Since there is now a new header for CTS, thought I'd add my .02 cents, since looking for CTS cures is how I found this website so long ago. The number one thing that I think really helped, was quitting Aspartame. I was drinking 3-4 diet cokes, plus equal in my coffee. Bad. I also added Black Strap Molasses to my coffee in the morning and I take ACV daily (twice a day). I believe the combination of these three things has cured my Carpal Tunnel. Prior to these changes I was waking up in the middle of the night in agony with "dead arm"/hand. Every once in a while, if I paint or do active things with my hand it will flair up, but flair up now means tingles that I can shake out, as opposed to agonizing hand/arm pain. SO, quit the Aspartame and get some BSM and ACV in your diet and see for yourself.