep. 1 t. Morning and evening. My children will take it right off the spoon. There is a Dr. Christopher's product called Kid-E-Reg that is very helpful to keep a child from constipation. Both could be used together, until you get the right balance.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar may help with the reflux and be much safer than Zantac. 1 t. Of the vinegar and 1 t. Of honey in 6 oz. Of water twice a day. (He doesn't have to take it all at once. He can just sip on this until it is gone, even over a couple of hours.)

It is important for your child to have a diet free from caffeine, MSG, artificial sweeteners and food dye. All of these things can cause hyperactivity and affect sleep. You will have to get a list of MSG sources and hidden MSG sources (look on the internet.) Keeping sugar to a minimum is important, too. Most processed and pre-packaged foods are going to have stuff in them that is counter to his good sleep and health.

Near bedtime, an epsom salt bath can be helpful to relax and promote better sleep. 1/2 cup in the tub, and have him play in the tub for 20 minutes. This can also help constipation as the body is absorbing the magnesium.

If he has been on antibiotics he probably needs a pro-biotic to help his gut get restored to normal function. This may also help the constipation.

There is an essential herb blend that Heritage Essential Oils makes called, Peaceful, that has been used to help some special needs children with their sleep.

A mini-trampoline might help him use up his energy in a way that is not destructive (some hyper children are destructive... It is hard for them not to be. ) It is also good for his balance and lymph flow. If he isn't able to jump, he could start by bouncing.

This may be a lot of changes/information. I don't want to be overwhelming, but the solution is probably not simple. You could try some of these changes one at a time... Maybe add one thing a week. And keep studying diet and such on earth clinic.

Please keep us posted on how it is going and what you are trying. God bless you!
~Mama to Many~

Essential Oils
Posted by Mike (Phoenix, Az) on 10/09/2016

Anyone using CBD oil?

Essential Oils
Posted by Karen (Ma) on 10/31/2017

I have found Marjoram essential oil to be very helpful for spasms. That is Origanum marjorana. The maximum I would use in a ten ml roller bottle would be 20 drops for a 3 to 5 year and up.

Essential Oils
Posted by A.m. (Washington) on 11/16/2017

We attended the IAAHP therapy classes in Philadelphia. We saw many kids with cerebral palsy. They have a technique called "masking" that they use because they say these kids are chronically oxygen deprived. They recommend having the child rebreathe his co2 through a ventilated bag (quart size ziploc with a straw in the bottom for smaller kids) until he gets reflexive deep breathing for twenty seconds, or NO MORE THAN A MINUTE. All the blood vessels are open and the cells receptive for the oxygen that comes in when the mask goes off. Repeat 1 time every six minutes. We saw tight hands and arms relax with this technique. Also, these kids who could not move grew lung function as measured by a huge increase in chest size.

There is a Russian technique, Buteyko breathing, that I would look into for the same effect. We showed parents of a non-speaking child (who clearly was oxygen deprived) the masking technique, and after one mask, we asked him if he wanted another and he said "no". Both of us heard it but the parents were so convinced he was a non talker it went right by them.

Essential Oils
Posted by Debbie (Houston) on 06/24/2015 1 posts

How can I use it for my 4 years old child that is very stiff, I need to know how to help her to be smart in brain and to help her stiffness. Thanks.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ferreh (US) on 02/27/2021

Please help. I am trying to understand the remedy ted has provided but to no avail. My daughter Scarlett is 11 years old and is developing scoliosis bcz she is wheelchair bound, eats from a tube in the stomach and doesn't talk, I need help comprehending the regimen for CP, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/01/2013

Dear Alina, Your child is blessed to have a mother who is working so hard to help his health!

I will share a story about something I have done for my toddler that may be of use to you. My son is almost 2 and has had good health. He has a good diet but for many months he has had trouble with hard stools. I wouldn't say he was constipated, exactly, as he would have a bowel movement daily- as many as 5-6 a day, but what came out was like pebbles. However, he didn't seem to strain or anything. One night after his bath, when putting a diaper on him, it looked like he had had a BM. Then I realized it was a prolapsed rectum! It looked like a liver colored prune was hanging out of him. It was very alarming. I put his legs back together and tried to figure out what to do. When I went to check it again, it was back in on its own, thank the Lord. Anyway, I realized I needed to get his system working better. (From research, we found that this was what a doctor would do, and I would prefer to do it naturally if at all possible.) I put him on some herbs and got him eating prunes. The novelty of prunes has worn off, but he is still quite willing to take his herbal medicine. I give him 20 drops a day of Kid-E-Reg, a Dr. Christopher's Formula. He has not had any repeat prolapses. It has taken a few weeks, but his bowel movements are now only a couple of times a day and much softer. The herbs in that formula are meant to tone the digestive tract. (Slippery Elm, Licorice, Fennel, Anise.) Frankly, I was not too sure that such a small amount of an herb was going to help him, but it did seem to help. Perhaps this would help your child... You could try just a few drops a day (to make sure it didn't cause gas... It didn't for mine, but mine is not prone to that. ) and work up to the recommended dose on the bottle if he seemed to tolerate it well. It might take a few weeks to see if it was really helping.

Praying you find a solution to help him!

~Mama to Many~

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Ashna (Fiji) on 02/22/2018

Hi....please ask your paediatrician about Modafinil....it will help with your child's sleep disorder and will also help in muscle spasticity in CP...thanks

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Kami (Ga) on 06/19/2020 1 posts


My son has CP as well and trust me I can relate to you. The only thing that keep my little 4 year old moving is magnesium. I give him Calm magnesium gummies. He takes 3-4 gummies per day. Two in the am and 2 in the evening. You can also try magnesium hydrochloride in water as well. If your child begin to have the laxative affect reduce the amount to get the desire dosage. I pray this helps.

Essential Oils
Posted by Regina P. (Kentucky) on 09/05/2016

Hi, I have been using essential oils on a three year old with schizencephaly for around a year and a half now. You probably want to make this a massage ritual with the stretches incorporated. It takes time, but it is worth it. Over time I have experimented with various blends of oils, I find this one the most effective: cedarwood, marjoram, lavender, and helichrysum. [I am allergic to frank. so I never tried it.]. Helichrysum is rather expensive! I get my oils from Hopewell though and their price is not bad. The carrier oil I use is 1/3 St John's Wort infused oil and then whatever else I have on hand (grapeseed, almond, avocado, etc.) I also have a different oil blend I use at times in conjunction with this one on the core: black pepper & wild orange to help build muscle strength. During the day we do stretches too and I use the oils then if they are on hand, massage first and then stretch. Massage "primes" the area to stretch so it causes less discomfort. I would also argue that a massage technique is essential to applying essential oils to CP children/adults. There are videos on youtube about how to message children. One of that is actually a CP kid. I think Zachary is his name. You can search on youtube for Zachary massage and it should come up. It was very helpful for me when I was starting out.

That being said, it was not until she was put on Baclofen (the slow taper started in Feb and we are still not at the dosage prescribed for her) that the massage therapy with EO had a staying power I could build on from day to day. Before the medication, she would tighten up pretty quick after the massage and so everyday was maintenance to keep what was there. It worked insofar as her hips did not dislocate and she was getting stretched out at least for a time, but really keeping the muscles loose for later massages on a deeper level was not possible. I fought hard to keep her from needing the drug; I regret taking so long to at least try it. M's spasticity is just too pronounced. Hope this helps!

Reader Feedback
Posted by Lidia (Dallas, Texas) on 05/20/2011

cerebral Palsy info.

Hearing how this young man's health with C.P was becoming worse each day. I started to seek info, how I could help. I came across a man named Mike Tawse and his long struggle with C.P. After reading his life history www.Serrapeptase.info I immediately printed all info and send to neal who in the hospital. He read it and become more interested when a doctor in the hospital asked him if he had ever heard of serrapeptase? As soon upon his released, he orderd serra Enzyme 80,000 units. He takes 2 capsules 3 time a day. With in a week he could sit straight in his wheel chair, his lungs function is great, he is no longer trying to keep warm, his hands and fingers no long in a tight fist, no longer constipated. Medical check up: blood pressure, cholesteral, heart rate, functions normal, from high. Also his strength, nerves, muscles are being restored. He now can take physical therapy with hurting.. He is thrill able to help himself in many ways. it is really a miracle.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Rietha (South Africa) on 06/29/2014

The best products to use is:

1.....Cannabis oil high CBD

2....DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide

This works for Autism, Fits- MS, Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, Cures Cancer and plenty more.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alfred (Ransit, Thailand) on 04/09/2009

my neigbor has 5 year old son with cerebal palsey.. four months ago he could not hold his head up or stand..now he can almost stand by himself, and hold his head up.. he seems to be getting stronger as he gets older..I suggested ACV. I feel that cures everything.. Do you have any more solid cures. Stay well my friends

Alfred Baron

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 07/18/2017

Dear Dare,

If your child has not seen a doctor regarding this issue, please get him in to a doctor as soon as possible so you will know what the cause is. There are a number of medical issues that could be causing this.

A physical therapist may be able to help you to help him at home.

~Mama to Many~

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 07/28/2013

Hello Alina. Two things come to mind. I heard of a child that only could keep down and live on the food of young coconut. It is a perfect food.

About sleeplessnes, an age old Ayurvedic practice advises to rub sesame oil into the soles of the feet and this will bring sleep and benefit to all body organs. What about a drop of sesame oil into his ears? Also general body massage with the same oil, or coconut oil in the summer time. Coconut is a cooling oil. This will relax him and be beneficial. Hope this helps. Love, Om

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 07/30/2013

Dear Alina, Wow, what a challenge to feed your child! Slippery Elm Powder and comfrey root powder could be mixed in to yogurt to help heal the gut. You could mix the 2 together and add 1/2 t. to his yogurt 3 times a day.

Charcoal is very helpful for gas. You can mix 1/4 t. Into food. You just wouldn't want to give it to him within 2 hours of medication as it would inactivate the medication. There is also something called "Gripe Water" that people use for babies with colic/gas problems.

Keep us posted! God bless you!
~Mama to Many~

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/19/2020

information because if I didn't share you might never know, Mark Hemans, who had stage four cancer, does a children's zoom church for healing . I watched a child in his teens who had never spoke a word begin to speak and use sentences on the program, and they are having a lot of testimonies...it's free, I just started following him in april I watch his sermons on youtube too, to get my creative healing to manifest. He has a lot of understanding and only goes where the Father leads him. Encounter ministries

Essential Oils
Posted by Luann (Michigan) on 04/06/2016

Hi, Our son has this diagnosis as well. I am looking for a good "recipe" for the oil combinations for our son. His hands and elbow joints are tight and have contractions. I am losing the battle with just stretching.

Essential Oils
Posted by Carla (Jasper Al 35501) on 09/09/2016

My 12 year old grandson has cp and is in a wheelchair ...he was on a walker but his spastic movements got so bad he was unable to use the walker without falling....do you know of any oils that could relax these involuntary movements.....thank you

Essential Oils
Posted by Miranda (Ny) on 05/10/2017

My boyfriend has cp and I'm am new to essential oils. What is something can do to try and help him? Not sure what I should try first to know what works for him?

Essential Oils
Posted by Sheri (Alabama) on 05/18/2017

My daughter is 15 and her feet have the same as you are describing. I would like to try the oils also. Can I please get an amount of each one that you used? Thank you.

Essential Oils
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 09/18/2017 2042 posts

Siti: Rosemary and Lavender are recommended for overall health of body & mind, but if you can afford to buy a complete collection of Essential Oils you can use any number in time and appropriate conditions.

Essential Oils
Posted by Shelly (Ny) on 09/30/2016

Hi, I am a 32 year old with cp.I have been taking Epsom salt baths with lavender as well. I also been playing around with essential oils cypress, rosemary and myrhh. Using it on my left leg as I have unilateral spasmodic sp. I wrap it in plastic wrap so that my leg will feel supported. Thank you for your post as it confirms my journey as well. Blessings

Posted by Z (Canton, Ga) on 12/08/2012

I bought a pair of 12,000 guass magnets, I'm using them on my brain and spine to help remove the virus's that cause my cerebral palsy. I am hoping it has the same effect of the rife machines and things similar that cost hundreds of dollars.

I been placing the magnets on my neck near the cerebellum & upper spine for about an hour or so for the past two day.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Bobby (Here) on 01/13/2015

The cannibis oil is ingested. But very very little. About the size of a grain of rice will knock you out (put you to sleep). The oil is very potent

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dick (Wilmington, De) on 09/14/2010

Can ACV relieve the spasticity of Cerebral Palsy? Thank you

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Veronika (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 08/05/2018

Hello, I have a child with CP and I want to apply Dr. Ted's therapy. Can anyone specify the dose of Magnesium Chloride? They are given 2-3 drops three times a day. But I did not know how to make the pore -70% Magnesium Chloride and 30% distilled water. Can you tell me how many teaspoons of magnesium chloride in how much water is dissolving? Thank you in advance.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Leslie (Aberdeen) on 08/13/2018 1 posts


Have just been going through some of Ted's remedies for Cerebral palsy and I would need help for my son who is 3 years old and he's diagnosed with low tone muscles and cerebral palsy. He not walking by himself yet and also not talking, he's always dragging is feet while trying to walk and always picks things from the floor into his mouth. He also started screaming a lot now.

He started having seizure in Dec. last year and he had another 4 this year. Please I need help. Thank you

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Florida (Clinton Twp,mi) on 02/19/2014

Hi, my name is Florida, I have a 4 yr old daughter, Scarlett, she has been diagnosed with CP, Centrak Adrenal Insufficiency, low functioning Thyroid. I have looked over Teds' Remedies for CP, I would like to try them, but they are a bit confusing, PLZZZ , if possible, could someone simplify the dosages. How much for a 4 yr old child is supposed to be given, where to purchase the required things and what brands are the best. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Florida J (Michigan) on 03/18/2016

HI, my daughter is now 6 yrs old, anyone plzz, can u clarify the dosages for TED'S remedy PLZZ, THANK U

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Alina (Los Angeles) on 07/28/2013

I have 6 years old triplets. One of them has a mild Cerebral Palsy. They were born at almost 34 weeks via Caesarian cacti on. He was not intubated, but he did have patent ductus arteriosus that went undiagnosed. He had open heart surgery at age 7 months because of heart failure. He lost his hearing some time after surgery, I think due to vancomycin that was given twice. He had cochlear implant surgeries 6 months apart last year.

He cruises on tiptoes, is spastic, delayed. He is on milk of magnesia 17 ml for constipation, on low dose erythromycin for motility and Zantac for reflux. I also give him Melatonin 3 mg every night for sleep. Until last year all he eat was Nutren jr (1 cal/ml with 50%whey protein to promote gastric emptying) he is on mashed foods now.

He doesn't sleep well. Wakes up anywhere from 1. 30 am to 3. 30 am and will stay up the rest of the day with maybe 20 min nap. When he is up, he is very hyper.

Any advice would be appreciated. Specially for sleeping.


Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Alina (Los Angeles) on 07/30/2013

Thank you for replies.

Om, he is allergic to sesamy oil, he broke up in hives when I gave him few drops to try.

Mama to Many, thank you! I'll try Epsom salt. I'm winning him off Zantac, as far as low dose of erythromycin: side effect of it is increased gastric motility. When he is not on it, even with milk of magnesia, he will not eat or have BM.

I'm being very careful with all the foods, I never know if hell have gas or not, e.g., I gave him 3 pea to try, he did like it, but was up all night with colics.

I tried omega 3-6-9 in liquid form, he wouldn't have it, if I force it down, he just throws up.

I will try Epsom salt in his bath. I do give long bath, but never tried Epsom salt.

I need something that I could mix with flavored yogurt in a teaspoon, so he doesn't taste much difference. That's how I give melatonin, even than he makes faces...

Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Alina (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/31/2013

Mama to many, I tried charcoal and gripe water, never helped him. I did do Epsom salt bath yesterday, he didn't wake up. I'll try it daily and will let you know. Molasses, karo syrup, you name it! Did it, no results. I think, the issue is in spasticity of his intestines as well, that's why motility agents work. I tried acupuncture, he ended up with violent vomiting every time, to the point of gong to emergency room. Trying craniosacral therapy. Learned first stage myself, trying to do it on him until I go to second stage.

Thanks for all the suggestions


Remedies for Sleeping Issues
Posted by Jessica (Wisconsin) on 11/28/2013

Alina, My son has cerebral palsy and we've been down some of the same roads. It was very long and still kind of never ending. I would like to share with you some idea's and things that have helped my son immensely. Its thanksgiving and I ran accross your post. So I dont have time for a lengthy reply.. Please e-mail me though [email protected] . Jessica

Essential Oils
Posted by Kasy (Hot Sulphur Springs, Co) on 11/09/2015

For the tight muscle mix you mentioned with frankincense, what is the measure of drops for each oil? I'm guessing you're using a 5ml bottle and filling to the top with your carrier oil after the EOs are put in?

Essential Oils
Posted by Helper (Earth) on 02/25/2016

Take enemas of acv. Also take baking soda daily. Also soak in epsom salt, b soda (2 lbs of each) plus borax (1 big cup)

Essential Oils
Posted by Emily (Johnson) on 05/24/2016

Luann, I am just wondering if you started using essential oils with your son and what oils you used. I have someone with CP and is interested in trying essential oils but I need to be honest and say that I am not real familiar with CP and which oils to use. Any help or suggestions would be really appreciated.

Essential Oils
Posted by Leah (Isiolo, Kenya) on 06/18/2017

I am a missionary working in Kenya. We are opening today a clinic for disabled children. We had a PT come out and train our women on performing PT with the kids. But I would also like to use essential oils on them. Can you give me any other advice on what oils to start with. Most of our kids are under 6 so I am reticent to use Peppermint. Thanks for any help you can give.

Essential Oils
Posted by Siti (Malaysia) on 09/17/2017

I have quadripleglia cerebral palsy. Age thirty four. Any essential oils suitable for me?

Essential Oils
Posted by Villa Kabugo (Uganda, East Africa) on 01/12/2018

Very happy to join this educative site.

Essential Oils
Posted by Z (South Atlanta, GA) on 07/28/2013

Thanks for the tip, I've used Essential oils of Thyme or Cinnamon or Clove with carrier oils and rubbed into my upper spine (back of my neck) a few times. I don't usually deal with pain but I did have a pinched nerver over a month ago. I do deal with spasticity in my muscles though.

Essential Oils
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/24/2015

Dear Debbie,

I would start with the following oil mix:

1/4 cup almond oil or coconut oil

2 drops each of lavender, peppermint and frankincense essential oils.

Test on a small area of the body a few times before trying it on a large area. If it seems too strong, add more almond oil.

Massage into stiff areas twice a day or as desired.

The mix of baking soda, sea salt and epsom salt can be used in the bathtub instead of a foot soak, if your daughter is not likely to sit still for 30-45 minutes to soak the feet. (My four year old would have a hard time sitting still that long! ) This could be done 3 nights a week or even every night if desired.

Regarding helping her brain, here is something I wrote about Maximizing Brain Development in Toddlers, but the ideas can be used for older children as well.

~Mama to Many~

Essential Oils
Posted by Carla (Seattle) on 07/04/2015

Hi White Butterfly. I am very grateful for the information you have so graciously passed along here. My son is 30 years old, and I am going to try your suggestions! Thank you very much for writing. Your personal experience speaks volumes! Best, Carla

Essential Oils
Posted by Vs (Tustin Ca) on 07/27/2015

Do you use peppermint and lavender on hands and feet or just peppermint? Also how many drops?

Essential Oils
Posted by Mike (Phoenix) on 10/08/2016

If people only knew. CP is crippling, it's thoroughly disabling, it's probably the most frustrating and saddest condition a child could be in. It's heart breaking. Turn the tv off and read a book? We are too busy trying to get her enough nutrition, getting her to eliminate her bladder to avoid the once a month UTI, thinking about her next surgery of many before and those to come. Getting her to her next therapy or constant doctor visits. Praying for a relief to her pain.

Essential Oils
Posted by Mauro (Melbourne, Victoria) on 11/15/2017

Hi there, I have a 4 year old daughter with cerebral palsy who constantly suffers from cold feet. What was the ratio of oils that you used that helped you please? How often were you applying them to your hands and feet a day please? Kind regards.

Posted by Terry (St.Michaels, Md) on 03/07/2016

Have a 9 yr old and am very interested in learning more about how you use the magnets also where you can get them. Thank you, Terry

General Feedback
Posted by Jay Mac (Gilbert, Az) on 05/31/2012

I have a brother who is 56 and has spastic CP. I am worried about people trying all these different remedies that are being proposed. What does arginine do to a person over time? Lysine? My friend's father took the wrong kind of Vit B pill and died due to kidney problems from the Vit B.

Some people with spastic CP can have a patch put on that loosens them up. You have to be tested and it works on some people, not others. It didn't work for my brother, but it did his girlfriend.

If you or your child is young and in a wheelchair, I strongly urge you to keep them active. Move their legs and arms, make sure their chair keeps them upright.

My brother sat too long and he has severe scoloisis, his spine is twisted from slumping in his chair, keep the back straight. Some type of physicial therapy is important to keep their muscles alive.

I will see if I can find the name of the medicine in the patch.

Also, don't underestimate what your child can do. Computers are wonderful for them. My brother types with one finger and does emails, and cruises the Internet all the time.

My best to all of you.

General Feedback
Posted by Paul (Canton, Ga) on 04/10/2012

I plan on using Methylene Blue 0.01 % soon I'm about 6 weeks into the Cerebral palsy regimine. I'm taking Thiosulfate, sunflower lecithin, & wheat Germ oil, Lysine, Theronine, DMG & Niacinamide daily. How would this benefit me at this point?

General Feedback
Posted by Aga (Springtown, Pa/us) on 04/28/2012

Hey! Watch out for the die-off effect, don't over do it, slowly introduce every product. I rushed and suffer terribly, good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Richard (Wilmington, De) on 11/21/2011

Can severe and many-years prolonged dehydration greatly increase the spasticity of Cerebral Palsy? Thanks immensely.

General Feedback
Posted by White-butterfly (Salt Lake ) on 07/06/2015

Yes, everytime I am dehydrated my symptoms are worse.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Jermaine Cole (Atlanta, Ga) on 04/10/2011

About 3 weeks ago a started a regimen to remedy my Ceberal Palsy spastic deplegia, I started taking around 1000 mg of Arginine 2x a day, choline with carnitine 1/2 teaspoon of both 2 to 3 times a day, Ascoribic Acid & Niacinamide 1000 2x a day, about 12 g of Chlorella powder in the day and a tablespoon baking soda at night with potassium Chloride & magnesium citrate to alkanize my body.

I read Ted remedies on CP and other neurological conditions and it seems he recommends Lysine & Threonine highly, so I purchased L-Lysine & L-Threonine, as well as Glycine & MSM. This Weekend I started taking lysine & threonine together 1000 mg at every hour like he recomended.

I havent see much of a difference yet except for increase energy which comes from the 600mg of taurine I've been taking. I'm looking for I increase in my motor skills, decrease in spasticity, greater control of my muscles in my lower extremities.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Stephen (Gonzales, La) on 06/10/2013

I saw that this post is a few years old now. I have begun my journey of trying to find the right combination of natural elements to take so that I can start eleverating the constant pain that I feel as a result of my Spastic CP. I do not use a walker or cane yet but am getting to the point where I may have to breakdown and invest in them. Before I do this, I want to attempt to exhaust ever option out there. If you recieve this response, could you tell me what HAS worked for thus far??

Reader Feedback
Posted by Muffy100 (Covington, GA) on 08/19/2014

How do you use the oil for cerebral palsy, apply it or ingest it?

Thanks, Carla

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dare A. (Abuja - Nigeria) on 07/18/2017

My 6 months old baby has poor neck and head control, somebody mentioned ACV could help. Please what is the meaning of ACV

EC: Hi Dare,

ACV is the acronym for Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laxmi (India) on 03/22/2022

ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar
