Natural Cures for Carpal Tunnel

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Claire (London, UK) on 02/24/2007

This is g8 stuff.I had a big problem with carpal syndrome some nights I could not sleep cause of the pain. Searched on the internet for any ideas came across this site and read reviews. Next day brought some BSM (Black Strap Molasses). Took a tablespoon before i ate every morning and another before i slept. After a few days the pain in my arm was not so severe. Within a month the pain disappeared.Also, my husband noticed that i had lost weight. Maybe this was due to taking bsm (black strap molasses) . i continued to take it and in 6 months I have lost 3 stone. I think the bsm stopped my craving for sugar and also i didn't feel hungry. So overall, a wonderful medicine with loads of vitamins and minerals. recommend it to anyone.feel g8, hair is shiny. nails strong and skin glowing. This would be g8 for someone who is pregnant as it has calcium and iron in it.
